The PKT alphabet in bodybuilding

The PKT alphabet in bodybuilding
The PKT alphabet in bodybuilding

Want to look like bodybuilders? Then you need to know how to use anabolic steroids correctly and correctly compose courses without side effects. When using steroids, hormones change. Most AAS has the ability to inhibit the secretion of natural testosterone and care must be taken to ensure that high concentrations of estradiol and progestogen do not harm the body.

To control the level of these hormones, you need to use special drugs, but testosterone production in most cases still slows down. After stopping the use of anabolic steroids, athletes need to restore the synthesis of the male hormone as soon as possible and return the body to its previous performance. It is for this reason that a plan for restorative therapy should be drawn up before starting the use of steroids. But in some situations, starting PCT may not be the best idea. Today we invite you to get acquainted with a kind of PCT alphabet in bodybuilding.

What should you expect from PCT?

Athletes sit at the table with drugs
Athletes sit at the table with drugs

We have already said that restorative therapy is aimed at accelerating testosterone synthesis and helping the body recover. However, you must understand that no matter how correctly the plan for PCT is drawn up, it will not work to return the concentration of natural hormones to a normal state.

In addition, if anabolic steroids were used "by eye" and the pituitary arch received serious damage, then there is no PCT that can help in this situation. But in any case, the completion of the AAS course and the restoration of the body is based on the principle of the opposite response, and here rehabilitation therapy should have a stimulating effect on the secretion of luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones. It is these substances that regulate the rate of testosterone production.

If you do not have a pre-drawn up plan for carrying out rehabilitation therapy, then the body can recover for more than one year. In this case, one should also remember about the powerful hormonal stress in which the body finds itself with a low testosterone concentration. Everyone understands that this does not bode well.

If you start PCT, you will noticeably speed up your recovery. Even if the concentration of hormones does not reach normal values during this period, then you should bring these indicators to such a level when the male hormone will be enough to fulfill its role and continue to increase.

Implementation of the rehabilitation therapy plan

Tablets and capsules
Tablets and capsules

The beginning of the rehabilitation therapy should correspond to the end of the intake of anabolic steroids. This is a common truth and it is not subject to discussion. However, there is one caveat here. When you want to stop using steroids for a short period of time, then restorative therapy can become undesirable and will only increase the stress received by the body.

You must remember that it is very important to limit your stress. If you plan to quickly start a new cycle of AAS, then PCT is meaningless. Judge for yourself, why restore the level of endogenous hormones, when in the near future their production is again suppressed. This will shock your body even more. If you decide that you will give yourself a rest from anabolic steroids for at least three months, then you should think about carrying out restorative therapy. If your break is shorter, then you don't need PCT. Moreover, all the mass lost in this pause will be quickly returned during a new cycle. When your rest is three months or more, then you should definitely draw up a rehabilitation therapy plan. At the same time, you should understand that when the conversation is about a pause between courses, then this should not include the time of the restorative therapy itself.

How to do PCT?

Steroid injectable drug
Steroid injectable drug

You can use a variety of AAS cycles with any drug that suits your goals. The situation is different with restorative therapy. You must take Clomid or Tamoxifen without fail. They are not only able to reduce the concentration of estradiol, but also restore testosterone levels.

In addition, depending on the dosage of anabolic steroids and the length of the steroid cycle, you may need Gonadotropin. This hormone directly affects the testicles, mimicking the work of luteinizing hormone. Moreover, it should be used during the course itself, most often this is done at the final stage of the cycle three weeks before its completion. If Gonadotropin is used in large quantities or for a long time (more than three weeks), then it can harm the pituitary arch.

Growth hormone can be an alternative to this drug. He will be able to protect the muscles from destruction. But growth hormone must be taken for a long time and if your rehabilitation therapy lasts several weeks, then it will not be beneficial. If you used Somatotropin during an AAS cycle, then continue to do so during rehabilitation therapy at similar dosages.

Let's move on to the use of antiestrogens. You must remember that the time to start restorative therapy depends on the anabolic steroids used on the course. When at least one extended-release ester has been used, start PCT no earlier than two weeks after the last steroid injection. If the half-life of steroids was short, then you can start PCT in a couple of days.

Clomid and Tamoxifen are similar in many ways, and it cannot be said which drug is more effective. However, there are differences in dosage. The optimal daily dose of Tamoxifen is 40 milligrams, and Clomid is 150 milligrams. The drugs must be taken for at least 14 days. In order to monitor the progress of the body's recovery, it is advisable to do tests and then it will be clear to you when you can complete the rehabilitation therapy.

For more information on the rules for conducting PCT, see here: