We reveal the secrets why 90% of people cannot achieve significant muscle growth and even after several years of training do not have an athletic figure. Every athlete experiences muscular congestion at some point. Only injury and overtraining can be worse. The reasons for the appearance of a plateau can be different, for example, errors in nutrition or training, but they are united by their individual nature. If you find yourself in a state of stagnation, then only you have to deal with the causes of this phenomenon, since they are purely individual in nature. Let's find out what mistakes inhibit muscle growth in bodybuilding.
Mistake # 1: The same weights are used in the classroom

It's easy to say that working weights need to progress. However, there are times when you are unable to do this. Also, rollbacks in the results are possible, when at the next lesson you cannot cope with the weight you are already used to.
This problem is eliminated by cycling. You should do strength training cycles at least twice a year. Their duration, as a rule, ranges from one to one and a half months. The training program during this period should include only basic movements. It is very important to learn to identify those moments when it is necessary to start a new cycle.
Mistake # 2: Using large weights

Often, athletes, in the desire to quickly build muscle mass, unjustifiably increase the weight of weights. A symptom of this is an involuntary violation of technique in the last two or three repetitions. You must understand that each movement must be performed by several muscles, one of which is the main one, and the rest are auxiliary.
If you significantly exceed the weight of the weights, then in the last couple of repetitions you will not be able to technically perform the movement correctly. As a result, the target muscle will lose its load, and the work will be done by the assistant muscles. However, this fact is not the worst. When using excessive weights, the central nervous system is severely depleted, which will significantly slow down the body's recovery after training.
To avoid the above-described troubles, you should correctly select the working weight of the shells. If you have planned to do, say, 10 reps, but are only able to do 8, then you should reduce the weight. You need to load the target muscles as much as possible, which can only be achieved with proper technique.
Mistake # 3: Not getting enough rest between sessions

Today, most often you can find recommendations about three-time training during the week. You can train more often, but for this you need to break the complexes used in the 3-day split into smaller ones. As a result, in each lesson you have to perform a couple of movements. Surely you are sure that this is not enough for progress and you are wrong.
The recovery of the body from physical exertion is programmed in your genetic code and one effort of will to accelerate these processes is not enough. You must monitor your sleep patterns and appetite. Most often, it is a violation of the sleep pattern and a decrease in appetite that speaks of overtraining.
Mistake # 4: Fear of Exercise

Sometimes beginners, coming to the gym and seeing the huge weights used by experienced athletes in basic movements, decide to start training with simpler movements. For example, they can replace squats with leg presses. This should not be done, because it is the basic movements that are the engine of your progress.
At the initial stage of your training path, you need to lay a high-quality base and only multi-joint movements are suitable for this. Don't be afraid of exercise or heavy weights. You need to start small and master the technique. Only when the movement is done automatically can you begin to gradually increase the load.
Mistake # 5: Poor attitude towards classes

In every hall you can meet people who spend more time talking than with sports equipment. Although most psychologists consider this to be normal, you go to the gym to exercise. You can talk to your buddies in the locker room or on the way home.
Mistake # 6: stubbornness

If you use one training program for a long time, then at a certain point the progress will slow down, and then it will stop altogether. In such situations, some athletes, in the absence of a result, for unknown reasons, do not want to change their program. Remember, you need to diversify your activities so that the muscles cannot fully adapt to the load.
To avoid slowing down your progress, you can advise taking pictures of your body once every one and a half or two months. Compare your current form with your past, and this will allow you to determine the speed of progress. If you are not satisfied with the changes, then change your training program.
Mistake # 7: Low Self-Esteem

Very often you can find the opinion that a bodybuilder must believe in himself. But you don't need luck. All that is needed is to carefully plan the training process. This requires knowledge and experience. If you are not progressing with your program, then you need to change it. Also keep a training diary to help you track your progress. Many people consider this a waste of time and as a result, they tread in one place for years. It will be great if you have the opportunity to hire a good coach. However, positive results can be achieved independently.
Mistake # 8: Not focusing on nutrition

Very often, poor nutrition is the reason for the lack of progress. You must understand that nutrients are needed for muscle growth. No matter how intensely you train, there will be no results without a well-designed nutrition program.
Today on the net you can find a lot of information on this issue. You will have to take some time to put together a quality diet and continue to progress.
What mistakes in training and nutrition contribute to slowing muscle growth, says Sergei Yugai in this video: