PKT or Bridge?

PKT or Bridge?
PKT or Bridge?

Every athlete knows that getting out of the anabolic cycle is very important. Find out what is better to use at the end of the AAS course - PCT or bridge. Features of each of them. To get out of the anabolic steroid cycle, athletes use the PCT or bridge. PCT or post cycle therapy is designed to return the athlete's hormonal system to the same mode of operation as it had before the use of AAS. Thanks to PCT, you will restore the following body functions:

  • Natural male hormone production;
  • The work of the liver and other organs;
  • Minimize the rollback effect;
  • Suppress the damaging effects of cortisol on muscle tissue.

Bridging refers to the use of steroids in small doses to maintain the results achieved through the cycle. When using this method of exiting the course, the HH arch (pituitary-hypothalamus-testicles) will not be restored. The bridge connects two steroid cycles, as it were.

There is a constant heated debate about the appropriateness of using these methods. As discussed above, the bridge is designed to maintain a course result over a short period of time. It is a kind of "rest" between courses, while providing a minimum rollback. Unlike a bridge, PCT is aimed at restoring the body. As a rule, rehabilitation therapy takes from 3 to 4 weeks, and if you intend to start a new one after completing one AAS cycle after 5 or 6 weeks, then the need for restorative rehabilitation does not seem justified. You will have to spend three weeks recovering in order to start taking steroids again after another three weeks.

Perhaps the main reason for PCT in this situation is the athlete's desire to restore the HH arch. However, there is no consensus on this issue either. Some research proves that short courses, lasting no more than 6 weeks, can also suppress the synthesis of natural hormones, as well as long cycles. Based on the available practical experience, we can say that with prolonged use of AAS, all negative effects can be eliminated on the subsequent PCT. Only in this case can the timing of rehabilitation therapy and drugs change.

The same can be said about the use of gonadotropin, both on long and short cycles. This prevents testicular atrophy and restores natural male hormone production.

Logically speaking, if there is a pause between AAC cycles of several weeks, it is easier to use a bridge. In the event that an athlete is not going to start a new course in the near future, then, of course, the choice falls on the PCT. As you can see, the question: PKT or bridge is very ambiguous.

The benefits of bridging with short pauses between anabolic cycles

Syringe and Tableted Steroids
Syringe and Tableted Steroids

It is quite obvious that at the initial stage of PCT, testosterone synthesis will not be completely restored. On average, during this period, the male hormone is produced daily in the amount of 5-8 milligrams, or 35 to 56 milligrams throughout the week. At the same time, when using the bridge, testosterone is synthesized in an amount of 250 to 300 milligrams.

It turns out that when using restorative therapy in its initial phase, testosterone production will be insignificant. This also affects the decrease in the strength of the athlete. Using a bridge in this case will allow the athlete to maintain their shape.

Also, do not forget about the possible side effects when using drugs during rehabilitation therapy. Of course, since PCT lasts only three or a maximum of four weeks, their manifestation is unlikely. At the same time, if the pause between steroid cycles is only a few weeks, then rehabilitation therapy will be carried out more often, and, therefore, the risk of side effects when using tamoxifen or clomid will increase.

And, of course, the logic in conducting PCT to restore the body and the rapid start of a new cycle is completely absent. After all, this will lead to the loss of the athlete's shape, which is unacceptable for many athletes.

Bridge preparations

Steroid pills
Steroid pills

Also, a lot of questions arise when prescribing drugs for the bridge. Most often, athletes during this period use steroids with minimal androgenic properties, for example, turinabol, oxandrolone, nandrolone, etc. The use of testosterone can already be considered a continuation of the cycle and for this reason it is not used during the bridge.

In addition, it is possible to use gonadotropin during this period to make up for the lack of androgens. The use of the aforementioned AAS can minimize the rollback effect, but androgenic support will not be provided in this case.

When the main steroid cycle is completed, the level of androgens in the body decreases and any testosterone esters are needed to restore it. Thanks to this, you can fix the results achieved and increase the level of androgens. At the same time, this will negatively affect the work of the pituitary-hypothalamus-testicles arc, since testosterone will continue to suppress its performance.

Sometimes athletes use insulin (mostly ultrashort insulin). This method has its pros and cons. The positive aspects include a decrease in the rollback effect, which is possible due to the presence of anabolic properties of insulin. At the same time, in the absence of steroids with pronounced androgenic properties, insulin can be rapidly excreted from the body by gonadotropin, used in high dosages.

In addition, you can use some peptides, for example, hexarelin, growth hormone, GHRP-2, GHRP-5, IFG-1, CJC 1295 DAC. In this case, you can also use insulin in combination with the above drugs. However, the same problems are possible here as when using insulin alone.

As you can see, it is quite difficult to say for sure which is better for an athlete - PCT or bridge. It requires an individual approach to solving this problem in each specific case.

For informative information about the bridge and FCT, see this video: