Description of the Russian colored lapdog and the rules of caring for her

Description of the Russian colored lapdog and the rules of caring for her
Description of the Russian colored lapdog and the rules of caring for her

The origin of the breed is the Russian colored lapdog, the standard of appearance, character and his health, advice on care, training, interesting facts. Price when buying a puppy. You can take them with you everywhere. They are not big and very calm. Nice, good-natured intellectuals will bring joy to your home and warmth to your heart. Although they are small fluffy creatures, they are real dogs devoted to their owners both in soul and body. The animals are very beautiful. Their long coat allows for intricate hairstyles. The dog's hairdresser has a place to swing haircuts, hairpins, elastic bands.

The history of the origin of the Russian colored lapdog

Russian colored lapdog on a walk
Russian colored lapdog on a walk

In Russia, lapdogs first appeared in St. Petersburg. The first pets of this beautiful breed were presented to Catherine II, King of Prussia Frederick the Great. This queen was the first of the Russian monarchs to introduce the fashion for indoor dogs. They accompanied her everywhere: slept with her, ate food and traveled. The period of her reign was a very interesting time. One of the hallmarks of that time was "free" love at court.

How is she related to lapdogs? The fact is that when the gentlemen went to war, or on a long trip, they brought the hearts of these fluffy creatures as a gift to the ladies. Since they were used as heating pads, they did not allow unauthorized men into the sleeping bed. These were pets, who, in turn, kind of followed the "moral" appearance of their beloved women. And they were a kind of "bed" guards.

The popularity of lapdogs reached its peak at the beginning of the 19th century. Fashionistas of that time even wore a hairstyle called "dog ears". Former court ladies-in-waiting grew old, but they did not lose their love for these pets. They became an integral part of the image of elderly ladies who suffered from bouts of blues, gout, hatred of young beautiful rivals, and their indoor fluffy favorites were the only consolation.

With the beginning of the new Soviet era, in the twenties, decorative breeds were practically forgotten. They were considered remnants of the "bourgeois regime". New hobbies appeared in dog fashion, about which the slogan reads: "Long live new, service, Soviet dogs!" So little dogs disappeared from Soviet apartments and the streets of Leningrad, and the entire space of the Soviet Union. And then, the war began, there was a blockade of Leningrad, and the post-war devastation. Naturally, in such a difficult time, people did not care about decorative pets, they had to survive and rebuild the country.

In 1947, at one of the exhibition competitions, a decorative dog was presented in a single copy. Nevertheless, in the early 50s, a group of enthusiasts led by Zhanetta Avgustovna Chesnokova set out to develop a domestic, decorative, dwarf breed. You can write a story or make a film about the history of the emergence of the Russian colored lapdog. Judge for yourself. A dog "Trifon" was brought from Hungary to Leningrad, and a coffee lapdog with a funny nickname "Zhu-zhu" was taken from a circus touring in Leningrad. So the beginning of "dog love" was born, which resulted in a funny offspring. Subsequently, they were already receiving blood from Moltese, Bolognese, Italian lapdog and Shih Tzu.

In 1966, the All-Union Kinological Council approved the standard of a new variety. It may seem to someone that they are created for those people who have not played enough with dolls yet, but do not give in to the first impression. Still, today, these are salon dogs, therefore, this is a part of their everyday life. Some of them even act in films. It is more correct to call them not lapdogs, but bichons. The word "bichon", translated from French, means: to fold or curl.

There is a lot of controversy about their origin. The Italians consider them to be from the city of Bologna. The French, Greeks and Maltese claim that the breed originated in their cities. But the Russian people went their own way and created this wonderful breed - Russian, colored lapdog.

What were its creators pursuing? This is not only an amazing appearance, but above all companion qualities. It is no secret that a loud, grumpy disposition is common among small dogs. The creators of the breed wanted to get rid of this unpleasant property. Russian colored dogs must have a very stable nervous organization. These are well-socialized dogs that are in excellent contact not only with people, but also with their fellows. Males are calm about their rivals. Bitches are very loyal and affectionate. A pleasant disposition is the most valuable thing that can be in pets. After all, this creates a pleasant atmosphere in the house. You come tired from work, and your four-legged friend greets you cheerfully! Immediately, the soul becomes warm, all problems and fatigue disappear without a trace.

Description of the breed appearance standard

The external standard of the Russian colored lapdog
The external standard of the Russian colored lapdog

A small fluffy compact dog of a square format with a unique temperament. Well human-oriented.

  1. Head. Rounded, not large, in good proportion to the body, aesthetically pleasing. The forehead is round. The superciliary arches and the occipital protuberance are not pronounced.
  2. Muzzle short, neat. Well filled. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is pronounced. The bridge of the nose is straight. The nostrils of the nose are well open. The nose and lips are pigmented in the color of the coat, but it is better if they are darker. The lips fit tightly. Scissor bite. Slightly undershot or overshot allowed, but no gap. The incisors are perpendicular to the jaw.
  3. Eyes the Russian colored lapdog has large, round, but not convex, brown. The eyelids are the same pigmentation as the coat color. The doggie has a distinct and understanding eye expression.
  4. Ears high rise, triangular in shape slightly rounded at the ends. Hanging, close to the cheekbones. Covered with long hair, which gives them an elegant look.
  5. Neck - Set on high, of medium length, lean musculature.
  6. Frame almost square, slightly stretched. The back is straight, strong and wide enough. Short lumbar part, slightly protruding. The croup is muscular, rounded, slightly sloping. The chest is oval, well developed. The belly is a little tucked up.
  7. Tail - in a ringlet, set high, evenly covered with long, abundant, adorning hair. The tip of the tail extends over the back.
  8. Front limbs slightly wider than middle set, parallel to each other. The shoulder blades are oblique, the elbows are directed backward, and the hind ones are straight, parallel, wider than the middle position. Thighs of medium size, muscular, set obliquely. The hocks are dry and well articulated. Metatarsus vertical.
  9. Paws oval, vaulted, medium size. The hind feet are smaller than the front ones. Paw pads and nails with dark pigmentation.
  10. Wool cover. The structure of the coat for the Russian colored lapdog is desirable wavy, but not curly. Long topcoat with abundant dense undercoat. Does not adhere to the skin - fluffy. The hair is soft to the touch. It looks shiny and silky.
  11. Color: any color, solid color - except white. Today, more rare dogs of pure black and rich brown color scheme. These colors are very difficult to obtain when breeding. They characterize the breed standard. Light spots on the chest and legs are allowed.

The nature of the Russian colored lapdog

Male and female of Russian colored lapdog
Male and female of Russian colored lapdog

Even if there are a lot of dogs in the apartment, they do not create an unhealthy atmosphere and an uncomfortable environment. These animals are simply created for the soul, warmth and comfort. Despite its miniature "size" and "fluffy" appearance, this is a full-fledged dog in any situation. She is not a toy or a piece of furniture, just a good-natured small creature.

Watching Russian lapdogs is a special pleasure. They move very funny. It seems that a professional animator was involved in their creation. "Flowers", as their owners affectionately call them, are unusually soft and gentle towards the owner and all family members. They are especially affectionate with children. It should be noted that these dogs quite calmly perceive strangers and their relatives. But most of all they want to be close to their owners. Due to their attachment to them, they can suffer from anxiety if left alone for a long time.

"Flowers" consider themselves to be large dogs in a small body. Therefore, if necessary, they are ready to protect you from uninvited guests, barking passionately at them. Very easy to learn various tricks and commands - extraordinarily smart. Some of them are stubborn and often spoiled, but it all depends on the owner. As you raise a dog, it will be so. Don't look down on them. Once they served as heating pads, but now they warm souls.

Dog health and disease

Russian colored lapdog on the grass
Russian colored lapdog on the grass

In general, these are strong dogs with good immunity. Some individuals live up to 16 years or more. Naturally, for excellent health and beautiful appearance, first of all, you need to take care of their diet from childhood. In addition to the fact that the food must be balanced, it must contain all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Also, from an early age, in order to avoid contracting various diseases, the animal undergoes regular routine vaccination. Up to a year - three routine vaccinations, and then, once a year, a comprehensive vaccination is done throughout the pet's life. Various skin, subcutaneous and internal parasites bring not only discomfort to the animal, but also dangerous diseases. Therefore, systematic processing from them must be constant. In summer, when fleas and ticks are activated, these procedures are carried out more often. Elimination of helminths is practiced all year round once every three months.

Small breeds are prone to periodontal disease and tartar deposition. Therefore, dogs need to brush their teeth systematically.

Tips for caring for a Russian colored lapdog

Russian colored lapdog in the room
Russian colored lapdog in the room

These dogs are very beautiful and elegant. They need to be looked after like real movie stars - especially if they are on show. It is necessary to accustom animals to all hygienic and cosmetic procedures gradually, from puppyhood.

  1. Wool. The coat of "flowers" is hypoallergenic and devoid of a specific smell. "Doggy" in your house will not smell. They do not shed abundantly. Therefore, you will not clean up again. You can comb them out every day. You need to start the manipulation with a slicker, and then finish it with a comb-comb, on which you need to apply an antistatic agent. Pets are bathed from one to two times a week, or once a month. Before water procedures, it is advisable to comb the animal well. Next, the wool is washed with a special shampoo. Be sure to rinse the colored lapdog with conditioner. This will allow the coat to become silky and the hair will be less tangled. To give the final touch to the hair, blow-dry the dog using an antistatic agent in the direction of hair growth. It is better to remove the bangs over the eyes of the animal with a hair clip or an elastic band so that it does not close the eyes. Some breeders prefer to cut their flowers. Nowadays there are many grooming specialists who know different intricate and simpler hairstyles for dogs. Haircuts will make your pet look very elegant. Naturally, it is better to subject the pet to the procedure in the warm season. This will make it easier for him to cope with the summer heat.
  2. Ears. Russian colored lapdogs are long-haired dogs and of course the auricle is covered with long hair and inside. Because of this, ventilation in the ear is much worse. Therefore, it is better to pluck the hairs inside the ear periodically. This will save your pet from unnecessary problems. You can master this procedure yourself or entrust your "flower" to a veterinarian.
  3. Eyes. In a lapdog, they need to be given special attention. It is better to wipe them regularly. Soak a cotton sponge with soothing drops. Then draw towards the inner corner of the eye.
  4. Teeth. Decorative "flowers" are prone to the accumulation of plaque. In order for your pet to have fresh breath, gums and teeth to remain healthy, teach him to procedures from an early age. To do this, purchase toothpaste and a brush for animals. The pet should have preventive chewing toys. They are made in such a configuration and with materials that allow you to effectively get rid of plaque in the oral cavity.
  5. Claws. In order for the pet to mix freely, the claws need to be cut regularly as it grows. This must be done carefully so as not to hurt the blood vessels. Many special tools are now on sale for this manipulation. If you are unsure of your abilities, see your veterinarian or groomer.
  6. Feeding. These dogs do not experience special preferences in food. But still, in order for your animal to be always cheerful, fun and beautiful, you need to approach its nutrition wisely. First, never give your pet anything sweet - it destroys the dog's body. Gnawing bones is strictly prohibited. They clog the intestines and can even be fatal. Do not feed your pet between meals. This leads to unstable bowel movements and stomach problems. Feeding a four-legged pet with ready-made food is easier. The composition of the concentrates is balanced and fortified. When preparing natural products, you will have to think carefully about everything, select the necessary vitamins and minerals separately.
  7. Walking. They walk with colored lapdogs two to three times a day. It is necessary to bring them out not only so that the animal relieves itself, but also you need to give them the opportunity to run out well.
  8. Toilet. Sometimes there are situations when there is no way to take your pet out into the street, to the toilet. "Flowers" are very smart, and easily get used to a special tray.

Russian colored lapdog training and interesting facts

Russian colored lapdog training
Russian colored lapdog training

Having a very great affection for a person, Russian lapdogs try to please their masters all the time. Therefore, they are very easy to train. In addition, they also have circus roots. They also perform intricate tricks with ease. Well, every dog should know the most elementary commands.

Although the breed was bred in the city of Leningrad, at the moment, Moscow is the leader in the number of nurseries of this species. In Russia, the flowers were officially recognized, but they have not yet received international recognition.

Having behavioral features common to the whole species, each pet has pronounced character traits peculiar only to him. Puppies from the same litter can be very different: in physique, coat quality and behavior. All these factors indicate that the breed needs to be minted and brought to perfection.

Price when buying a puppy of a colored lapdog

Russian colored lapdog puppy
Russian colored lapdog puppy

Since this breed is not yet stable, and still requires polishing, it is naturally better to buy puppies from professional breeders. These people are very responsible for the breeding of Russian colored lapdogs. Only they have dogs with a stable nervous organization, strong immunity, raised with love and extensive work experience. Professionals will advise you throughout the pet's life cycle on the specifics of its content.

The best leading clubs are located in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Depending on the required conditions for the animal, the price will also depend. Females for breeding and males with excellent conformation are always the most expensive. Dogs with deviations in external data will be cheaper. The average price for a purebred Russian colored lapdog puppy will be from $ 100 to $ 800, depending on its parameters.

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