Hair straightening with botox - features of the procedure

Hair straightening with botox - features of the procedure
Hair straightening with botox - features of the procedure

Using Botox for hair helps not only to straighten hair, but also to restore it, and also heal it. The strands become strong, shiny and healthy. Hair is one of the main advantages of a woman, but caring for it takes a lot of time and effort. Every day, strands are negatively affected by environmental factors, frequent drying with a hairdryer, hot styling, the use of varnish, mousse and foam, unhealthy diet, hair coloring with chemical dyes. All this greatly depletes the hair, making it weak and brittle. Botox is used today not only to take care of the beauty of hair, but also to straighten it. It is keratin botox that helps to heal the strands, returning them to their natural glossy shine and silkiness.

Botox hair straightening price

Botox for hair restoration and straightening has been used relatively recently. But in a short time, this procedure has become quite popular. Many beauty salons offer this service.

The cost of botox hair straightening is influenced, first of all, by the length of the curls, their density, as well as the brand of the drug used, the qualifications of the master and the level of the salon. One procedure is enough to improve the condition of the hair for 3-5 months. After this period, hair restoration and straightening should be repeated.

In Russia, the average price of hair straightening with botox ranges from 1500-8000 rubles

Hair length price, rub.
Short 1500-2500
Average 2000-4000
Long 2500-6000
Very long 4000-8000

Many salons in Moscow offer this service. In other cities of the country, it will cost less than in the capital.

In Ukraine, hair straightening with botox costs from 500 to 4000 hryvnia

Hair length Price, UAH
Short 500-1000
Average 700-1500
Long 1500-2300
Very long 2500-4000

In Kiev, hair straightening is more expensive than the national average.

Hair botox: what is it?

What botox looks like for hair straightening
What botox looks like for hair straightening

Botox for hair is a modern beauty product, thanks to which the strands are enriched and nourished at the cellular level. An accelerated process of recovery of weakened and injured curls begins, while the resulting effect persists for a long time. Hair botox and wrinkle smoothing are completely different drugs and have nothing in common. Botox for hair contains a unique active molecule botolutoxin, but the effect obtained is somewhat reminiscent of the effect of this substance on the skin of the face.

Botox hair straightening composition

Botox hair straightening bottles
Botox hair straightening bottles

The effective preparation of Botox for hair contains a large amount of proteins, vitamins, keratin, amino acids, collagen, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid, as well as plant extracts.

The main active ingredient of the drug is the organic-mineral molecule intra-silane, the action of which is close to the complex molecule of botox. This molecule has the ability to penetrate deep into the hair structure, after which it splits under the influence of moisture. As a result, a kind of skeleton is formed inside the hair, strengthening and protecting the hair shaft.

The preparation does not contain botox, since this is only a good marketing move, thanks to which the attention of the fairer sex is attracted to the procedure, who know the effect of this substance.

How does botox treatment work on hair?

Girl with red hair that has been straightened with botox
Girl with red hair that has been straightened with botox

Hair Botox can be used for a variety of purposes, such as healing, straightening naughty and curly yarns, adding volume or thickness. Such effects can be achieved using Botox preparations.

Botox for hair treatment

These drugs are widely used to treat traumatized, damaged and weakened hair. Botox helps to eliminate the problem of hair loss not only in women, but also in men.

After contact with water, the active intra-silane molecule begins to swell, then penetrates directly into the hair shaft. Due to this, vitamins and nutrients that make up the preparation are evenly distributed along the entire length of the hair.

The active elements begin the accelerated restoration of the hair structure from the inside. Thanks to this action, the problem of hair loss is eliminated. The active molecule can also penetrate into the hair follicle, after which it saturates it with valuable vitamins, protein and amino acids.

Hair straightening botox

Botox is not one of the special techniques developed for hair straightening (for example, lamination or keratin straightening). Despite the fact that the preparations contain keratin, its amount is insufficient.

After penetration into the hair, the intra-silane molecule begins its accelerated restoration and saturation with moisture. As a result, the strands become smooth and silky, making styling easier. Of course, curly hair is not completely straightened, but it becomes more manageable and less brittle.

Botox for curly hair

Of course, botox will not help to make curly hair perfectly straight, but thanks to the effect of the active molecules of the drug and the effect of vitamins with amino acids, all the voids of the hair shaft are filled. Therefore, hair restoration begins, the strands rise slightly at the roots, but complete straightening of the curls is not achieved.

Unlike keratin hair straightening, botox does not have the same effect and a light wave will remain on the curls. However, the strands become more manageable and smooth, a glossy shine returns.

Botox for fine hair

This is the ideal treatment for fragile and fine hair. The organic-mineral molecule of the preparation penetrates into the hair shaft, and gradually increases under the influence of moisture. After applying minerals and vitamins to the hair, the active substance quickly draws them inside, saturation and restoration of the strands occurs. As a result, the curls visually acquire additional volume, become heavier and thicker.

Benefits of using Botox for hair straightening

Girl with lush straight hair
Girl with lush straight hair

The Botox product contains a wide variety of components that have a complex effect on the hair and scalp.

The main benefits of Botox for hair are:

  • the procedure is completely painless;
  • the problem of split ends is eliminated, since the preparation makes the hair surface perfectly smooth;
  • drugs have a straightening effect;
  • the procedure can be carried out independently at home, it is enough to purchase a special agent for botox;
  • the drug can be used to treat baldness, since it contains valuable substances that contribute to the accelerated restoration of hair follicles, it has a stimulating effect on the growth of strands;
  • a positive result will be noticeable after the first procedure - the hair becomes obedient, smooth and elastic;
  • weakened and injured hair is healed;
  • the hairstyle gains additional volume, the hair becomes thicker and heavier, the natural shine returns.

Disadvantages of using Botox for hair straightening

Girl with brown hair straightened with botox
Girl with brown hair straightened with botox

This procedure can have both positive and negative effects on the hair.

The main disadvantages of Botox for hair are:

  • the drug has a short-term effect and after 4–5 months the procedure must be repeated;
  • with regular hair dyeing, it is forbidden to often use the Botox procedure;
  • there are certain contraindications;
  • if Botox is used frequently, there is a risk of hair depletion, as a result of which the strands become brittle and fragile;
  • the cost of the procedure is quite high.

Botox indications for hair straightening

Girl with straightened hair on a white background
Girl with straightened hair on a white background

This procedure has not only a cosmetic, but also a healing effect.

It is recommended to use Botox in the following cases:

  • slow hair growth;
  • hair loss (both women and men can do the procedure);
  • dull curls, devoid of shine;
  • split ends and dry hair;
  • to restore the structure of the strands and return them to a healthy look;
  • with frequent use of a hair dryer and hot tongs.

Contraindications for using Botox for hair straightening

Girl combing straightened hair
Girl combing straightened hair

Despite a lot of positive qualities, the use of Botox for hair has certain contraindications:

  • the presence of a tendency to allergies;
  • if there are pustules, wounds on the surface of the scalp;
  • frequent hair coloring;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • for straightening highly curly hair;
  • in the presence of disorders of the central nervous system.

Hair straightening with botox in a beauty salon

Professional botox hair straightening process
Professional botox hair straightening process

The hair botox procedure consists of two main phases that must be followed:

  1. The hair is treated with a special chemical, thanks to which other beneficial substances penetrate better into the hair shaft, since all the passages are opened.
  2. During the second phase, a preparation with a high concentration of nutrients, amino acids and vitamins is used. The product is applied in the form of a mask, after which the beneficial substances penetrate deep into the hair and seal all the passages. Thanks to this, the hair looks well-groomed and healthy for several months.

In the salon, the Botox procedure is performed according to the following instructions:

  1. First, the hair is thoroughly washed, after which a special shampoo is used, which prepares the strands for the penetration of nutrients.
  2. Hair is washed well with plenty of water, dried with a hairdryer, but only with cold air.
  3. The strands are carefully combed and divided into several parts, so that the composition is evenly distributed over the entire length of the hair.
  4. A reconstructing serum is applied to the entire length of the hair using a special syringe. It is important that the composition gets on each hair, because thanks to its effect, beneficial substances penetrate into the hair shaft. The serum is left on for 30-40 minutes.
  5. Then a product is applied to the hair to restore the strands and fix the nutrients inside. The serum is left on the hair for 5 minutes and rinsed off with plenty of water.
  6. At the final stage, a mask is applied to the hair, thanks to which there is an accelerated restoration of strands and an increase in the duration of Botox. You do not need to wash off the mask; at the end, the strands are dried with a hairdryer.

After about 2-3 weeks, you need to visit the master again, as you need to consolidate the effect of the procedure and prolong its positive effect. Of course, this procedure can be performed on your own at home, since it is very easy to buy the necessary drugs. But it is best to trust an experienced master, because in this case the desired result will be obtained.

Consequences of botox hair straightening

A clear example of the effect of botox on the appearance of hair
A clear example of the effect of botox on the appearance of hair

Any procedures during which chemicals are used have certain consequences, which you need to know about before starting them.

The use of Botox for hair can lead to the following troubles:

  • positive results are additional volume, density and beautiful shine of the hair, which appears after the first procedure;
  • the problem of dryness and split ends is eliminated;
  • in some cases, an allergic reaction may appear - a rash appears on the surface of the scalp, itching worries;
  • a negative allergic reaction can spread to the skin of the face;
  • dandruff problem appears;
  • hair loss increases.

The negative effects of Botox on hair are extremely rare. However, with their formation, it is necessary not only to abandon the procedure, but also to seek help from a trichologist.

Real reviews of the botox hair straightening procedure

Reviews about botox for hair
Reviews about botox for hair

Hair straightening with botox is popular among the owners of naughty long curls. Many of them do this procedure regularly. You can read reviews about the service on the Internet.

Christina, 27 years old

For several years now I have been doing the keratin hair restoration procedure. I have them long, fluffy and randomly curled. The last time the master advised me to try botox for hair. The price came out about the same. I decided to give it a try. Used means Honma Tokyo. This composition is considered one of the most effective and popular. About 30 ml of the substance was consumed on my hair slightly longer than the shoulders. The procedure itself begins with washing your hair with a special shampoo. Then Botox is applied and left warm for half an hour. After that, the hair is dried with a hairdryer and pulled out with an iron. That's the whole procedure. Immediately after the end of the manipulations, the hair seems silky, even if you take it off in advertising - it is very smooth, crumbly, even. Unfortunately, after the first shampooing at home, the "fluffiness" on the tips returned. However, they still remain pleasant and firm to the touch. This effect lasted for about two months. Then it gradually faded away. Most likely, I will alternate keratinization and botox. Because both procedures, in my opinion, are equally beneficial for the hair.

Alina, 25 years old

A year ago, I treated my hair with keratin. Rather, I thought that I would cure, because I had no effect from keratin. Hair remained fluffy and lost any smoothness after the first wash. Therefore, I was already suspicious of Botox. My hairdresser persuaded me for a long time, and in the end I gave up. They immediately washed my hair with technical shampoo, which deeply cleanses the hair. Then Botox was applied, stepping back a couple of centimeters from the roots. The smell is pleasant, no discomfort. Half an hour after application, all hair is pulled out with an iron, without washing off the botox. Under thermal influence, all beneficial substances penetrate into the hair structure and remain there without being washed out. I was advised to wash my hair the next day and only with sulfate-free shampoo. Otherwise, the effect of Botox will not last long. I was very pleased with the result! Hair, like silk, smooth, perfectly combed, not tangled. Even at the end of the day without a comb, I could run my fingers through them and not get caught. The effect persisted even after washing. Two months have already passed - a little "splendor" has appeared, but the curls are still smooth and look well-groomed. I will definitely do botox again, because this is a real salvation for my hair.

Marina, 33 years old

I saw an advertisement for botox for hair and decided to do this procedure for myself. The master in the salon promised me hair tightening, complete recovery, smoothness and shine. My curls are thin, prone to oily, slightly dry at the ends and quickly lose their volume after washing. I thought I could solve these problems with the help of Botox. Along with this, they made my hair polished. I liked the initial effect - I was already hoping that my hair would look like this for at least a couple of months, as promised. Hair really became heavier, smoother, more elastic. I was pleased. But as soon as I washed my hair at home, the effect was washed down the drain in the literal sense of the word. The hair remained soft, but the smoothness was gone, began to curl, as before. But the worst thing is that Botox made the curls heavier and now after washing my hair it takes a couple of hours, and I look like a homeless person with locks hanging from oily icicles. The tips remained dry, but the roots were even more devoured. In general, I did not expect such an effect and now I am waiting for the Botox to be completely washed out of my hair …

Photos before and after using Botox for hair

Hair before and after using Botox
Hair before and after using Botox
What hair looks like before and after using Botox
What hair looks like before and after using Botox
Before and after botox for hair
Before and after botox for hair

You will learn more about the procedure for hair straightening with botox from the following video:
