A strong back is important for an athlete to handle heavy weights and avoid injury. Learn about explosive back exercises in bodybuilding. It is important for every athlete to have a strong back. This can be achieved by including at least one explosive exercise in your training program, but the more there are, the faster you can achieve the desired result. The current trend in bodybuilding is to do a lot of static exercises like deadlifts. Today we are going to talk about how to use explosive exercises for powerful backs in bodybuilding.
The main reason why many athletes and professionals refuse to use explosive movements is their complexity. In addition, many consider them to be more traumatic in comparison with static movements. At the same time, they forget that the explosive movement does not load the muscles as much as the slow ones, and the variety of loads is an excellent stimulus for the growth of muscle tissue.
It should also be noted that explosive exercises have a special effect on the central nervous system, which actually makes their technique more complex. The nervous system also needs to train, and this is a rather lengthy process. Very often you can hear the opinion that it is impossible to master the technique of explosive exercises alone, but this is completely wrong. Of course, this will take more time, but it is quite doable if you wish. There is also one more positive point for those who train on their own at home - the exercises can be performed in a small room and the help of a friend is not required.
Another misconception associated with explosive exercises is that their technique may not be perfect, but they will still be effective. They will increase your strength levels as long as the joints are not irritated and the technique can be considered normal. The better the technique, the more performance will be obtained when doing explosive back power exercises in bodybuilding.
Lifting the barbell to the chest and the technique of performing the exercise

One of the best explosive movements is considered to be lifting the barbell to the chest. Athletes who quickly master the technique of all movements will quickly get results by improving all their athletic skills. It is equally important that this movement involves a large number of muscles in the work - legs, back, shoulder girdle. This is very important for every athlete. All you need to do the chest lift is a bar, discs, and a small room. When it comes to bar selection, weightlifting is ideal, although this is not so important. The set of discs can be any, but for training at home it is best to use rubber discs. When doing this exercise, remember the following:
- Most athletes can safely begin to perform the exercise with a working weight of 40 kilograms, but if you are not the only one to train at seven, then it may make sense to purchase lighter discs.
- Before performing the movement, your feet should be shoulder-width apart and your feet pointed forward. This is the starting position. You can use any grip you feel comfortable with. The same is the case with the grip width. You will probably need to do a few trial movements to determine the best hand placement on the bar.
- It should be remembered that with a very wide grip, the load on the shoulder and elbow joints will significantly increase, and with a very narrow grip, it will be quite difficult to throw a sports equipment onto the shoulders.
- The back should be flat throughout the entire exercise. This can be achieved by bringing the shoulder blades together and holding them in that position. Start lowering your pelvis and make sure that the bar is located as close to your shins as possible, and even better when it touches them. Before starting the movement, your head should be pointing forward.
- Do not try to immediately jerk the projectile upwards. This is the most common mistake among beginner athletes. The bar should move smoothly to maintain the starting position in the first phase of the movement. The arms should be straight, but the projectile should not go too far forward.
- When the sports equipment passes the knee joints, you should start thinking about explosive movement. Push your hips forward and contract the traps at the same time. When these two movements are performed in concert, the projectile will quickly land in the navel area. At this point, you should bend your arms at the elbow joints, connecting the muscles of the shoulder girdle to work. Together with the calf muscles, they will give the projectile the necessary impulse for the final movement.
- At this point, you should rise on your toes, the body is straightened, and the bar is under the ribs. In this case, the elbow joints should be directed forward and outward. This is a very important point when doing exercises. If the elbow joints point backward, then you will not be able to perform the jogging movement and will have to use only momentum.
- The last phase of the movement is throwing the projectile onto the chest. It should be performed as correctly as possible from a technical point of view. Thanks to the work of the arms and calves, the bar receives the necessary acceleration and rises up. At this time, you should have time to get your elbow joints under the sports equipment and throw it on the deltas. Of course, for this, your shoulder girdle must have some flexibility.
- It is likely that it will take some time to develop the elbow joints and wrists to give them the flexibility they require. Most often, athletes do not have problems with the lifting of the barbell to the chest, if before that he has not performed a large number of presses.
- When performing the movement at the final stage, make sure that the projectile does not fall on the collarbone. If you do this often, you can injure them. Bend your knee joints slightly before starting to lift up to absorb the blow a little.
If you want your body to develop harmoniously, then be sure to include explosive exercises for a powerful back in bodybuilding in your training program. Let it be at least lifting the barbell to the chest.
You can visually familiarize yourself with the technique of lifting the barbell to the chest in this video: