Atraumatic face cleansing - features of the procedure

Atraumatic face cleansing - features of the procedure
Atraumatic face cleansing - features of the procedure

Atraumatic face cleansing is a gentle but effective way to get rid of skin problems. Before carrying out the procedure, you should familiarize yourself with its features. With age, not the most pleasant changes in the skin of the face appear - for example, blackheads, pigmentation, acne, skin fading, comedones, etc. To get rid of these problems, you need to seek help from an experienced cosmetologist. Today, there are a large number of various procedures that help get rid of these minor troubles. One of the most effective and popular methods is atraumatic facial cleansing, during which the skin is gently affected, and the result will exceed all expectations.

Atraumatic face skin cleansing - what is this procedure?

Professional atraumatic skin cleansing
Professional atraumatic skin cleansing

Atraumatic cleansing of the facial skin is a gentle procedure during which there is no discomfort or discomfort, while it has the maximum level of skin protection. During it, special cosmetics are used. The drugs used have no contraindications, do not provoke allergies or irritation, therefore they can also be used to treat very sensitive and thin skin or with couperose manifestations.

Atraumatic face cleansing is most beneficial in the presence of such problems as:

  • seborrhea;
  • scarring of the skin after acne;
  • small mimic wrinkles;
  • photoaging of the skin;
  • withering of the skin;
  • the presence of wide pores;
  • very oily skin;
  • black spots;
  • the presence of acne;
  • pigmentation of the skin;
  • comedones.

The procedure for atraumatic face cleansing is a kind of peeling for the skin, during which there is an effect of certain chemicals.

In modern cosmetology, more than 50 different chemical preparations are used for this procedure. They are selected taking into account the existing problem.

Atraumatic facial cleansing is divided into three types:

  1. Deep peeling - the procedure is prescribed in the presence of mimic wrinkles or in the case of scarring of the skin.
  2. Medium peeling - carried out for all of the above skin problems.
  3. Light peeling - used to keep the skin in good condition.

Atraumatic face cleansing can be applied at any time of the year and at any age. After this procedure, there is no redness or swelling of the skin, which are the consequences of mechanical cleaning of the face.

Atraumatic face cleansing should be abandoned in the following cases:

  • the presence of abrasions, cuts or other damage to its integrity on the surface of the skin;
  • with dermatitis;
  • with herpes, which is in the active stage;
  • if there is a pronounced rash with abscesses on the surface of the skin.

This cosmetic procedure is also prohibited if there is an individual intolerance to the individual components that make up the drug used.

Taking into account the existing problem, the doctor independently selects the drug. As a rule, the most commonly used products are based on the following acids:

  • retinoic;
  • dairy;
  • salicylic;
  • glycolic;
  • wine;
  • pyruvic;
  • apple.

Already after the first procedure of atraumatic cleansing of the face, positive changes will be noticeable. If such sessions are carried out regularly, not only the achieved result is maintained, but the condition of the skin continues to improve.

How is atraumatic facial cleansing performed?

Atraumatic face skin cleansing in a beauty salon
Atraumatic face skin cleansing in a beauty salon

Atraumatic facial cleansing is a completely safe and painless procedure, during which there is no discomfort or discomfort. It can be carried out only in a beauty parlor, you need to use the services of a professional specialist.

The procedure itself is very simple and is performed in several stages:

  1. First, the remnants of cosmetics and dust are necessarily washed off using a special cosmetic product for washing. Experts recommend washing your face with cold water, followed by warm water - performing a contrast shower for the skin.
  2. In the next step, the skin is prepared for the acid attack. A special lotion, light peeling or a mask based on fruit acid (in a small consistency) is applied to the face. This tool has a certain effect on the skin, due to which the upper keratinized and dead particles are removed.
  3. Then the specialist removes this product from the skin and a light facial massage is done. This is necessary in order for the pores to open, and the impurities inside them become softer.
  4. The cosmetologist performs galvanic, ultrasonic or vacuum cleaning of pores - the procedure is selected taking into account the severity of the problem.
  5. A special mask is applied to the skin, which is based on acid. It is this stage that is the main feature of atraumatic face cleansing.
  6. After the main process is completed, an antiseptic is applied to the skin, which helps to avoid infection and other unpleasant phenomena.
  7. Finally, a special cream is applied to the skin to tighten the pores.
  8. A special powder is applied to the face to protect the skin from impurities for the next few hours.

Typically, the duration of atraumatic facial cleansing lasts approximately 45-60 minutes, depending on the severity of the problem.

Despite the fact that this procedure is very simple, it should not be performed by inexperienced cosmetologists, including doing it yourself. To carry out atraumatic face cleansing, it is necessary to undergo training in a special technique. If you use the funds incorrectly, unpleasant consequences such as chemical burns of the skin may appear. It is also very important to choose the right drug, taking into account the type of skin and the existing problem.

Holy Lend Atraumatic Facial Cleansing

Cosmetics for cleansing the face of Holi Land
Cosmetics for cleansing the face of Holi Land

Recently, for the procedure of atraumatic face cleansing, cosmetologists have chosen Israeli-made Holi Land cosmetics. The line includes a whole range of specially developed preparations that help to carry out not only cleansing, but also healing, as well as treatment of the skin of the face.

Cleansing with these preparations is based on getting rid of existing visible problems, including nutrition, hydration, and of course, maintaining the epidermis in perfect condition using such cosmetics as lotions, masks, scrubs, cosmetic solutions, etc.

During the atraumatic cleansing of Holy Lend, the skin is disinfected, since the cosmetics contain antibacterial substances that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The use of Holy Land cosmetics for atraumatic face cleansing has the following advantages:

  1. The preparations are completely safe, as the cosmetics go through several stages of testing using the latest technologies.
  2. Preparation for the main skin procedure - during the atraumatic cleansing of the Holy Land face, special solutions are preliminarily applied to soften the skin and prepare it for acid peeling.
  3. The cosmetics contain unique substances with excellent antiseptic properties.
  4. You can individually select the drug, taking into account the type of skin, and of course, the existing problem.
  5. The atraumatic face cleansing procedure using Holy Land cosmetics is allowed for the treatment of thin, dry and sensitive skin, as well as in the presence of rosacea.
  6. It is possible to carry out local treatment of individual areas of the facial skin.

Such a cosmetic procedure as atraumatic face cleansing will help to get perfectly clean and completely healthy skin. But to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to use the services of a professional cosmetologist and use only high-quality drugs.

For more details on how Holy Lend atraumatic face cleansing is performed, see the video below: