Description of the Hungarian vizsla and rules of content

Description of the Hungarian vizsla and rules of content
Description of the Hungarian vizsla and rules of content

How the Hungarian vizsla was born, the standard of external data, behavior and health features, caring for a dog: food, walks, training. The price of the puppies. Love dogs, but can't stand the smell of a dog? But it is these dogs that do not smell! They clean themselves, even groom themselves like cats. It is not surprising that for many centuries the Vizsla were typical court pets. Neat, beautiful, majestic, like royalty, they are aristocrats in the world of dogs. Vizhly are luxurious, beautiful, grandiose - they take your breath away! Smooth fur, lean body, proud posture - they look like figurines. But don't be fooled, animals are incredibly energetic. With them, you need to engage in physical activity for at least two hours a day. With such a dog, you cannot quietly walk around the house. These dogs do not want to walk, but run fast.

How did the Hungarian Vizsla breed come about?

Two Hungarian vizslas
Two Hungarian vizslas

The breed was bred over two thousand years ago and there are not so many of its representatives. Magyars, who were nomads, began to grow them. Their history is rather unusual, as it is associated with foreign invasions. At first the Turks raided the Hungarians. Then they were captured by the Austrians and created the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Like all other European cops, outside blood was infused with them. The Turks brought with them yellow Turkish dogs, which in some way gave rise to the Hungarian vizsla. Transylvanian hounds also participated in the emergence of the species. It is believed that genes were added for the bloodhound and even possibly Asian greyhounds, which the Hungarians may have encountered during their travels. The result is the dog we know today.

Their ancestors performed hunting functions during the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Later, as a result of crossing a terrier with a pointer, a breed with an incredible sense of smell and a sense of motivation turned out. Vyzhly became the pearl of Hungary. Their breeders were the cream of the crop. However, with the collapse of the empire, they were crossed with the Weimoraner and the German Shorthaired Pointer.

In the 19th – 20th centuries, these animals were hunting and hound dogs of the Hungarian nobility. The dogs were catching a fur-bearing animal or bird. Then, after prolonged world wars, this country lost most of its territory - Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and the former Yugoslavia. The cops survived in the part of Hungary that went to Romania and in the one that remained for Slovakia, the descendants of the Magyars live there, who continue to speak Hungarian today. There were migrations in all directions, which led to the spread of Hungarian diasporas throughout Europe. They are found in England and also in the United States of America. People travel with their dogs - hunt with them. For this reason, most Hungarian cops are born in America, and not in the cradle of this breed - Hungary.

The nobles no longer hunted with dogs, because they ceased to exist. But in Hungary, rural residents began to engage in hunting. Vyzhlu was considered a luxury item, along with a large car and good weapons. The animal was an overkill that people could not always afford. The standard was adopted by the International Cynological Association in 1936 and we can say that then the recognition of the breed by cynology began.

Prior to this, continental and British cops were mainly used for the "feather" (duck, pheasant, hazel grouse), while in all countries of Eastern Europe, such dogs were mainly hunted for "fur" (hare, roe deer). These are versatile dogs that are able to take any game, in a different biotope. They have an innate ability to stand and they perfectly withstand the cold mountain climate, almost do not need professional training. You can train them yourself.

Vyzhly are very passionate about hunting. They have a mid-continental search at a distance of forty, fifty meters. They are excellently used for walcocks because although these are dogs of not great search, but they have a wonderful nose, and they know how to drive the "difficult" bird out of the thickets. Dogs hunt exclusively next to the owner and are able to do this all day. Dogs work well in a group of fellows, and even without preparation can pursue prey on the blood trail - they are versatile.

Description of the external data of the Hungarian Vizsla dog

Exterior of the Hungarian vizsla
Exterior of the Hungarian vizsla

The Hungarian vizsla is a medium-sized animal with a golden rusty color. It combines beauty, elegance and efficiency. According to the accepted standard, the height at the withers in males is from 57 cm to 65 cm, in bitches from 53 cm to 61 cm. With an error of plus or minus one centimeter. Weight of males from 22 kg to 30 kg, bitches from 20 kg to 28 kg. They move during the hunt at a strenuous gallop, while the back remains straight. The head is positioned along the line of the back or slightly higher, sometimes they lower it to take a track on the ground.

  • Head regal. Its lines are parallel, slightly diverging. The cheekbones are dry and well defined. The occipital protuberance is pronounced. The superciliary arches are moderate.
  • Muzzle rectangular, filled. The bridge of the nose can be straight or with a smooth hump. Sheer flews well overlap the lower jaw. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle (stop) is clear, but not abrupt. The lips are moderately thickened. Their pigmentation is flesh-brownish. Strong, white teeth form a scissor bite.
  • Nose the same color as the main color, brown is important. Individuals with pink and black noses will be disqualified. The lobe is well developed, the nostrils are open. When judged from the side, it is in line with the lips.
  • Eyes vizsly of the same tone with the color of the fur. It is better when they are darker. Medium in size and fit. The shape is oval. Dry eyelid pigmentation - corporal.
  • Ears fastened slightly low, have a V-shape. Their cartilage is thin, the cloth is adjacent to the head.
  • Neck long, dry, without dewlap.
  • Frame lithe and muscular. The ribcage descends to the level of the knees, narrow, developed and deep so that there is a good flow of air and the dog can work for a long time. The back line is straight. The croup is slightly rounded to the level of the tail landing.
  • Tail located low, thicker at the base, narrow towards the end. At rest, it reaches the hocks; when moving, it is parallel to the back.
  • Front limbs - parallel to each other, strong, dry muscles. The shoulder blades are oblique, the shoulders are well muscled. Hindquarters - with good angulation, which helps to push off perfectly when galloping, powerful, strong structure, slightly laid back. Stand upright when judging. The thighs are strong and muscular, with volume. Metatarsus strong. The articulation angles are moderate.
  • Paws medium, rounded with dense, harmoniously curved toes. Strong nails, elastic pads.
  • Coat ideally dry and harsh, not the soft mouse coat that many people think. It adheres tightly to the skin.
  • Skin different types: softer and slightly harder. The thin skin certainly came from pointers. To the touch, it should be strong and not very thin so that the vizsla can pass through the thorns.
  • Color translated in Hungarian - the color of toasted bread. It is neither too dark nor light.

The behavior of the Hungarian vizsla

Two Hungarian vizslas on a walk
Two Hungarian vizslas on a walk

Take a look at this animal - what a beauty! It is understandable why they were preferred by the rich and noble. They are very intelligent and loyal dogs, but if you need humility, think again. You cannot ask them for anything, you must have a good reason. But if you establish a relationship with her, the vizsla will go with you to the ends of the earth. They need to exercise constantly to stay cheerful and healthy. The dog needs to be walked for 40–45 minutes every day. For people, such walks also add health.

Like any purebred dog, the Vizsla can give you hours of pleasure. Dogs get along perfectly with children. They are incredibly loyal. They are sometimes called velcro because they enjoy being around you. Loneliness is extremely poorly tolerated. Animals are able to spend the whole day in the car, just to be with their adored owner.

Pets love to live in a team and are completely non-aggressive. With their relatives, even males and males, without any problems, get along together. The pets are very playful and love to walk. They behave in the house just wonderful. Vizhly can sit with you on the couch and watch TV. But if you take her for a walk, then you will appreciate the breed to the fullest.

Outside the apartment, especially in the field, the dogs come to life and begin to hunt. The pets work for you. The most wonderful feature of this hunting breed is that they never run far. Vizhly do not like to disappear from sight, they want to be in sight. You can not be afraid that you will lose the dog - he will not allow it. As far as discipline is concerned, it is enough for these dogs to know its basics. They love you so much that they always want to please. If something goes wrong, then it is enough to tell them - you can't!

And finally, one of the not unimportant nuances - you do not need to devote much time and effort to caring for them. It is quite enough when they are periodically bathed and their ears are cleaned. And their most important need is your love!

The health of the Hungarian vizsla

Hungarian vizsla runs on water
Hungarian vizsla runs on water

In their total mass, Hungarian vizslas are distinguished by a strong immune system and good endurance. They are not prone to major health problems. It is not uncommon for dogs to live up to the age of 14 and do not get sick at all. They do not have breed-specific hereditary diseases. From this point of view, the representatives of the breed are quite protected.

In addition to hip dysplasia, some dogs have skin allergies to certain foods, in particular soybeans. Allergy is the body's canine response to environmental allergens and food. It can cause dermatological reactions ranging from pimples to more severe conditions. With regard to dysplasia, the problem is solved with the help of a survey, which is carried out before the confirmation of the standard, in order to obtain breed individuals with a good pedigree. Animals that have not received status A or B, according to the official classification, do not undergo confirmation.

Otitis occurs in vyzhl, this is due to their long closed ears. Common sense dictates that they should be kept properly clean. Most often, cleaning is done twice a week, using products designed specifically for dogs.

As with all canines with a deep and narrow chest, these dogs can have stomach volvulus (dowsing syndrome). This condition requires immediate veterinary intervention. After providing first aid, it is important to fix the stomach in its anatomically normal position so as to avoid further problems. The intervention is often carried out in two stages.

After returning from hunting, it is important to carefully examine the skin of the dog where there are folds. The fact is that with the beginning of the hunting season, foreign plant particles, for example, thorns, can get stuck in these places. As for hunting, individuals who have reached a sexually mature state, that is, the end of the growth period, are allowed to take part in the event. This will help to avoid bone and joint problems.

Care Tips for Hungarian Vyzhla

Hungarian squeezed out in her sunbed
Hungarian squeezed out in her sunbed
  • Wool dogs have a short, and this contributes to cleanliness, but this does not mean that it is unnecessary to follow it. Bathing shampoos should contain various moisturizing ingredients in order not to dry out the skin of the animal.
  • Claws pruned regularly, with claws or cut down with natfil.
  • Ears need to be cleaned regularly as they are dangling. Excessive accumulation of sulfur is bad for their condition, causing inflammation and otitis media. They are cleaned by pouring lotion into the auricle, then massaged and after a few minutes wiped off with a soft cotton pad.
  • Eyes require attention after the hunt. They need to be inspected and, if necessary, wiped off. If a traumatic injury occurs, it is better to immediately contact an ophthalmologist to establish a diagnosis and further treatment.
  • Teeth Hungarian vizsly are cleaned systematically to prevent tooth decay and periodontal disease. The manipulation is carried out using a specialized brush and an edible paste. Let the dog chew on the bones of their pressed animal veins - this also helps to remove unnecessary plaque from the teeth.
  • Feeding four-legged hunters - full and not fat. Fatty acids are given in the form of fish oil - essential Omega-3 acids. Vitamin and mineral preparations must be present in the form of an everyday food supplement with a natural diet. The food that you prepare yourself is eighty percent of meat products and by-products, the rest of its composition is vegetables, cereals, kefir, lean cottage cheese. If you don't want to waste time preparing food for your four-legged friend, then buy premium or super premium dry food. Since these cops have a tendency to volvulus, choose the concentrate for animals with sensitive digestion. Feed the dog only after a walk, strictly according to the norm, which is indicated on the back of the product packaging.
  • Walking Vizsly must include active running or maximum movement. Exercise is necessary for their good shape and mental development. Walk with your four-legged friend two to three times a day. Each walk should be at least 45 minutes.

Hungarian vizsla training

Hungarian vizslu are trained
Hungarian vizslu are trained

Vizhly will very accurately execute all your commands if they understand that they are worthwhile. Puppies are tested using a fishing rod, to which a game wing is attached to a string. With its help, you cannot know for sure who a great hunter will grow out of, but you can see if they have the instinct to stand. Of course, they make mistakes in contact, but virtuosity can be acquired.

Gradually it is possible to take a vizhla hunting from six months to a year "to acquaint" with a large amount of game. So she will be well trained. This dog needs to hunt, but the problem is that people often wait up to a year and a half, and the matured dog becomes slightly disoriented.

Hungarian Pointing Dog is capable of patronage. She loves to work in the water - she finds injured ducks. This means that the dog must be endowed with an excellent sense of smell. They feed equally well on land and water. With regard to training in the grounds, the dog is obedient, his search is easy to control, he maintains excellent contact during the hunt.

Vyzhly do not seek to be headstrong, do not tend to do stupid things. Training methods must be adapted depending on the nature of the particular pet. All individuals of this species do not tolerate physical punishment. They need an iron hand, but with a thick velvet glove.

Interesting facts about Hungarian vizsla

Hungarian vizsla lies on the grass
Hungarian vizsla lies on the grass

They are upright. Some individuals squat a little. They approach the game energetically and quickly. Raise prey at lightning speed. Vizhly can block the game so that it no longer moves.

Purchase and price of Hungarian Vizsla puppies

Hungarian vizsla puppies
Hungarian vizsla puppies

If you are looking for a regal and loyal dog, not complaisant, but sweet, then you can take the Hungarian vizslu. You should find a kennel club for the breed. The organization has registered many successful breeders of this type of canine. By contacting professionals, you need to know what you need a dog for.

According to your criteria, the "pros" will help you choose a puppy just for you. By purchasing a puppy from the nursery, you will receive an individual with excellent physical and external parameters. The cost of Vizsla puppies can vary from $ 500 to $ 1000. Bitches and individuals with exhibition prospects and makings for hunting will always be more expensive. Flawed kitties are much cheaper.

Learn more about Hungarian Vizsla in the following video:

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