More Testosterone - More Mass in Bodybuilding

More Testosterone - More Mass in Bodybuilding
More Testosterone - More Mass in Bodybuilding

Find out how testosterone affects bodybuilding training and how this hormone triggers the growth process by forming new muscle fibers. Testosterone is more conducive to muscle growth than other anabolic hormones. Everyone has a certain level of this substance. However, it is not necessary for an athlete with naturally high levels of male hormone to achieve high results.

One of the main tasks of bodybuilding is to maintain the concentration of testosterone at a high enough level to thereby provide a maximum anabolic background. Thus, the statement - "More testosterone - more mass in bodybuilding" is fully true and proven in scientific research. Today you will learn how to maintain a high testosterone concentration.

Ways to Boost Testosterone Production

Drugs to increase testosterone in the body
Drugs to increase testosterone in the body

Eat meat

Meat in trays
Meat in trays

Scientists have clearly established that vegetarianism leads to a decrease in the concentration of the male hormone. It can be said even more, the diet of athletes should contain fats, since the male hormone is synthesized from cholesterol. It is meat that contains those types of cholesterol from which testosterone can be synthesized. We also note the fact that red meat contains zinc, the level of which also affects the rate of testosterone synthesis. With six meals, you should eat red meat twice a day.

High quality and varied carbohydrates

Healthy carbohydrates
Healthy carbohydrates

After each workout, it is recommended to eat foods high in carbohydrates. Aim for one gram of nutrient for every kilogram of your body weight. This will activate the synthesis of insulin, and the body will begin to create new muscle tissue.

In addition, insulin has the ability to inhibit the production of cortisol. This, in turn, will prevent the hormonal background from shifting towards catabolic processes. Cortisol not only destroys muscle tissue, but also decreases the concentration of the male hormone.

Glutamine and whey proteins before class


As you know, whey proteins are highly digestible, and they also contain a large amount of BCAAs. Scientists have shown that if you take this type of amine before training, the rate of testosterone production will increase. There are about 7 grams of BCAAs in 20 grams of whey protein. Also, by taking about five grams of glutamine before you start exercising, you can reduce the rate of cortisol production, thereby increasing the concentration of the male hormone.

Beans are very useful


Today on the sports nutrition market there are additives phosphatidylserine, made from soybeans. It contains phospholipids, which are the basis of cell membranes. By taking this supplement, you will slow down the synthesis of cortisol and activate homeostasis at the cellular level. During the day, you need to take 800 milligrams of the supplement.

Take vitamin C

Infographic about vitamin C in fruits
Infographic about vitamin C in fruits

Vitamin C is very important for the body. A large amount of this substance is found in orange juice. Scientific research has shown that vitamin C has the ability to block the production of cortisol. Take vitamin C twice a day, 500 milligrams each. The first reception should take place during breakfast and the second with dinner.

Don't overtrain

Dumbbell on a cushion
Dumbbell on a cushion

If you are consuming a lot of protein compounds and your diet is high in energy, but there is no muscle growth, then you are most likely overtraining. In this state, the body produces large amounts of cortisol and, for obvious reasons, muscle growth is not possible. If this happened to you, then you need to take a break from classes for several days, and also reduce the number of approaches for each muscle group.

Don't use cardio training

Girls on the treadmill
Girls on the treadmill

Aerobic training leads to a decrease in the concentration of the male hormone. If you are running a drying cycle, then you cannot do without cardio. However, when gaining weight, it is contraindicated.

To grow muscles, you need to maintain a certain concentration of testosterone. Bodybuilding eliminates accidents and when working to gain weight in your body, the level of the male hormone must be high. A balanced nutrition program, intake of the required amount of protein - that's what will allow you to build your body. It is also important to remember that muscle tissue can only grow during recovery and you need to take your rest seriously. Also remember to consume vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Many of them are used by the body to synthesize testosterone.

Find out 10 ways to increase testosterone in the body in this video:
