Drentskaya partridge pointer: description of the breed

Drentskaya partridge pointer: description of the breed
Drentskaya partridge pointer: description of the breed

The origin and external standard of the breed, behavioral features of the Drent partridge Pointing Dog, health, care and training, interesting facts. Purchasing a puppy. This is a unique Dutch dog. Contact and exceptional working qualities are the main characteristics of the breed. Their appearance differs from the appearance of these dogs of the same variety. The animals are named because of the area in which they were bred. The dogs have become the pride and living heritage of their country. People cherish them like the apple of their eye.

The history of the origin of the Drent partridge Pointing Dog

Two Drent Patridge Mastiffs
Two Drent Patridge Mastiffs

This is a very old breed, it existed already in the Middle Ages, but in the Netherlands they did not like dogs enough to register them. The event happened many centuries later. During World War II, when the people of the country were trying to understand, what did they still have of their own, what was left of them and the Netherlands? At that moment, they remembered about these dogs.

Then a big gathering was called, for which the Drent dogs from all over the country "gathered". You have no idea what was happening! People came on bicycles even with wooden wheels - it was so difficult with transport in Holland after the war. The best of all individuals was chosen. It was a male named Nimroth. It was according to him that the breed standard was compiled.

The patichdog's head is different from that of all other dogs. There are German cops, French epaniel. If you examine them all, not paying attention to the head, then there will be similarities between them. But if you put them in a row behind a screen that covers the body, then the drant dog will stand out from the crowd.

It is customary to use them anywhere. Dogs can graze herds, carry carts with milk, which they did before is not relevant now. Previously, they were guards. The cops had to stop strangers entering the estate, and if they continued to walk, they were bitten. This behavior is characteristic of the breed. If you have a Drenta Pointer, you can safely leave the door open - no one will pass. These pets stand up like a wall, and therefore are the best watchdogs. In their homeland they are called - the dogs of the estate. This is a real national pride.

In the Dutch village of Leon, the modern history of the Drent partridge pointer began. When the Netherlands was occupied by the Nazis, they did not like it terribly if the locals brandished their "tricolors". It was even forbidden to go out with the national flag on the street. People began to think about what kind of national symbol to come up with? They remembered their national pride - Drenty Patridge Doga.

The Germans could no longer forbid this, because dogs are a hobby. Local residents took them out into the streets as with flags and held meetings in the presence of pets. The Nazis were outraged by such actions, but nothing could be done. Almost every family in Drenthe has this national living flag. The breed club in the Netherlands was founded on June 5, 1948.

The Dutch woman Jana Offerents has written a whole book about this wonderful species. The writer worked on it for five whole years. There are eleven thousand photographs in the book. No other breed in the world can boast of such a monograph.

The custom of keeping cops in large flocks in Holland dates back to around the 17th century. The ancestors of the draent dogs came to the Netherlands from Spain. They have the blood of Spanish water dogs and British epaniels. For three hundred years, these dogs developed here, and most importantly, they tried to keep them in genetic purity so that in no case closely related blood was mixed.

External standard of the Drenta partridge Pointing dog

External standard patridge dog
External standard patridge dog

The Drent Patridge Dog is a well-built, muscular, dry-cut dog whose body shows strength as well as the ability to develop the speed required for a cop. The head is slightly wedge-shaped. The muzzle is slightly shorter than the length of the skull, the flews are rather dry. They have a wide range of working qualities and an excellent sense of smell.

Used for almost all types of hunting. The breed has good adaptability, which makes it capable of any kind of work in the field and in the water. Height at withers in males: 58–63 cm, in bitches 55–60 cm. Weight in males: 30–35 kg, in bitches 25–31 kg. The height at the withers can deviate by several centimeters, which is allowed if the dog has a good build.

  1. Head The partridge pointer is different from the head of all other dogs. It has a wedge shape. The skull is wide enough and only slightly rounded. In the middle there is a barely noticeable groove with a mark reaching the moderately developed part of the occiput. The cheekbones are slightly developed. The superciliary arches are pronounced and clearly visible.
  2. Muzzle powerful, tapering towards the tip of the nose, dull. Well filled under the eyes. They flew dry, not drooping. The bridge of the nose is straight and wide to the tip of the nose, slightly curved. The transition from skull to muzzle is gradual when viewed from both sides: profile and full face. The length of the muzzle is slightly less than the skull. The lips are rather thin, tight-fitting, colored brown. The jaws are strong. A scissor bite with a full complement of strong teeth.
  3. Nose harmoniously developed, with wide open nostrils. Colored brown.
  4. Eyes widely spaced. Arranged in such a way that they are well protected - neither convex nor deep set. They are of moderate size and oval in shape. Their expression shows the kindness and intelligence of a hunting dog. The look is smart and quick-witted. Acceptable amber color. It should not be dark or light like the eyes of a bird of prey. The eyelids are tight-fitting, dark-pigmented.
  5. Ears set high, but very mobile. Not heavy, hanging close to the head, no wrinkles. Pointed forward, they should almost reach the tip of the nose. The ears express the different moods of the cop. If the dog is not confident, then pushes them back, if alarmed or smells something, he puts his ears forward. The dog's head is, as it were, covered with ears. The cavities underneath should be well filled.
  6. Neck powerful, of medium length, forms a smooth transition between head and body.
  7. Frame elongated format. The length of the body is greater than the height of the withers. The back of the body is strong, of medium length. Combined with well-defined articulation angles, it allows the dog to jump over bushes and fallen trees. The length of the shoulder is slightly less than the length of the scapula. Topline from withers to tail, flat. The withers are strong and do not protrude too far. The loin is strongly muscled. The croup is slightly sloping, wide and long. The chest is deep, reaching to the elbows. Ribs well spaced - neither flat nor barrel-shaped. The lower abdomen is only slightly tucked up.
  8. Tail is a continuation of the topline. Reaches the hock in length. In motion, the tail is positioned slightly above the line of the spine. Its end is slightly bent upward by a small curve. The back never bends. Covered with rich thick hair.
  9. Paws arch-like, round or oval in shape, with tightly pressed, strong fingers and hard pads. Pointed forward, without any turns. The nails are strong, black. The movement is balanced with good drive, when running, the stride changes into a canter without swaying from side to side.
  10. Coat long, dense, well covering the body. The skin is tight-fitting, without wrinkles and folds. The outer hair is slightly curly, more straight. Has a dense, waterproof undercoat. On the neck, legs, belly, and on the tail, it should be longer, preferably wavy, not curly. The tail is special - bushy like a fox. The backs of the front and hind legs, also the pants, are feathered. The paws between the toes are well covered with hair.
  11. Color white with brown or dark brown markings (well-defined spots of various shapes and specks). No greyish color (a mixture of brown and white hair all over the body). Less desirable are brown ears and blonde hair around the eyes.

The extremities of the Drent partridge Pointer:

  1. Front - straight with strong bones. Perfectly positioned under the body with the elbows placed close to the ribcage. The shoulder blades are long, sloping and well laid back. The shoulders are tilted back, forming a good angle with the shoulder. The elbows are close to the body. The forearms are straight and parallel. The wrists are strong. The pasterns are strong and slightly sloping.
  2. Rear - developed, muscular. Seen from the rear, straight and parallel. The thighs are broad and well muscled. Forms a perfect angle with the lower femur. The knee is moderately developed. The hock joint is set low. Metatarsus short, turned neither outward nor inward.

Features of the behavior of the drant partridge cop

The muzzle of the Drent partridge Pointing Dog
The muzzle of the Drent partridge Pointing Dog

These dogs are distinguished not only by remarkable physical strength, but also by outstanding mental abilities. With serious physical characteristics, they are very loyal and companionable. Excellent home guards and protectors of all members of the "pack" in which they live. Drenta cops make ideal family pets. They are great for children and can become a real four-legged friend for them. Pets not only play with the boys, but also wonderfully take care of them.

Partridge dogs are capable rehabilitators. They are used to treat: patients with nervous disorders and infantile cerebral palsy. Also, with the help of their unique sense of smell, they sharply feel the disagreements in the human body. It can even determine spikes in blood sugar in insulin dependent people. Dogs bring a lot of joy, warmth and light when dealing with old people in a nursing home.

In the home, Drent dogs are quiet. They are gentle and affectionate. They are very loyal to the owner and to all members of the family in which they live. These dogs always obey their owner and try to please him in every possible way. They are easy enough to train. The animals are very communicative. Such wonderful companions will gladly share with you all your joys and sorrows.

Health of the Dranto partridge Pointing Dog

Drent partridge Pointing Dog in water
Drent partridge Pointing Dog in water

Drent partridge cops are distinguished by their strength and endurance. They have a strong immune system. Their life expectancy is from 14 to 15 years. As the property of Holland, they are very cherished and treated with awe. Therefore, thanks to local breeders, closely related relationships, as well as breeding of sick individuals, are completely excluded.

Everything else depends on the breeder. If the dog is not raised correctly, then its health will be poor. From puppyhood, the pet needs good nutrition and dosed physical activity. Also, the boy needs to be vaccinated in a timely manner and manipulated to destroy internal and external parasites.

But still, not all dogs of this breed can be brilliantly healthy. There are some diseases affecting these animals. One of them is progressive retinal atrophy and hereditary stomatitis.

Tips for caring for your Drent Patrice Dog

Drent Partridge Pointing Dog on a Walk
Drent Partridge Pointing Dog on a Walk
  1. Wool first of all, it needs to be combed out, especially during the molting period. The procedure is carried out using a slicker or furminator. This will help your pet get rid of dead hair faster. They are bathed with specialized shampoos as they become dirty.
  2. Ears must be checked and regularly (once every one, two weeks) cleaned.
  3. Eyes do not require special attention.
  4. Teeth pets are prone to various diseases of the oral cavity. Therefore, the dog needs to clean them twice or three times a week. There are specialized brushes as well as edible pastes that can be bought at pet stores. For prevention, let your pet chew pressed bones.
  5. Claws these cops need to be sheared off with claws if they are not grinded.
  6. Feeding such hunting dogs require an enhanced formula. Therefore, in order not to "rack your brains" while thinking over the correct pet diet, it is easiest to pay attention to professional, specialized ready-made feeds, premium or super-premium class. Their composition meets all the requirements of an active dog's body and contains an additional complex of vitamins and minerals. If you still prefer to feed your four-legged hunter "natural", then remember that most of it should consist of meat and offal, the rest: cereals and dairy products, occasionally eggs and vegetables. But still, about this it is better for you to talk with professional breeders or a veterinarian.
  7. Walking hunting dogs should include volumetric loads and complex tasks. Pets should run well and walk every day. Ideally, they are better supported by people living outside the city. But the apartment option is also possible, subject to daily and long-term outdoor activities with a four-legged friend.

Training of the Drent Patridge Dog

Drenta partridge cop is being trained
Drenta partridge cop is being trained

The most important thing in the upbringing of a patridge dog is, in no case should you put pressure on them and you shouldn't stoop to rudeness. Yes, sometimes you have to punish your pet, but what should this punishment be? Many people believe that you can slap a dog with a rolled-up newspaper. It is not right. You can just scare her. The dog should not be afraid of the owner, but should be afraid of committing an offense. You should never beat a pet - it's mean, low and disgusting. First of all, as a person, you humiliate yourself. You can pull the leash, pat it a little by the scruff, ignore it or send it to the place.

The Drent partridge dog is strong, has excellent eyesight and incredible physical strength. Despite the fact that they are not as fast as other cops, the dogs are distinguished by their ability to learn quickly and are very versatile. They know how to make a stance, easily find and apport prey, they work perfectly on any terrain, they hunt game and birds with equal success. They also thrive not only as virtuoso hunters, they can be easily trained in the guarding and defensive craft.

Interesting facts about the Drent partridge Pointing Dog

Drent Partridge Pointing Dog in the Snow
Drent Partridge Pointing Dog in the Snow

These are very strong dogs and no wonder, because they were used at one time to pull carts with various loads, at farm work. There was a time when they were used exclusively as nurse dogs. They were trusted by the children and not only did the dogs guard them, they could warn if the child was crying or something else happened.

Pointing dogs have a very keen sense of smell. Many people with diabetes are advised to have a draining dog. These pets feel when a person's sugar rises and then they will actively walk, whine or bark. In general, in every possible way to signal that something is wrong with the owner.

Acquisition of a Drenta Partridge Pointing Puppy

Drent Partridge Pointing Puppy
Drent Partridge Pointing Puppy

Breeders of Drenth Patridge Dogs, when people come to them for the purchase of a puppy, first of all look at the buyer himself. Pay attention to how he interacts with the dogs and how the puppies react to him. Find out how educated a person is in the field of dog breeding. They ask, for what purposes he needs this cop: hunting, breeding, exhibition career, just as a beloved friend. Further, the breeder will find out what conditions the future owner can provide for the dog.

And only after evaluating all the information, he decides whether to sell the puppy to a specific person or not. Not everyone is lucky enough to become the owner of a Drenta cop. The breeder is kind to each dog in the cattery, because the fate of the animals directly depends on him. These dogs are a living symbol of Holland and you cannot buy them in other countries, so you can find out the price of a cop only upon arrival.

More details about the Drent partridge cop in this video:
