Welsh Terrier: rules and tips for keeping an animal

Welsh Terrier: rules and tips for keeping an animal
Welsh Terrier: rules and tips for keeping an animal

The history of the Welsh Terrier breed, external parameters, behavioral traits and health, the nuances of care: walks, nutrition, procedures, interesting facts. Buying a puppy. This dog is so surprisingly similar to the doggie from the well-known children's film "The Adventures of Electronics" - only in a smaller size. But make no mistake, this is a completely different kind of canine - an individual breed, an independent representative of Terriers, originally from Wales. When the British mean an energetic person with extraordinary thinking, a sense of humor and strong convictions, they draw an analogy with these animals. These lively, friendly, handsome hard workers somehow miraculously attract owners to match themselves. If the popularity of these animals grows, then there will be more good people on planet Earth.

The history of the appearance of the welsh terrier breed

Welsh terrier with puppies
Welsh terrier with puppies

For several hundred years, among the high mountains, dark forests and green valleys of Wales, local farmers and hunters have cultivated one of the most purebred terrier species. A small, strong and courageous, black and tan terrier, was not whimsical, fearless in a fight and docile in everyday life. Such a dog works on the beast in the hole. Since the welsh terriers had to confront serious animals such as the otter and the badger in close combat, the emphasis in breeding was on courage, courage and remarkable strength. In addition to hunting, there was always a lot of chores and household chores. Watchman, security guard and fierce rodent exterminator throughout the farmstead. These dogs never got bored without work.

This way of life, always accompanying and pleasing people, has formed the best behavioral data in the breed: contact, intellect, sense of humor, curiosity, passion. The breeders are convinced that this list with a plus sign can be continued indefinitely. In addition, the modern "Welsh" is wonderfully polished and externally, which means that it is also undeniably beautiful. It is not surprising that such qualities were appreciated by many fans of exhibitions, hunters, dog handlers, and just lovers of doggies.

For the first time, the Society of Welsh Terrier fans was created in 1846. And in the near future the English Kenel Club prepared and adopted the breed name and criteria. Work began on ennobling the unprepossessing appearance of the "hard workers from Welsh". Breeders sought to get dogs with a strong and at the same time dry build, hard wire-like hair of a bright color. And already at the dog competition in Liverpool, in 1889, ninety-three breed individuals with an exterior were demonstrated, the external data of which approached the present.

Description of the external parameters of the welsh terrier

Welsh Terrier external standard
Welsh Terrier external standard

The Welshterer is a dense, compact, strong dog of small size, with a hard coat. Energetic, funny, active, loyal to their owners. Perfectly adapt to the conditions of the house and area. Used as companion dogs, guards and protectors.

According to the norms, the height at the withers in males is from 36 cm to 40 cm, in bitches from 32 cm to 35 cm. Males weigh 10 kg, and females weigh 8 kg. The parameters can be changed within 1–2 cm. They move easily and energetically, throwing their legs clearly forward.

  1. Head long, in the form of a brick. The frontal part is flat, moderately widened. Seen in profile, it has parallel lines with the muzzle. The furrow on the forehead is not visible. The cheekbones are well defined. The occipital protuberance is smoothed. The frontal furrow is slightly deepened. The brows are pronounced. Above them, on the exterior, eyebrows are left from the hair.
  2. Muzzle rectangular, powerful with a square end. It is the same length as the skull. The bridge of the nose is wide and even. The stop is not highlighted. The lips are dry, compressed, black pigmented. Scissor bite. The jaws are developed. The teeth are large, white, strong, the canines are even.
  3. Nose - eye-catching, harmonious with the muzzle. Painted in black and coal color.
  4. Eyes the welsh terrier are located at an average distance from each other, slightly deepened in the skull. They are round-oval and small in size. Their color is dark brownish or light brown. The eyelids are dry, dark pigmentation. The look is lively and quick-witted.
  5. Ears have a high placement. They are smaller than average. They have a triangular shape. Hang on cartilage, facing forward. The front edge is in contact with the head.
  6. Neck of medium length, muscular, oval, set high. Has a beautiful transition with the body. The withers are not highlighted, there is no dewlap.
  7. Frame the welsh terrier is short, compact, with dry muscles. The back is straight, short. Loins, knocked down, strong. The chest is deep and moderately broad. The croup is of a strong structure. The ribs are harmoniously arched. The line of the abdomen is pulled up to the groin area.
  8. Tail high rise, harmonious with the back. It is sturdy and slightly curved. When the dog moves, it is raised, curved over the line of the spine. In a calm state, it hangs down. It is almost always stopped, but not shortly.
  9. Front limbs - well-muscled, erect, with strong bones. When judged from the front, they fit harmoniously. The shoulders are elongated, obliquely attached to the body. The elbows are parallel to the body. The pasterns are not oblique, they are vertically strong. The hindquarters are powerful, athletic. Parallel to each other, even. Strong muscles on the thighs. They are harmonious in length. Knee joints with excellent angulation, not low. Metatarsus are shortened, massive.
  10. Paws compressed, rounded, compact. The toes are curved, with hard claws, close to each other. The nails are dark pigmented. The pads are dense, elastic.
  11. Coat Welsh terrier is rough and hard, matte, slightly curly. It fits perfectly to the body. The undercoat is short and dense. By the standard, dogs are trimmed leaving hair on the face (in the form of eyebrows, whiskers and beards) and on the limbs.
  12. Leather tightly fits the entire body of the dog.
  13. Color - brownish orange and black at the same time (black-backed). There should be no blotches of white and lightened tones of the primary colors.

Characteristic features of the behavior of a welsh terrier

Welsh terrier running
Welsh terrier running

The small size of the "welsh" allows you to perfectly keep it in a city, even a small apartment. But do not expect that the animal will behave like a "sofa cushion". The genes of modern dogs have preserved all the behavioral foundations with which his ancestors shone. He has a lot of energy, passion and is used to making independent decisions without relying on his owner.

The Welsh Terrier will not be satisfied with short walks. The dog needs to frolic until he drops in the park area, hunting invented animals. He has another personality trait - his ambition. For a long time, these terriers competed with quite strong, serious animals. Therefore, the "Welsh" expect worship and compliance from each fellow. With the slightest disobedience, the "rebel" will be harshly put in place. Experienced breeders, knowing such a disposition of their pets, always lead them away from potential opponents.

Dogs love perky games. And especially when all the household takes part in them. It happens that the owners are busy with their own business. For example, planting plants in the garden. And then the Welsh terriers will not be on the sidelines. They will not help you plant flowers or something else, but digging up is easy. Small, randomly encountered animals, and especially "murki" instantly remind the pet of who he was in the past. Nice hunters will not rest until they catch or chase the cat away. The instinct of a four-legged hunter often makes itself felt in the master's apartment. But what are they hunting? With the help of their keen instinct and ingenuity, they find everything, even hard-to-reach goodies at home.

Their ingenuity and lively mind can be envied. The Welsh Terrier will by any means achieve the goal that he has set for himself. Therefore, they are the best friends of hunters. Well, ordinary people, accepting the breed weaknesses of pets, will get the most cheerful, loyal and cheerful friend for the whole family. If you love your "welsh" with all your heart, he will always try to please you, sometimes anticipating your thoughts and wishes.

Welsh terrier dog health

Welsh terrier in competition
Welsh terrier in competition

The Welsh Terrier is a dog not prone to diseases, since it was originally bred as a working one. They have a strong immune system, as their ancestors grew up in conditions of good health. Rare individuals can suffer from glaucoma, epilepsy and allergies.

Puppies are born healthy, but they definitely need to get routine vaccinations. "Maltsy" should be promptly treated for fleas and worms. In addition, a properly selected diet, enriched with vitamins and minerals, will allow the dog's body to form properly. Loads are also selected according to the age of the pet. Maltsov is loaded gradually.

The nuances of caring for a welsh terrier dog

Welsh terrier puppy and bitch
Welsh terrier puppy and bitch
  • Wool such a dog is tough and does not fall out. That is, the hairs die off, but do not fall to the ground, and everything that has disappeared remains on the dog. This is great for home content. The hairs are thick and coarse, so to make the "welsh" look neat, you need to strip them - pluck them. It is necessary to comb them out regularly with the help of a slicker. Trimming should be done every six months to remove old hair. If you are planning to compete in dog competitions, then you better find a professional groomer who will create a beautiful standard image for your dog. It is impossible to cut a show welsh terrier because the quality of the wool deteriorates. Only the hair between the toes is trimmed. Regular pets are best trimmed in the salon two or three times a year. Bathing "welsh" should be twice a month with concentrates for wire-haired dogs. After rinsing your soapy pet well, pat it dry with a cotton towel. To prevent the dog from catching a cold, try to dry it out in a warm, dry room in which there are no drafts.
  • Teeth welsh terriers are strong, but plaque is deposited on them in the same way as on the teeth of other dogs. To keep them healthy for a long time, it is necessary to teach them to clean from puppyhood. This will protect the dentition from the deposition of calculus, and the gums from periodontal disease. The procedure is carried out using zoo-pastes and special brushes. These dogs are very fond of chewing on something. This feature can be used to prevent plaque. To do this, you just need to buy bones from pressed veins at zoological stores.
  • Eyes it is necessary to wipe with a moistened swab from time to time. This is done only in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner one.
  • Ears these dogs are trimmed. This way they will be well ventilated and will need to be cleaned less frequently. They clean the auricles with products that soften the wax. They are poured into the ear canal, lightly massaged, and after a while everything that has come off is gently wiped off.
  • Claws Terriers are sturdy, and if they do not grind, they need to be sheared or cut down. Claws or a file will help you to do the manipulation.
  • Feeding "Welsh" does not mean anything special about itself, as dogs are not picky in their choice of food. It can be both natural food and finished products. Having decided to make a diet from natural products, you must remember that dogs need a lot of meat, boiled cereals (rice or buckwheat), dairy products. Give eggs, fruits and vegetables a couple of times a week. Experts prohibit giving pets flour and potatoes, as well as salt and sugar. Vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as fish oil, are systematically introduced into natural food. It is, of course, much easier to feed a four-legged friend with dry food. A special vitamin and mineral composition is not selected because these products provide for their content. You should always remember about a serving of clean water.
  • Walking welsh terriers are active and intense. Dogs love to jump, run and play. It doesn't matter what object it will be - a ball, a stick or an old shoe. After all, such a naturally inherent, violent energy must be directed somewhere. Otherwise, your furniture, apartment and personal belongings may suffer from the pranks of a four-legged friend. These dogs are smart and curious, so when walking, try to teach them something new. They walk with them from two to three times a day. The duration of each walk, from approximately forty minutes to one and a half hours. In general, the more the better.

Features of raising a welsh terrier dog

Welsh terrier being trained
Welsh terrier being trained

The welsh terrier has a viscous, arrogant and persistent character. Therefore, it will be quite difficult for a person who has nothing to do with cynology to manage such a dog. Your best bet is to hire a professional dog trainer or take an obedience course at a dog school. Then there will be peace and harmony in a relationship with a pet. Otherwise, you will have a constant war with your four-legged friend.

"Welsh" must know the elementary commands: sit, lie, stand, next to him. You must be able to control it from a distance in order to establish good contact. In a city, the most unpredictable situations can appear. Therefore, the dog must be completely obedient. Walking on a leash does not develop a terrier. If you are not hunting, then agility, frisbee, dancing with dogs, sports tourism are perfect for such pets.

Interesting facts about the Welsh terrier

Welsh terrier for a walk
Welsh terrier for a walk

On the forty-fifth day, you can already determine the makings of each Welsh Terrier puppy by its characteristic behavior. But the features of the exterior appear much later. Many show dog puppies have genetically preserved working qualities. From such a gifted kitten, you can raise an excellent hunting dog.

Purchasing a welsh terrier puppy

Welsh terrier puppies
Welsh terrier puppies

The Welsh Terrier is more likely for people of a sporting nature who like active rest. Pets are restless. They will be happy to follow their owners everywhere, to the dacha, on hiking trips to nature, trips to ski resorts, hunting, in the forest to pick mushrooms. The release of energy brings pleasure to the breed. In the opposite case, dogs do not know what to do with themselves, the psyche and behavior suffers.

If you want a dog for hunting, then the dog's parents must be working "Welsh". Well, for exhibitions, respectively, the opposite is true. In all cases, you should look for a welsh terrier puppy in a registered kennel. Never visit spontaneous markets to acquire a four-legged friend. There you may encounter dishonest people who will slip you a mestizo instead of a purebred specimen.

In addition, an aggressive disposition is not excluded in such specimens. Very often people suffer with such dogs, when individuals grow out of them, which I even bite the owners. The owners feel sorry for them and they cannot cope with inadequate animals. For good breeders, everything is exactly the opposite. Aggressive individuals are discarded and therefore the birth of puppies with such defects is minimized. Professionals keep their dogs in proper shape. They will give you a lot of practical advice in the maintenance, education and show career.

These are dapper, perky, slightly eccentric and businesslike pets. If you feel that you can live with a welsh terrier on the same wavelength and you have all the necessary personal qualities to gain authority and his trust, then perhaps this is the very dog you dreamed of.

The approximate price for a welsh terrier puppy depends on the individual. It ranges from $ 500 to $ 700. Bitches and dogs with excellent conformation are more expensive.

More informative information about Welsh terriers in the following video:

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