11 nutritional mistakes in bodybuilding

11 nutritional mistakes in bodybuilding
11 nutritional mistakes in bodybuilding

To gain muscle mass and increase strength indicators, you need to properly build a diet. How to eat and what dietary secrets are hidden by bodybuilders. Beginner athletes often have similar mistakes when drawing up a nutrition program. This is largely due to the abundance of information, which is often contradictory. Find out how the 11 bodybuilding nutritional mistakes are the most common.

Mistake # 1: Fat mass is proportional to the amount of fat consumed

Sports food on a plate
Sports food on a plate

We can say with confidence that you will begin to gain fat mass when the number of calories expended is less than consumed. It is also possible even if these indicators are equal and it is not a matter of fats.

Carbohydrates and protein compounds are used by the body only in the amount necessary for it. Any excess of these nutrients will be converted to subcutaneous fat. Carbohydrates are more needed by bodybuilders before and after training. Many athletes consume the same potatoes or flour products in limited quantities.

At the same time, they load their bodies with protein supplements without hesitation. Everyone knows that it is protein compounds that are the basis of muscle tissue, however, like all others. Not many people know that the body can process only about 40 grams of protein compounds at a time.

It is impossible to increase this indicator, and no drugs will help you here, even anabolic steroids. The excess protein will simply be converted into fat. The fats themselves, contained in food, are necessary for the body in certain quantities. It is impossible to completely abandon this nutrient. Make sure your diet contains 15 to 20 percent fat. This is the first and very popular of the 11 nutritional mistakes in bodybuilding.

Mistake # 2: Fats are dangerous to the athlete

An athlete holding an apple
An athlete holding an apple

This statement is not entirely true. Only some types of fats are harmful to the body, while others are necessary for it. Let's say vegetable oil contains essential fatty acids that are required for the normal functioning of the body. They cannot be synthesized and only come from outside. It should be said that it is these substances that are used by the body to produce all anabolic hormones.

Also, with an insufficient concentration of essential fatty acids, fat metabolism will be disrupted and this will slow down lipolysis. It should be remembered that many fats are simply necessary for health, and cannot be excluded from the nutrition program.

Mistake # 3: Carbohydrates are Needed to Gain Muscle Mass

Bodybuilder holds a basket of fruits and vegetables
Bodybuilder holds a basket of fruits and vegetables

Muscle grows thanks to protein compounds, and carbohydrates are used by the body for energy. Without this nutrient, you will not be able to exercise intensively, which will certainly slow down the growth of muscle mass. During the day, you need to consume about 5 grams of carbohydrates for each kilogram of body weight. This is enough for the body not to be deficient in carbohydrates.

Mistake # 4: Lovers don't need protein blends

Bodybuilder Eats After Workout
Bodybuilder Eats After Workout

So many athletes who visit the gym just to pump up their muscles think so. At first glance, it may seem that this is so, but upon closer examination of the issue, it becomes clear that this is not so. Among the 11 nutritional mistakes in bodybuilding described today, this one is the most popular among amateurs.

Even if you want to be the owner of a mountain of muscles, they must increase in volume, which is completely impossible if you consume less than two grams of protein compounds per kilogram of body weight per day. Protein compounds are used by the body not only for the synthesis of new muscle tissue, but also for a large number of other purposes. For example, they are involved in the production of blood and hormones. No matter how you exercise, you must consume at least the above amount of the nutrient.

Mistake # 5: Three meals a day is enough

The athlete pours milk into a glass
The athlete pours milk into a glass

This is a completely wrong opinion, since with high physical activity, the consumption of nutrients increases significantly. It is physically impossible to provide the body with all the substances necessary for its work with three meals a day. Even if you assume that you can consume that much food in three times, you should remember that the body processes small portions faster.

If a lot of food was eaten at a time, then the body simply cannot immediately synthesize the required amount of digestive enzymes. This will cause some of the food to remain in the intestines. This is very bad, since toxins will begin to enter the body, poisoning it. Also, keep in mind that untreated nutrients are converted to body fat. Eat small amounts of food at least five times throughout the day. In this case, you need to monitor the calorie content of your diet.

Mistake # 6: Eating less to lose weight

An athlete holding a plate of food
An athlete holding a plate of food

Scientists have long established that fasting can only reduce body weight in the short term. It should also be remembered that with insufficient nutrition, the body begins to destroy not only adipose tissue, but also muscles. It also slows down the metabolism.

In the initial phase of fasting, you will indeed lose weight, but the fat will return very quickly. Planned weight loss is possible only with the right nutrition and strength training program. You should also use cardio exercises within reasonable limits.

Mistake # 7: After overeating, you can starve for a day and everything will be fine

Bodybuilder prepares for a meal
Bodybuilder prepares for a meal

Of course, if you manage to eat a weekly calorie intake for a holiday, it will be very bad for your body. However, this is not a reason to go on hunger strike the next day. Even a one-day low-calorie diet leads to a significant slowdown in metabolism. For this reason, you will not receive a lot of energy, which is necessary for an intense exercise. If you overeat yesterday, then today you should return to your normal diet. Avoid one of the 11 nutritional mistakes in bodybuilding.

Mistake # 8: Skip breakfast to keep fit

Bodybuilder eating breakfast
Bodybuilder eating breakfast

In the morning hours, the metabolism in the body is maximally high and you can not be afraid to gain excess fat mass. The rate of metabolic processes gradually slows down and at about midnight they have the lowest rate.

It should be noted that many athletes are afraid of nocturnal catabolic processes and eat a lot before going to bed. This is also wrong. Take casein at night and this will reduce the nighttime catabolic background. If you eat a lot before going to bed, then there is a high probability of an increase in fat mass. It is necessary to have breakfast, since during this period of time, carbohydrates and protein compounds are absorbed as well as possible.

Mistake # 9: Chicken is better than other varieties

Cooked chicken breast
Cooked chicken breast

Many specialized web resources write about the benefits of chicken meat, and some athletes make one of the 11 nutritional mistakes in bodybuilding. Beef tenderloin, back and fillet are as low in fat as chicken. But on the other hand, beef contains significantly more vitamins and minerals. The most important issue is the beef preparation process. Grilling or oven cooking is the best option.

Mistake # 10: In order not to get fat, you should give up potatoes, cereals and flour products

Potatoes and flour products
Potatoes and flour products

If you are guided by this principle, then you will receive carbohydrates only from dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Just imagine how many of these foods you will have to consume daily to provide the body with the necessary amount of nutrient.

If you consume these foods in regular portions, then the calorie content of your diet will drastically decrease. This in turn will cause a decrease in glucose levels and subsequent destruction of muscle tissue. You should not give up potatoes, pasta and porridge. Make sure that you consume about five grams of carbohydrates daily per kilogram of the athlete's weight. Admittedly, many aspiring athletes make this one of 11 nutritional mistakes in bodybuilding.

Mistake # 11: You should only drink juice

Athlete drinking protein shake
Athlete drinking protein shake

No one will argue that juice, especially freshly squeezed juice, contains a large amount of vitamins. At the same time, juices are a very high-calorie product, which, in addition, is also quickly processed by the body. This leads to a sharp rise in glucose levels and the subsequent release of insulin. You can and even need to drink the juice, but in reasonable quantities. Drinking plain water is also very important.

Learn more about nutritional guidelines:
