Find out why bodybuilders place so much emphasis on essential amino acids in their diet. Recommendations from the pros of iron sports. Scientists have known about the value of amino acid compounds for a long time. The study of these substances continues, and we are learning more and more details about them. It is well established that the production of muscle proteins is largely dependent on BCAAs. In this case, leucine occupies the central place here. This fact makes it possible to assert that leucine is the main amino acid in bodybuilding.
The use of leucine in bodybuilding

The importance of leucine for the body of athletes has been confirmed in numerous scientific experiments. One of the longest was held with the participation of canoe rowers. This study lasted 36 weeks, and as a result, leucine was shown to dramatically increase the endurance score, also the strength of the athletes.
In addition, it is known for sure that this amine takes an active part in the production of muscle protein compounds, while simultaneously stopping catabolic reactions. If you take leucine after class, then athletes will have the opportunity to provide muscles with reliable protection.
In addition, leucine shifts the nitrogen balance in a positive direction, which is also of great importance for the growth of muscle cells. It is impossible not to mention the ability of this amino acid compound to accelerate the restoration of glycogen stores. The substance makes the body use glucose more economically and is one of the substrates for the gluconeogenesis reaction. Since valine and isoleucine are also actively involved in this process, the need for BCAAs becomes obvious.
However, oxidative reactions are not always negative for athletes. Oxidation of amines has a very positive effect on the rate of anabolic reactions in muscle tissues. This makes it possible to say that leucine is able to increase the anabolic background and protect cells from destruction.
There is further evidence of the anabolic activity of leucine. This amine accelerates the synthesis of insulin. Compared to valine and isoleucine, leucine has a higher rate of insulinogenic activity. Most athletes are familiar with the anabolic properties of insulin and understand the importance of this hormone in the growth of muscle cells. It is insulin that is the vehicle for glucose and other nutrients, delivering them to tissue cells. As a result, the production of protein compounds is accelerated and, as a result, tissue growth.
It should also be remembered that insulin reduces the rate of production of cortisol and catecholamines, which are highly catabolic. Cortisol is used in the body to provide the body with energy and for this reason its task is to destroy cells, as opposed to insulin, which is designed to store nutrients. If the concentration of cortisol is high over a long period of time, then a large amount of muscle tissue may be destroyed. This is most dangerous for those athletes who do frequent high-intensity activities and use a low-carb diet program. If they use leucine prior to class, they can greatly benefit from it. Leucine can also be taken after training, which is also beneficial.
If you use gainers after exercise, the ability of leucine to stimulate insulin secretion will not be so useful. However, amine has many functions, and you will benefit from using it anyway.
How and when to use leucine?

Solo leucine will not be effective and may even have negative results. Scientists have found that with an excess of amine, the rate of production of protein compounds slows down. Therefore, leucine must be consumed in combination with other amino acid compounds, protein mixtures, or with regular food.
It should also be remembered that vitamins from the B group have a great influence on the rate and quality of absorption of BCAAs. To a greater extent, this applies to vitamins B5 and B6. These substances have the ability to accelerate the metabolism of protein compounds. But do not forget that in addition to all other properties, leucine is also involved in the production of growth hormone. We can say with full responsibility that growth hormone can significantly increase the rate of mass gain and inhibit the accumulation of fat. With the combination of leucine and strength training, the rate of growth of growth hormone increases dramatically.
Ordinary people cannot determine exactly how effective leucine has been. You can see the results of using BCAAs only after a long period of time.
American scientists were able to establish that leucine has a strong effect on metabolism. On average, the rate of increase in the rate of metabolic processes is about 90 calories per day. From this we can conclude that within a month of using BCAAs, you can get rid of about 300 grams of body fat. This once again proves the effectiveness of using leucine for weight loss.
BCAAs affect the concentration of albumin in the blood, causing it to rise. This results in an increase in osmotic pressure and, as a consequence, the elimination of excess fluid. We can also say that leucine has the ability to maintain water balance in the body.
To reduce the rate of catabolic reactions, leucine should be taken after training in an amount of 5 to 10 grams. If you use gainers during this period, then instead of leucine, it is better to use protein supplements. They contain sufficient amounts of BCAAs to ensure their high concentration in the blood.
If you are using low-carb nutrition programs, then the use of BCAAs becomes mandatory. It should also be remembered that leucine can become more effective when used together with whey proteins or other protein compounds.
Learn more about leucine and other amino acids in this video: