Lhasa apso: rules for the care and maintenance of a dog

Lhasa apso: rules for the care and maintenance of a dog
Lhasa apso: rules for the care and maintenance of a dog

The history of the birth of the Lhasa Apso breed, appearance, behavior and health, care: manipulations, feeding, training, interesting facts. Purchase and price of puppies. Many oriental dogs resemble a mythological lion only outwardly. Lhasa, perhaps, better than other animals approaches the king of animals in character. She is not afraid of anyone or anything. The little dog moves with great indifference among human legs, which should seem to her to be the legs of giants. However, courage can be dangerous at times. Lhasa is not afraid of cars and traffic in general. Therefore, it is better to take her in your arms when crossing a city street.

The dog is so tiny and light that you might even forget to return it to the ground. People usually fall in love with them because of their coat. But the typical dog of this breed does not always have a long, luxurious outfit. To determine an outstanding individual, you need to study the criteria for the breed. Dogs are beautiful on the outside, but the main advantages are on the inside. They need to be loved not as they seem, but as they really are. Then the pets will be happy, and we will become better.

The history of the origin of the Lhasa Apso breed

Two lhasa apso
Two lhasa apso

How exactly the breed originated at the moment is difficult to say, but it was clearly a long time ago. It is undeniable that the variety was bred in Tibet. In the only existing book on the development of the Tibetan breeds, it is said that the lhasa is descended from an extinct mountain dog from South Phanlan. That is, almost nothing is known.

Perhaps the small Tibetan breeds, which, in addition to the Lhasa, include the Shitsu, the Tibetan Terrier and the Tibetan Spaniel, have a common ancestor, apparently long extinct. But it is also possible that the oldest of the above breeds, the Tibetan Terrier, gave rise to the rest of the breeds. One thing we know for sure, Lhasa Apso has long been bred in Buddhist monasteries. Some researchers believe that this breed is the result of crossing a Tibetan Terrier with a certain Chinese dog, similar to the Maltese.

There is an opinion that lhasa was a sacred animal, but experts in the history of Tibet deny this. In Tibet, a dog is considered to be just as respected a creature as a person. But she is also a slave to her imperfect spirit, therefore she must go through many incarnations in order to achieve bliss. This position refutes the hypothesis of the sacredness of the dog, but does not contradict the statement that it has always been treated with respect. The monks who raised such dogs in monasteries called them "apso ken ki", which means a dog with the hair of a goat and the voice of a lion. Anyone who has heard the barking of lhasa apso will laugh at this name. But the apparently pompous name and comparison with the lion, the most important in Buddhist symbolism, was an expression of reverence for the courage of these little creatures.

The myths about Buddha say that he always carried a dog with him, which, in case of danger, turned into a lion, but then, at one sign of the owner, became an affectionate dog. The meaning of this metaphor is this - a person must curb his passions. This is the main tenet of many Eastern philosophies.

This lion-dog symbolism was popular among the Chinese and to a lesser extent among the Tibetans, so the lion served as a model for those who raised dogs. It's funny that no lions lived in China or Tibet. Therefore, the model for these dogs was not at all such a king of beasts, whom we all know, but such as he appeared in the stories of travelers.

After listening to these tales, oriental artists depicted the lion is not entirely believable. It was with such drawings, and not at all its real appearance, that the ancient dog breeders were inspired. That is why small Asian dogs look little like real lions. But they are very similar to their images. There is no doubt that travelers who saw the king of beasts were most impressed by his mane. Because of this, canines of many oriental species have very long hair in the head and neck area.

These are not only Tibetan, but also Chinese dogs, for example, Pekingese or Chow Chow. Tibetan and Chinese breeds are similar in many ways because China and Tibet were linked by the so-called silk road. In some cities, such as Kas, Chinese merchants met regularly. It is possible that it was with them that the lamas sent gifts to the Chinese emperor, among which were small dogs that were highly valued. Buddhism prohibits the trade in animals, but allows them to be donated. Despite the best diplomatic intentions, the lamas did not want the lhasa apso to spread beyond their land, so they donated only male puppies.

In 1903, the thirteenth Dalai Lama decided to donate two males and one female Lhasa to the English Colonel Bailey, who began breeding this breed in England. It is assumed that the same Dalai Lama ten years later presented a female and a male to an American family, which began to breed Lhasa in New Jersey. The name Lhasa Apsu was invented by Colonel Bailey, combining the name of the Tibetan capital and the ancient name of this breed.

Description of the external criteria of the dog Lhasa Apso

Lhasa apso exterior
Lhasa apso exterior

The Lhasa Apso is a small, well-built, strong dog. Based on the accepted norms, the height at the withers in males is 25, 4–26 cm, in bitches from 22–24 cm. With an error of a couple of centimeters. The weight of males is from 5, 9 kg to 8 kg, bitches from 4, 9 kg to 7 kg. Move smoothly and elegantly.

  • Head covered with thick hair falling over the eyes, forming a lush beard and mustache. Skull: Moderately narrow, not too flat, not very round and not apple-shaped. The forehead is moderately pronounced. The occipital part is not manifested. Cheekbones and superciliary arches are smoothed.
  • Muzzle - shortened. The nasal protuberance is straight, but not square, 4 cm long. The length of the muzzle from the forehead to the tip of the nose is 1/3 the length of the head as a whole (from the end of the nose to the occiput). Lips dry. Their pigmentation is black or dark brown. The lower jaw protrudes slightly forward. The stop is sharp. The teeth are white and medium in size. Pincer bite or slight undershot bite - inverted scissors.
  • Nose convex, wide, with a well-visible nasal groove. In profile, it slopes slightly towards the top. The color of the lobes is coal black.
  • Eyes lhasa apsu are larger, medium-sized, rounded or oval in shape, placed frontally. The eyelids are dry and fit tightly. Their color range is dark brown, black-brown. The look is smart, kind and calm.
  • Ears set low, hanging down, with a fringe at the hem. Their shape is visible only in shorn dogs. They are triangular, with the front edge adjacent to the head. The cartilage is moderately soft and folds.
  • Neck - of medium length, strong, curved, densely covered with hair. The withers are not pronounced, there is no dewlap.
  • Frame longer than the height at the withers. The top line is horizontal. The sacrum is short and powerful. No ribs stand out. The chest is oval. The croup is slightly sloping. The lower abdomen is moderately tucked up.
  • Tail high placement, folded over the back, but not crocheted. Has a thick fringe.
  • Front legs - parallel to each other, strong, even, covered with thick long hair. The shoulders are sloped back. The hind legs are well developed, with excellent muscles and pronounced curves. The ankles are parallel when viewed from behind and not too close together.
  • Paws like felines, tightly packed, medium and round. Thick hair grows between the toes. The pads are voluminous, dense and black. The nails are hard.
  • Coat with a medium undercoat. It is long, heavy, straight, hard, not silky or rough.
  • Skin tight and tight.
  • Color various colors are permissible from golden, to honey and sandy, as well as their combinations.

Lhasa apso behavior

Lhasa apso lies
Lhasa apso lies

They are intelligent and empathetic animals, trying to become a member of the family. Without being intrusive, they try to accompany their owners everywhere. Dogs watch all their actions - check what they are doing. The fact that Lhasa Apso like to live in a house lying on chairs and sofas is not a reason to consider them soft toys. Of course, they are small and good, and you want to squeeze them from morning to evening. But as much as the dogs do not love affection and kisses, tenderness should not be the meaning of their existence.

One of the most remarkable qualities of Lhasa is their tempestuous temperament. Having learned about him, you must learn to respect him. If you want your dog to be happy, you cannot keep it under a glass cover. Lush pillows over time, she can get bored. Give her the opportunity to hunt, exploring the impenetrable jungle, even if only for grasshoppers. Of course, after a walk, the coat is slightly felted, you will have to devote a little more time to combing. But you should not make a slave of your own beauty out of an animal, he already has a lot of worries. The disadvantage of long hair is that paws can get tangled in it when descending stairs. Almost all adults of this breed, at least once in their lives, have experienced such a nuisance and would not want to repeat it. Therefore, if your dog is a show dog and you cannot cut it, carry it down the stairs on your hands.

Within the walls of the house, Lhasa feels great, but the opposite is also true, the house becomes more beautiful if such a dog runs around it. They are very clean and low-shedding. Even if the dog is lying on the furniture, you are unlikely to find traces of his presence there. Rather, you will find the pet itself there. Often, having climbed onto the sofa, small dogs cannot get down from it. In some cases, short legs are a huge disadvantage, while in others they are very comfortable. One of the ancient breeds of lion dogs has a name - walking under the table.

Outside the home, they are not difficult to handle. Pets do not get tired of their duty, withstand long walks and even a steep climb uphill. The owners themselves have to guess when to pick them up - the lhasa themselves are unlikely to understand this. Pets will move forward until they collapse from fatigue, which looks pretty comical. It is pleasant to take these dogs for a walk for many other reasons. They are allowed to go where large dogs are not allowed.

For example, they can be safely brought to a restaurant. The dog will sit quietly in his arms, not worrying about what is happening around. This is not only because the Lhasa are well educated. One of their virtues is their modest appetite. This is the rarest case in the canine world, but lhasa apso are like that from birth. They feel more like a man than a dog - precious like a gem, serious and judicious like Tibetan monks. But watching them on the sly, you can notice in them playfulness and a sense of humor.

Lhasa apso dog health

Lhasa apso on the grass
Lhasa apso on the grass

Lhasa apso are generally strong, have a good immune system. The only thing that needs attention is their shortened muzzle. Because of this, in the warm season, they can get heatstroke. Therefore, do not walk with such a dog in the hot hours in the open sun. Have a container of water with you for your pet to drink.

Lhasa apso care

Lhasa apso combed
Lhasa apso combed
  • Wool lhasa apso alone won't look great. A lot of attention should be paid to the toilet of such a dog - especially an exhibition one. No curlers or papillots are needed here, but when the dog is six months old, you will have to work a lot with a comb and a brush. For pets not participating in show events, caring for a fur coat is easier. The hairline requires a lot of attention, unless it is shortened. Trimmed dogs look great too. It is easier for them to run and play. Bathe Lhasa Apso once a week. Shampoo and conditioner are needed for long hair. Before the "bath", the concentrate is diluted with water. A washing foam is applied to the moistened hair of the pet. Then wash off the shampoo, apply a conditioner that will soften the coat, make it silky, soft and shiny. It also rinses off thoroughly to prevent dandruff. The dog is blotted dry with a towel and dried with a hair dryer, warm air.
  • Claws pruned regularly, using claws. Since these are sofa dogs, their claws grow quickly. The manipulation is carried out once a week.
  • Ears lhasa apso hanging and closed. Thick hair grows inside their auricle, which is better to trim - pluck. Because of this, they collect excess sulfur and mud accumulations. Therefore, in addition to plucking, they must be cleaned twice a week with the help of special products. Lotion is filled into the ear, gently massaged and released for a while. Then they wipe off all the excess from the outer part of the ear.
  • Eyes need to be inspected periodically. If dust gets in, it is better to wipe them. When you suspect a more serious illness, take your dog to the veterinary clinic to see an ophthalmologist.
  • Teeth teach lhasa apso to clean from the age of the puppy. The manipulation is carried out several times a week. Special brushes and edible pastes will help you with this. You can try to brush your pet's teeth with activated charcoal. It perfectly removes plaque from a dog's teeth. After moistening the coal with water, you just need to rub the teeth of the four-legged pet.
  • Feeding depends primarily on the owner of the lhasa. What you feed your dog, so it looks and feels accordingly. Nutrition is an integral part of animal health. The constituents of the diet must be balanced, in a good ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins and minerals. The dog should receive food in a timely manner, dosed and only after a walk. Like all short-nosed dogs, Lhasa should always have fresh water at their disposal. At exhibitions, they are watered from a glass, so as not to wet their beautiful long hair on the beard and ears. You can feed both natural food and finished products. Of course, dry food is much more convenient. They have everything you need. There is no need to give your dog vitamins and minerals separately. You will not bother what to put there and how much, cut and cook at the stove. Premium concentrates are selected according to breed characteristics and the state of the dog's body. Eating such food, your four-legged friend will always be in excellent condition.
  • Walking are necessary at least three times a day. Although they are sofa favorites, they love to run and play. The peculiarity of the breed is that the Lhaso should only live indoors. In no case should it be kept in the yard. In slushy weather, put a blanket on your pet so that his beautiful fur coat does not get dirty.

Lhasa apso training and interesting facts

Three lhasa apso
Three lhasa apso

All dogs need to be trained, even if they are small. There is a misconception of some feline dog owners that they do not need to be taught. As a result of the omission of this important position, one gets a "little beast". Start education from the moment the puppy appears in your home.

In Tibet, there is a beautiful legend about how this breed appeared. When an ordinary person dies, his spirit is embodied in another being. In subsequent lifetimes, he will undergo further purification. When the chosen person dies, reincarnation is no longer needed, he finally attained spiritual bliss. This is the foundation of the philosophy of Buddhism.

But one day it happened that the chosen spirit of the Lama did not achieve bliss at the right time and he had to go through another incarnation. However, he could not incarnate into a human body. Then he would not have been able to maintain the level of spiritual purity achieved by him in his previous life. Lama decided to return to Earth in the body of an animal, choosing the most noble and exalted of them, a dog with a pure heart - lhasa apso.

Lhasa apso puppies price

Lhasa apso puppy
Lhasa apso puppy

These puppies will charm anyone. It is impossible not to caress one of them and not to take home with you. But first you need to decide if this breed is right for you. The price of puppies ranges from $ 300 to $ 700.

Learn more about the Lhasa Apso breed in the following video:
