Features of growing and reproduction of Stephanotis

Features of growing and reproduction of Stephanotis
Features of growing and reproduction of Stephanotis

External signs of a plant, advice on breeding and caring for Stephanotis, transplanting, watering and fertilizing, interesting facts, types of flowers. Stephanotis belongs to the Asclepiadaceae family, which includes no more than a dozen species of this plant. The homeland of the flower is considered to be the territories of Japan, China, the island of Madagascar and areas of the Malay Archipelago. That is, he prefers regions with a tropical or subtropical climate. This gentle half-shrub took its name from the confluence of the Greek words stephanos - crown or crown, as well as otos, meaning "ear". This is due to the fact that the flowers have five ear-shaped outgrowths, which are located on the stamen tube. It is also translated as "a corolla of pork ears". Stephanotis was first described at the beginning of the 19th century (1806).

All representatives of this species are climbing plants. Under indoor conditions, it is customary to grow only profusely flowering Stephanotis, which is popularly called "Madagascar jasmine". In the wild, this climbing liana can reach a height of 5–6 m. The stems of the plant, with their ability to climb and fasten, climb on vertical surfaces, which is advantageously used in decorating rooms. However, the shoots are not strong enough to support their weight, and they need support to avoid breaking off under their weight.

The leaf plates of Stephanotis are distinguished by their density and leatheriness of the surface. They are located oppositely on the stems. Their shape is elliptical, rich dark emerald hue. The edge is all-edged, at the base the leaf plate is more rounded, and at the top there is a slight sharpening. They can grow up to 10–12 cm in length and 4–5 cm in width. A vein of light shade runs along the center of the leaf, which stands out with its green color against the background.

But the main decoration of "Madagascar jasmine" is its delicate and beautiful flowers, which amaze with their unique fragrant aroma. Magnificent bud, as if sculpted from wax. He takes his beginning in the form of a snow-white tube, which at the edges turns into an asterisk due to the bent lobes-petals. In diameter, the flower of Stephanotis usually reaches 2, 5–3 cm. Inflorescences in the form of clusters or loose umbrellas are collected from delicate star-shaped flowers. The number of buds in one "cluster" rarely exceeds 7 units. The shade of the buds depends on the type of plant, but mostly these are snow-white or cream colors. The flowering process for this beautifully flowering vine lasts 10 months. Inflorescences grow from the axillary buds of the leaves. For its tenderness and purity in some countries of the Old World it is customary to call Stephanotis "the bride's wreath" and often its snow-white clusters of stars-flowers are used to create wedding compositions and bouquets for the newlywed. Flowers of "Madagascar jasmine" can successfully replace orange blossom, which is also woven into the hair of brides.

After the flowers change color, it is time for fruiting, the result of which in Stephanotis is presented in the form of boxes with the shape of an ellipse. When fully ripe, these barrels crack and shoot with seeds that have parachutics like dandelion seeds. Therefore, in conditions of natural growth, the plant reproduces by self-sowing. Ripening of seeds lasts for almost a year.

In our area, Stephanotis is still rare, but its qualities have already been appreciated by the designers of the premises. With the help of this delicate liana-like plant, you can decorate windows and arches in the house, create phytowalls and curtains, they like to grow it in greenhouses or greenhouses.

Opinions about the cultivation of this marvelous plant are very diverse, many speak of its great moodiness and difficulty in its care. Consider some tips from seasoned and experienced florists.

Recommendations for the cultivation of Stephanotis

Woman with Stephanotis
Woman with Stephanotis

Since the homeland of this flower is the territory where the tropical and subtropical climate prevails, the plant is extremely unsuitable for growing conditions in ordinary apartments or offices. It is difficult to maintain high levels of humidity, light and heat. Naturally, it will feel better in greenhouses or conservatories, where the temperature will never drop below 10 degrees Celsius.

  1. Lighting. Stephanotis loves bright light, but direct exposure to ultraviolet light on its leaves will cause burns. Since the plant has a high growth rate, it is necessary to allocate a lot of light and spacious space for it on the windowsill. Windows should have a south, east and west orientation. Only on the southern side of the premises, it is worth sticking paper or tracing paper on the windows, so that it scatters bright sunlight. Or shade with tulles, curtains or gauze curtains. If the pot with "Madagascar jasmine" will stand on the windowsill of the window of the gray location, then you will have to provide supplemental lighting with phytolamps. The same applies to other places where the flower will be placed in the autumn-winter period, since Stephanotis requires 12 hours of daylight hours. This liana-like bush cannot stand being twisted, therefore it is recommended to put a "light mark" on the pot. This will help to maintain the position chosen for the "Madagascar Jasmine" once and for all, without causing him inconvenience. If you break this rule, then do not be surprised that the buds do not develop and the flowers will begin to fall off without opening.
  2. The temperature of the "star liana" content. In order for the plant to grow well and delight in color, it is necessary to withstand a different regime in summer and winter. With the arrival of the warm period of the year, it is necessary that the heat indicators in the room fluctuate within the range of 18-24 degrees. It shouldn't be hot. But in the autumn-winter months, only 14-16 degrees Celsius should be maintained. This is necessary in order for the flower buds to form in Stephanotis and to successfully complete its flowering. This flower does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature changes, therefore, if the room is being ventilated, it is important to ensure that the pot with "Madagascar jasmine" does not stand in the way of cold air currents.
  3. Humidity in the room is maintained at a fairly high level. This is especially true of the time when the thermometer began to exceed 20-24 degrees. It will be necessary to carry out frequent spraying of leaf plates, make sure that drops of moisture do not fall on flowers and buds. This operation is carried out once a day, the same applies to the wintering time, if the heat has not been reduced to the required limit. Water is taken only soft, slightly above room temperature. You can also artificially increase the humidity: use mechanical humidifiers; place vessels filled with liquid next to the Stephanotis pot; you can install the flowerpot in deep containers, on the bottom of which expanded clay or pebbles are poured and a small amount of water is poured. It is also recommended to periodically wipe sheet plates with a damp cloth.
  4. Watering carried out often in the spring and summer, the plant loves abundant moisture in the substrate and only with water with a low content of harmful impurities and salts - it should be soft. After the flowers crumble, watering is reduced, so that the soil in the pot is always slightly moist. But it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not become waterlogged, but drying the earthen coma will greatly harm the flower. Water for humidification needs to be defended, boiled or filtered. It is best to collect rain or melt snow, then the resulting moisture is brought to room temperature and the soil is moistened. You can also get soft water using peat soil, a handful of which is placed in a gauze bag and left in a collected bucket of water overnight. After that, watering can be carried out, the water will become soft and slightly acidic.
  5. Fertilizers for stephanotis. Frequent feeding is not necessary for "Madagascar Jasmine". It is enough to fertilize the soil once every fortnight. The main thing is that there is a sufficient potassium content in the composition, since an increased concentration of nitrogen will lead to the growth of stems and leaves, and flowering will slow down significantly. It will also be bad to endure wintering with Stephanotis if the fertilizing is very nitrogenous, and the branches that have grown enough will have to be cut off, which also will not contribute to early flowering even next year. Fertilizers should be selected for indoor flowering plants. The formation of buds and the dissolution of flowers can be stimulated by mineral complexes with the composition of trace elements or feeding potassium salts and superphosphates, which must be added to the water for irrigation 1-2 times before the beginning of the flowering process, approximately in May days. Also "Madagascar jasmine" responds well to the introduction of organic compounds, for example, mullein solution.
  6. Recommendations for replanting and soil selection. It is necessary to change the pot until the time when there are no buds on the bush. Young specimens are subject to a change of pot and soil annually and choose a transshipment method - without destroying the earthy coma, with minimal consequences for the root system. Since stephanotis has many thin root processes that actively absorb water and their breakage or violation leads to the wilting of the whole bush.

Watering the plant after transplanting must be very careful, and frequent spraying is best suited here. You can also add a little root formation or growth stimulants to the water to moisten the soil. When the bush grows up, such operations are carried out only once every 2-3 years. The pots for "Madagascar jasmine" are selected heavy enough, ceramic, so that they can withstand the weight of the above-ground part and not be thrown over. At the bottom of the flowerpot, it is necessary to make holes for the outflow of excess moisture and pour a layer of 2-3 cm of drainage moisture-retaining material - fine-grained expanded clay or pebbles. The soil for replanting should be of normal acidity, which varies in the range of pH 5, 5–6, 5. If the soil has an alkaline reaction, then flowering may not occur. The substrate for Stephanotis requires heavy compositions, you can choose from the following options:

  • clay soil, leafy soil, river sand, humus, peat soil (in a ratio of 1: 1: 2: 3: 3);
  • old compost, high-quality garden soil, coarse sand, peat (all parts are equal);
  • deciduous soil, sod soil, clay soil, peat soil (or humus), sand (3: 3: 3: 2: 1).

Indoor propagation of Madagascar jasmine

Stephanotis blooms
Stephanotis blooms

You can get a new fragrant bush by sowing seeds or by grafting.

This delicate flower is considered difficult to cultivate due to the poor rooting of the cut material. In order for the cut cuttings to form root shoots, it is imperative to use root formation stimulants. Seeds that are poorly planted and rarely germinate.

The process of vegetative propagation should take place during spring and summer days. It is necessary to cut for grafting twigs from semi-lignified stems, on which there will be 2-3 leaves. The cut is made approximately 2 cm below the internode. Next, you need to dip the cut into a growth stimulator (for example, "Kornevin"), and plant it in a sand-soil mixture or in clean, moistened sand. Landing is done at a depth of one to one and a half centimeters and at an angle. Seedlings must be wrapped in plastic wrap or a bag to create conditions for a mini-greenhouse, with constant high levels of moisture and heat. The soil temperature is maintained within the range of 22-25 degrees. The cuttings are placed in a place with good lighting, but avoiding the bright rays of the sun. It is necessary not to forget to regularly air and moisten the soil with a spray bottle. If everything goes well, then after 14–20 days, new shoots will appear in the leaf axils.

As soon as young Stephanotis grow stronger, they can be transplanted into separate pots with soil suitable for adult specimens. For good branching, after transplanting, it is recommended to pinch the tops of the shoots. After changing the pot, it is necessary to put young "Madagascar jasmines" in a room with a cool temperature and start watering, not allowing the earth to dry out. Only the next year is it recommended to change the pot by 11-15 cm in diameter.

Some problems when growing Stephanotis

Disease stalk of stephanotis
Disease stalk of stephanotis

There are several reasons why the plant begins to show signs of poor care:

  • leaf plates turn yellow and fall off in case of insufficient lighting and a pier of nutrients;
  • the liana began to massively discard foliage - this became the cause of exposure to a draft or hypothermia;
  • buds and flowers stop developing if the pot with the plant was moved to another place or the temperature of the content changed;
  • flowering does not occur in any way if the "Madagascar jasmine" was abundantly overfed with nitrogen supplements.

Of the pests that can infect Stephanotis, the most common are:

  • spider mites, leaf plates and shoots are covered with a thin translucent cobweb;
  • scale insect, the leaves begin to turn yellow, as this pest sucks vital juices from the vines, and brownish dots are visible on the back of the leaf plates;
  • aphids, small bugs of green or black color, crawling in large numbers along the trunks and leaves of "Madagascar jasmine";
  • mealybug, leaf plates and internodes are covered with a cotton-like bloom.

To combat, a systemic insecticide should be used.

Interesting facts about Stephanotis

Stephanotis color
Stephanotis color

There is a version that Stephanotis, like ivy or muzhegon, cannot be kept indoors, since he does not like males and will help a person leave this house. However, among many peoples, "Madagascar jasmine" is specially given to unmarried girls, so that it attracts grooms, and so that the lucky woman gets married quickly.

Attention! Stephanotis juice is very caustic, and if it accidentally gets into the eyes or on the skin, it will provoke irritation. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of him with gloves for those people whose skin is very sensitive, and in general, it is better to take care of the rest. It is also recommended to keep the plant pot out of the reach of small children or pets.

Types of stephanotis

Stephanotis in flowerpots
Stephanotis in flowerpots
  1. Flowering Stephanotis (Stephanotis floribunda). It differs in flowers of a snow-white shade, the "stars" of which can reach 5-6 cm in diameter. There are varieties of a variegative type, in which the leaf plates are patterned in the form of stripes or strokes of golden or whitish color. This species is the most unpretentious to care for, for which it is appreciated by flower growers.
  2. Stephanotis acuminata. Its star-shaped flowers are creamy in color.
  3. Stephanotis grandiflora (Stephanotis grandiflora). It differs in a fairly large inflorescence, which consists of about 30 flowers, and the bud tube itself casts a greenish tint.
  4. Stephanotis thouarsii. The color of the bud is of the most delicate lilac shade, and its throat is slightly pinkish.

More about Stephanotis see here:
