Bodybuilding Insulin Alternatives for Gaining Mass

Bodybuilding Insulin Alternatives for Gaining Mass
Bodybuilding Insulin Alternatives for Gaining Mass

Find out how you can stimulate muscle gain in bodybuilding without resorting to the use of insulin. Secret recommendations from iron sports pros. Insulin is actively used by pro-athletes, but amateurs should bypass this drug. This is associated with a high risk of misuse. Even a lethal outcome is quite possible. The situation is aggravated by numerous publications on supposedly safe insulin regimens.

Athletes often use the drug without knowing what they are doing. Today we will talk about alternatives to insulin in bodybuilding for gaining mass, or, in other words, drugs that can accelerate the production of a natural hormone.

Amino acid compounds and carbohydrates for weight gain


Various substances can be used to accelerate the secretion of insulin. For this reason, you should not think that athletes have only two options: to use insulin or medications prescribed for people in a pre-diabetic state. The easiest way to speed up insulin production is to consume carbohydrates. If the nutrient is not used in conjunction with protein compounds and fats, then it will be quickly absorbed by the body.

The only drawback of this method is the possibility of the release of an excessive amount of the hormone, which will lead to a sharp drop in the concentration of glucose in the blood. The body has protective mechanisms against hypoglycemia, which in this case will be instantly activated.

Among the amino acid compounds, Glutamine and Arginine should be distinguished. When these amines are used in combination with carbohydrates, the body's insulin response will be maximized. It is worth using this technique for an hour or two after the end of the lesson.

This is due to the fact that it is during this period of time that the anabolic properties of insulin will be used as efficiently as possible. All the nutrients needed for protein synthesis will be quickly delivered to the tissues, which will speed up the production of protein compounds.

Chromium as an alternative to insulin

Food supplement Chromium Chelate
Food supplement Chromium Chelate

Perhaps the safest substance that can speed up the production of insulin is chromium. First of all, this trace element is known for its ability to enhance the anabolic effect of the hormone on the body. In modern food products, the chromium content is minimal, which, by the way, may be one of the reasons for the decrease in the effectiveness of insulin.

Chromium is also consumed under the influence of physical exertion, which may explain the lack of constant progress in some athletes. Take chromium supplements to boost the effectiveness of your natural hormone.

Vanadyl sulfate in bodybuilding

Vanadyl Sulfate in a jar
Vanadyl Sulfate in a jar

After conducting a series of experiments on mice with Vanadyl Sulfate, scientists suggested the possibility of its anabolic properties. The experiment involved animals in which diabetes was artificially induced. This disease is characterized by the inability of the pancreas to synthesize insulin. Since this hormone regulates the concentration of sugar in the blood, then when its level is low, the concentration of sugar will increase, which can result in death.

When the experimental animals consumed Vanadil, their diabetic state decreased without the use of insulin injections. The level of glucose in the blood of healthy animals also returned to normal after taking the supplement. Although animals did not gain weight when using Vanadil, bodybuilders are advised to use this substance. It should be remembered that all vanadium compounds are toxic and this will be especially noticeable when using AAS.

Medicines for mass collection

Metformin packaged
Metformin packaged

We are talking now about a group of medications that are used in the treatment of diabetes to stimulate the activity of the pancreas. This is a fairly large group of drugs, and among them the sulfunilur class should be noted. These are highly effective drugs that can increase the rate at which natural insulin is produced.

They can also lead to a state of hypoglycemia, but the likelihood of this outcome is much lower compared to insulin injections. Also, drugs of the biguanide class, for example, Metformin, can be very effective.

However, the most popular and promising now is IGF-1. This polypeptide is not only able to accelerate the production of insulin, but also has anti-catabolic effects. The drug also helps to normalize cholesterol balance and has anabolic properties. It is still difficult to talk about the safety of this polypeptide, as its research continues.

Rich Piana on insulin and IGF-1 in this video interview:
