5 mistakes of natural bodybuilding

5 mistakes of natural bodybuilding
5 mistakes of natural bodybuilding

Athletes train for a long time, but only a few achieve high results. The point is in elementary mistakes. Learn about the 5 main mistakes of natural bodybuilding. Many natural athletes work hard in the gym, but only a few can achieve high results. The main reason for this lies in the presence of a huge number of nuances that athletes often do not pay attention to. Today you will learn about 5 natural bodybuilding mistakes that are more common than others.

Mistake # 1: Neglecting the Three Major Basic Exercises

Deadlift scheme
Deadlift scheme

The main gains in muscle mass can be obtained mainly from three basic exercises: deadlift, bench press and squats. It is not for nothing that they are often called the "golden three" among athletes. But quite often athletes neglect these effective exercises.

At the same time, athletes most often argue for their refusal by the fact that the size of the thighs changes greatly from squats and deadlifts, not for the better. Quite a strange opinion and it is not entirely clear what can "spread". These are certainly not joints. If you mean muscles, then this is very strange. By paying enough attention to all muscle groups, you will thus achieve a harmonious development of the body. You can definitely say that nothing like this will happen to you.

Anyone who has a negative attitude towards the "golden three" should simply read interviews with famous athletes who have achieved a lot in their careers.

Mistake # 2: Not being able (not wanting) to "hear" your own body

Athlete training with a barbell
Athlete training with a barbell

Unfortunately, the ability to "listen" to one's own body is not given to everyone. Most likely, it is for this reason that a lot of novice athletes, gifted by nature with excellent genetics, cannot achieve great results. Meanwhile, it is very important to learn this.

For example, you can hear from some athletes that they do not feel the muscles that they train. But this is the signal that the body sends them. This means that during training, they simply do not isolate the muscles enough, which prevents them from growing.

Pain can also be a signal. Now we are not talking about the burning sensation that occurs in the muscles. This is quite normal and is caused by the synthesis of lactic acid in muscle tissues under the influence of stress. But the sharp pains that can occur both during training and after its completion, speak volumes. Similar pain sensations do not occur in muscle tissues, but in joints. This suggests that the athlete gave too much load, for which the ligaments and joints were not ready. If this signal is neglected, injury could result.

It should also be noted that the least protected areas on the human body are the back and abdomen. If you feel alarming signals in these areas, then you should pay special attention to them.

A very good way to learn body language is a special journal in which you should record all your feelings. In the future, you will be able to do without it. But at first, it can bring a lot of benefits.

Mistake # 3: Not using protein supplements

Protein Supplement for Athletes
Protein Supplement for Athletes

A lot has already been written and said about the need to follow the correct training program. However, not all athletes neglect protein supplements. Today, there are a large number of similar products on the sports pharmacology market, which has led to a significant reduction in the cost of protein supplements.

Almost all people who have the slightest relation to sports know about the need to use protein compounds to accelerate the growth of muscle tissue. If you look at the diet of famous bodybuilders, then most of them consume up to 30 egg whites daily. However, their nutritional program consists of more than ten meals of high protein foods.

Of course, you can overdo it here as well, since excess proteins cannot be absorbed by the body. For athletes, it is enough to take 2 to 3.5 grams of protein compounds daily for each kilogram of body weight. This will be enough for the development of your muscles. With an excessive amount of proteins, the normal functioning of some organs, primarily the kidneys, can be disrupted.

Mistake # 4: Great Trust in Steroids

Steroids in the form of injections and capsules
Steroids in the form of injections and capsules

Many "natural" athletes believe that their lack of progress is due to the rejection of steroids. This is a huge misconception. You just have to work well on your own body and the result will definitely come. Knowledge is the main weapon of "straight people". Keep a journal to analyze your training process and make adjustments if necessary.

Certainly, such results, which show athletes, using steroids "naturals" will not be able to repeat. But they will remain healthy and have nothing to worry about in the future.

Mistake # 5: Being overtrained

Athlete resting after training
Athlete resting after training

Athletes should remember that after training, not only muscle tissue should be restored, but all other body systems as well. The same central nervous system experiences great stress during intense exercise and its resources are depleted.

If you don't give your body enough time to recover, it will eventually develop into a state of overtraining. As an example, we can take the most famous hormones for athletes - testosterone and cortisol. At rest, they are in balance. With physical exertion, their levels rise rapidly. It cannot be changed. But one should strive to ensure that this increase is proportional. Otherwise, it will be difficult for the body to recover.

Under the influence of constant stress and without adequate time for recovery, the resources of all body systems are quickly depleted. For this reason, not only will you not see progress, but in the worst case, you will have to skip a couple of sessions to give the body additional time to recover. Among the symptoms of a state of overtraining, it should be noted: rapid heart rate, decreased training efficiency, insomnia, etc.

For the main mistakes of natural bodybuilding, see this video:
