Find out what are the benefits of natural cleansing face masks? Features of the preparation and use of such products at home. The skin of the face is constantly exposed to negative influences from the environment, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle and unbalanced diet. As a result, the pores become clogged with dust, sand, exhaust fumes and other light debris. Even if this is not visible to the naked eye, the skin suffers greatly and loses its beauty. It is the residents of large and industrial cities where chemical or metallurgical enterprises are located most often suffer from this problem.
To restore beauty and health to the skin, it is not necessary to seek the help of a beautician and carry out expensive salon procedures. It is quite enough to regularly use at home easy-to-prepare cleansing masks, which contain only natural ingredients.
Benefits of cleansing face masks

Cosmetic procedures have a positive effect not only on the beauty of the skin, but also on the psychological state. This procedure brings pleasant and joyful emotions, because taking care of the youth and beauty of your own body does not bother you. After using a cosmetic mask, the condition of the skin is significantly improved, while the woman is filled with vitality and energy.
The benefits of home cleansing face masks are enormous. The composition of such cosmetics includes only natural ingredients, which can be selected taking into account the condition and type of skin. Masks not only cleanse, but also nourish, restore and protect the skin.
Cleansing masks have such positive qualities as:
- The pores open, so that particles of dust, dirt and sweat, which have accumulated over a long time, come out. As a result, the skin looks fresh and clean.
- All dead cells are removed. It is the upper layer of the epithelium that performs a protective function, but it also needs to be periodically cleaned. Thanks to this, oxygen penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis, which makes it possible to increase the elasticity of the skin.
- The tissues of the epidermis are saturated with useful and nutritious substances, trace elements, minerals and vitamins, so that the skin becomes taut and elastic.
- Blood circulation is enhanced. It is the active blood circulation that accelerates skin regeneration and the growth of a healthy protective layer. The dermis receives a barrier that reliably protects it from the effects of negative environmental factors.
You can use cleansing masks for facial skin at almost any age. For young girls, such cosmetic procedures help get rid of rashes and avoid the onset of premature skin aging.
If you regularly use these products to care for mature skin, your face will acquire a radiant and healthy complexion, and fine wrinkles will be smoothed out.
Features of using cleansing face masks

If the skin cleansing procedure is carried out in a professional salon by an experienced cosmetologist, it is not necessary to think about all the rules and peculiarities of its implementation. But if you use cleansers on your own at home, you should familiarize yourself with the following recommendations:
- Before applying the cosmetic mixture to the skin, you must first do an allergy test - a small amount of the product is taken and applied to the wrist. In the event that no allergies or other side effects appear after 30 minutes, the procedure can be carried out. If itching, redness or rash begins to bother you, it is better to refuse this mask.
- At the first stage, the skin is steamed. Thanks to this procedure, the pores are opened, as a result of which nutrients penetrate into the deep layers of the skin much easier.
- It is not recommended to use cleansing masks and peeling at the same time. A one week break between these treatments is ideal. If you do not adhere to this rule, there is a risk of activating the sebaceous glands and producing an increased amount of subcutaneous fat.
- Cleansing masks are not recommended to be done more often than once a week.
- The mask is left on the skin for half an hour, after which it is washed off with warm, but not hot, water.
- For the first 3 hours after using the cleansing mask, it is not recommended to apply decorative cosmetics to the skin, since the pores should narrow, otherwise they will clog up with foundation or powder again.
Contraindications for face cleansing masks

Like any other cosmetic procedure, the use of cleansing masks has certain contraindications and limitations, which include:
- lichen;
- seborrhea;
- the presence of open injuries on the skin of the face;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- allergy to the components that make up the mask;
- if a strict diet is followed;
- the presence of skin diseases occurring in the chronic stage (for example, psoriasis or eczema).
If you can't use cleansing face masks, you can use a simple ice cube. An excellent cleanser and tonic is a frozen broth of sage or chamomile. Using cosmetic ice will help to quickly tighten pores and minimize the risk of dust plugging.
What products can be used to make cleansing masks?

It is the natural ingredients that help maintain the youthfulness and beauty of the facial skin. This is the basis for the preparation of moisturizing and cleansing masks. Professional cosmetologists and dermatologists recommend using the following products for the manufacture of these formulations:
- In the first place is gelatin. It is an excellent base for preparing a cleansing film mask. Gelatin helps to remove dead cells, activates the growth of a new protective layer.
- Oatmeal is a versatile product, which contains a large amount of trace elements and vitamins. Thanks to the use of oatmeal, the skin becomes much cleaner, there is a natural radiance and freshness.
- Cosmetic clay. Pink, black, yellow or red clay can be used. This component promotes the removal of slags and toxins from the deep layers of the epithelium.
- Fresh fruits and vegetables. Bananas, cucumbers, oranges, strawberries and tomatoes have a positive effect on the skin. These products nourish the skin with beneficial substances and at the same time deeply cleanse.
- Eggs, honey, milk, kefir and cottage cheese perfectly nourish the skin and promote the restoration of the epidermis. Egg white helps to effectively cleanse the skin.
There are times when it is very difficult to find an effective cleansing cosmetic mask. Through trial and error, you can find the perfect remedy for yourself that will really help. Cleansing masks will only start to be beneficial if applied systematically - once every few weeks. A positive result will not be long in coming; after the first procedure, the skin looks fresher, the pores are cleansed and a healthy glow appears on the face.
Best cleansing face masks: homemade recipes

For the care of different skin types, you can use universal recipes for cosmetic masks. Such formulations have not only nourishing properties, but also penetrate into the deep layers of the skin. Due to the fact that the masks contain only natural and useful ingredients, maximum skin cleansing is achieved.
Mask with milk, honey and eggs

- You will need to take an egg (1 pc.), Milk or kefir (1 tbsp. L.), Liquid honey (1 tbsp. L.).
- All components are mixed, after which the composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin of the face.
- You need to keep the mask for no longer than 15 minutes, as it strongly tightens the skin.
If you remove the egg from the mask and add more milk, the mixture will have a softer and drying effect.
Banana mask

- After using the banana mask, the skin becomes perfectly clean, velvety and smooth.
- The banana pulp is kneaded with a fork until a smooth pulp is obtained.
- The mixture is applied to the skin of the face.
- After 20 minutes, the remnants of the banana gruel are washed off with warm water.
- To narrow the enlarged pores, it is recommended to wash your face with cold water after 5 minutes.
Cucumber mask

- Fresh cucumber is cut into thin slices, which are laid out on the previously cleansed skin of the face.
- After 20 minutes, remove the cucumber and wash with cool water.
- Such a mask not only perfectly cleanses the skin of the face, but also nourishes the cells of the epidermis with the necessary amount of moisture.
This mask penetrates deep into the pores, removes excess oil and makeup residues, dirt and dust. You can do this cosmetic procedure several times a week. Even with frequent use, the cucumber will not harm the skin, since it has only a positive effect. Also, the mask slightly whitens the skin.
Oatmeal mask

Dry skin needs extra hydration and simple oatmeal is just perfect for this. When the oatmeal and water are mixed, the cereal secretes mucus, which gently cares for and nourishes the skin. Also, this mask effectively cleanses the skin of impurities and helps get rid of acne.
You can use the classic recipe for making an oatmeal mask:
- You need to mix oatmeal (2 tablespoons) and kefir.
- The finished mask should have a mushy consistency.
- After all the ingredients have been mixed, the composition is applied to the previously cleansed skin.
- After 20 minutes, the remnants of the mask are washed off with warm water.
It is recommended to do this cosmetic mask once a week.
Black cleansing mask

This cosmetic product is at the peak of popularity today, but it is not necessary to buy a ready-made mask, because you can easily prepare it yourself at home:
- You will need to take black clay in powder form (1 tablespoon), apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon) and a couple of drops of essential oil (tea tree oil is ideal).
- All components are mixed.
- The finished mask is applied to previously cleansed skin.
- After 20 minutes, you need to wash with cool water.
Through regular use of this mask, you can get rid of blackheads and acne.
Gelatin mask for oily skin

This product is ideal for oily skin care. The mask is prepared according to the following scheme:
- You need to take gelatin (1 sachet) and goat milk (1 tablespoon). Do not use cow's milk as it is very fatty.
- The components are mixed and slightly warmed in a water bath until the gelatin swells.
- Previously, the skin must be lubricated with any nourishing cream, so that later it would be easier to remove the mask.
- Then the composition is applied and evenly distributed over the skin of the face.
- After the mask has hardened, it must be carefully removed.
Regular use of a gelatin mask will help get rid of blackheads and dirt that has accumulated in your pores.
Regular use of easy-to-make cleansing masks will help maintain the beauty and youthfulness of the facial skin. It is recommended to use these cosmetics once a week.
For recipes for the five best cleansing face masks you can make at home, see the following video: