Features of removing steroids from the body

Features of removing steroids from the body
Features of removing steroids from the body

Learn how to properly cleanse the body of anabolic drugs to prevent the development of catabolism and side effects. The content of the article:

  • Removal features
  • Fasting for steroid disposal
  • What drugs to use

The need to use anabolic drugs today must be resigned to. The human body does not contain genes that can build up a large mass of muscle tissue. But anti-doping organizations are relentless and continue their fight against this phenomenon. For this reason, it is necessary to know the time of elimination of steroids from the body in order to protect yourself, or even the entire team, from disqualification. When anabolic steroids are completely eliminated, they cannot be detected.

Features of removing steroids from the body

Steroids in bodybuilding
Steroids in bodybuilding

It should be noted right away that any steroid dissolved with water cannot be in the bloodstream for more than a month. The reason for this is very clear: steroids are a consumable element that must penetrate into the cell and start the process of synthesizing protein compounds.

The effect is on the chromosomes themselves, due to which the genetic system is triggered. During training, anabolic steroids are consumed for the growth of muscle tissue, after which they are excreted from the body. But in practice, everything turns out to be somewhat more complicated.

All substances, both synthesized by the body itself and introduced from the outside, cannot circulate in a free state. To do this, they must be bound by special transport blood particles, which carry them throughout the body. Since we are now talking only about anabolic steroids, about 70% of the substances circulate in a bound state, and the remaining 30% are free.

It is free substances that are removed the fastest. To remove bound steroids, the body must first replace all transport blood particles, and only then will they be utilized.

On average, it takes about one month to update the transport elements. This is the reason for such a period of elimination of all water-soluble drugs. Naturally, athletes want to reduce the elimination time of steroids from the body to a minimum. There are several ways to solve this problem: short-term fasting and the use of specialized drugs.

Fasting to speed up steroid utilization

Fasting for steroid disposal
Fasting for steroid disposal

To accelerate the elimination of steroids from the body, it is enough to fast for one - maximum three days. During this period, transport albumin decays. They represent a kind of reserve of protein compounds, which is consumed in the first place.

After that, the breakdown of the protein compounds of the liver begins, and the proteins located in the muscle tissues are consumed in the most extreme case. Three days before their turn does not reach, and therefore you should not worry about the safety of the muscles.

In such a short period of fasting, the decrease in volume is caused by the loss of fluid, fat and glycogen. If restorative fasting was carried out correctly, then the volume of muscle tissue will be restored within six days.

"Dry fasting" without water is much more effective. When drying in preparation for a competition is carried out without the use of diuretics, steroids leave the body much faster.

Thyroid hormones promote the breakdown of protein compounds, especially transport ones. It is the use of thyroid enzymes that causes "dry fasting". To do this, you can use a bath or aerobic exercise, which allows you to accelerate metabolism and, at the same time, the production of new transport albumin.

What drugs to use to accelerate the elimination of steroids

The drug Limontar
The drug Limontar

It has long been known that any substance passes through the liver before being excreted from the body. In this organ, they are neutralized, and only after that the intestines and kidneys are used for final excretion. It is common for each class of substances to have its own way of neutralizing. Some substances become non-toxic after doubling their molecules, others combine with glycerin, etc.

To remove steroids, they must first be oxidized. This applies not only to artificially introduced substances, but also to natural ones. New drugs are constantly appearing on the market, the manufacturers of which assure of their high efficiency.

However, almost all methods for removing anabolic steroids from the body were developed several decades ago. The same phenobarbital is able to significantly activate the liver. At the same time, it is used in small dosages and does not cause a hypnotic effect. It has long been noted that people who use phenobarbital as a sleeping pill on a regular basis appear younger than their natural age.

It is worth noting that phenobarbital was included in the composition of the IOC banned drugs, but so far there has not been a single precedent when athletes were disqualified for its use. To enhance the effectiveness of the drug, energizers can be used in combination with it. These drugs can have a positive effect on the rate of oxidation of substances in the liver.

The most popular stimulants are succinic and citric acids. It is best to use the drug "Limontar", which contains both of these compounds. This remedy is very cheap, and you can drink it in huge quantities, while not forgetting that any remedy can cause side effects. So, from high dosages of "Limontar" the acidity of the stomach increases, and it should be used carefully.

Increasingly, they begin to use hemosorption - the purification of the blood from various substances. For blood filtration, special ionized resins are used, the most popular and effective is cholesteramine. Also, this tool is available in tablet form for oral administration.

How to speed up the elimination of steroids from the body - watch the video:

In addition to everything described above, athletes use silver-activated birch charcoal, as well as ultraviolet irradiation (ordinary tan). Thus, you should not chase newfangled means in order to reduce the time for steroid elimination from the body. It is quite enough to use drugs, the effectiveness of which has been tested over the years of their use.