Botox for hair: advantages and disadvantages, procedure instructions

Botox for hair: advantages and disadvantages, procedure instructions
Botox for hair: advantages and disadvantages, procedure instructions

Learn how to use Botox to straighten your hair. Can botox be done at home? Botox has become one of the latest innovations in the world of cosmetology. This is a unique drug that is used not only for rejuvenation, but also for the treatment of facial skin. But lately, botox is gaining popularity for hair treatment as well. Thanks to the use of Botox, you can get beautiful, smooth, shiny and healthy hair. This service is offered by most beauty salons, but you can do everything yourself at home.

Composition of botox for hair

Six jars of Botox for hair
Six jars of Botox for hair

The use of Botox helps to get rid of split ends of the hair, returns a beautiful shine, and makes styling easier. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the composition of the product includes the Intra-Silane molecule, which ensures the supply of useful elements to the deepest layers of the hair, which include:

  • keratin;
  • vitamin E, B, C and A;
  • amino acids;
  • aloe vera extract;
  • essential oils;
  • green tea leaf extract;
  • lactic acid;
  • proteins;
  • elastin;
  • hyaluronic acid.

Different manufacturers of this product may add certain components to the composition. However, the main active ingredient is always the Intra-Silane molecule, which acts as a kind of hair scaffold and keeps useful substances inside the strands. As a result of contact with water, the Intra-Silane molecule transfers valuable elements into each hair. It is necessary to apply thermal action to consolidate the result obtained.

When should you use botox for hair?

Girl with thin and brittle hair
Girl with thin and brittle hair

The use of Botox for hair is not a medical procedure, so there is no definite indication for it. The effect of Botox is only an aesthetic effect. In most cases, Botox is used for these types of hair:

  • curls devoid of shine;
  • thin and weak hair;
  • hair, after lightening, blonding or highlighting;
  • dry hair;
  • unruly and curly hair;
  • if there is a split ends problem;
  • damaged and injured hair.

Effect after using botox for hair

An example of the effect of using Botox for hair
An example of the effect of using Botox for hair

Depending on the condition of the hair, the use of Botox has the following effect:

  1. Acceleration of hair growth, as dormant hair follicles awaken, their nutrition and functioning improve.
  2. Hair treatment with botox. This procedure is recommended for severely damaged and weakened hair, dehydrated by frequent coloring, as well as thermal exposure. Botox will help to quickly repair damaged strands and significantly improve their appearance.
  3. Giving extra volume to the hair. The preparation contains nutrients that help restore lost volume to hair. This effect is achieved by thickening each hair.
  4. Complete nutrition of the strands is provided. Hair needs additional nutrition and moisture. In the event of a lack of nutrition, the curls begin to lose volume and healthy shine. The use of Botox helps to restore a well-groomed and healthy appearance to the strands.
  5. Botox helps to straighten hair, therefore it becomes an indispensable tool for owners of naughty and curly strands. After this procedure, the curls become perfectly smooth and obedient.

In almost all cases, after using Botox, styling is greatly facilitated, the hair becomes pleasant to the touch, soft, and a healthy shine returns. The problem of split ends is eliminated for several months. That is why it is recommended to use Botox if you cannot grow long hair, as the ends often break off.

Contraindications of Botox for hair

Girl with brown hair
Girl with brown hair

Among the advantages of Botox for hair is the fact that the procedure has a minimum of contraindications. It is worth abandoning this cosmetic procedure in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • if there are wounds or inflammation on the scalp;
  • during menstruation;
  • in violation of neuromuscular transmission;
  • To old people;
  • during lactation.

The Botox procedure for hair is categorically contraindicated if there is an individual intolerance to one of the elements that make up the drug. With extreme caution, the procedure should be carried out if the strands have recently been dyed.

Disadvantages and consequences of botox hair treatment

The result of hair treatment with botox in the salon
The result of hair treatment with botox in the salon

Despite a lot of positive qualities and rave reviews from women who have experienced the effect of Botox for hair, the procedure also has some disadvantages:

  1. Only temporary effect will be gained. Regardless of how high-quality and expensive the drug is used, Botox has only a temporary effect.
  2. If the frequency of this procedure is not strictly observed, botox can lead to various consequences that are simply impossible to predict. Very often, the hair becomes unkempt and unkempt, due to oversaturation of nutrients, it becomes lifeless and dry. It is recommended to use Botox for hair no more than once every three months.
  3. It is forbidden to use botox and biowave at the same time. As a result, the strands begin to seem unkempt and resemble overdried straw in appearance.
  4. The cost of the procedure is quite high, so not everyone can afford it. A positive effect can be achieved if only proven and high-quality formulations are used.
  5. The procedure should be carried out very carefully on hair that has recently been dyed. If a few days ago the hair was exposed to aggressive substances that make up the modern dye, it is better to refuse Botox.

Benefits of botox hair treatment

Silky hair of a girl after using botox
Silky hair of a girl after using botox

In order for the Botox procedure to bring maximum benefit, it is necessary to choose only a qualified and proven master. Subject to strict adherence to all stages of the procedure, Botox brings the following result:

  1. The result is immediately visible. If you need to quickly give your hair a healthy and well-groomed look, Botox is the ideal option.
  2. The procedure is quite common and popular, so it is offered in almost any beauty salon.
  3. The hair takes on a stunning glossy shine. Your curls are starting to look like Hollywood stars on magazine covers.
  4. The strands become elastic, smooth, soft and manageable. The styling procedure is greatly facilitated.
  5. Hair gains additional volume, returning it even to thin and weakened hair.
  6. There is no discomfort during the procedure.
  7. A long recovery period is not required, as hair looks perfect immediately after the procedure.
  8. The problem of split ends and brittle hair is quickly and easily eliminated. Probably every girl faced such an unpleasant problem as split hair ends. First of all, this greatly worries the owners of long hair. But thanks to the effect of Botox, the hair shaft is reconstructed, the voids are filled and the split ends literally stick together.

Instructions for the Botox procedure for hair in the salon or at home

The girl is treated with botox hair in the salon
The girl is treated with botox hair in the salon

The hair restoration process with botox can be carried out by means of topical application to the hair or by injection. Most often, it is the first option that is chosen. The master must clearly know all the main stages of applying funds to the hair, while the technology may differ slightly, depending on which company the drugs are used.

First stage: preparatory

No special procedures are required before using Botox. Almost all botox kits contain a special shampoo that helps to thoroughly cleanse the hair from dirt and residues of styling products, sebum. It is recommended to use this shampoo twice, rinsing the strands well with plenty of water.

Stage two: recovery

It is at this stage that Botox is applied to the hair:

  1. Hair is divided into several parts.
  2. Each strand is processed by an active reconstructor.
  3. The composition should be applied only to the hair, without affecting the scalp and root part.
  4. The instructions indicate how long the composition should be on the hair.
  5. The strands are carefully combed with a thick comb to remove excess composition.
  6. Each strand is straightened using a tightener. In most cases, manufacturers indicate at what temperature the iron should be set.
  7. After the specified time, the hair is thoroughly rinsed with plenty of cool water.
  8. Hair is dried in the usual way, styling is done.

There are situations when a girl wants to restore her hair with Botox and immediately carry out coloring. In this case, the hair is dyed first, after which Botox is applied to the strands. The duration of the recovery procedure is several hours.

If you apply Botox to your hair every 2-3 months, you can achieve a cumulative effect. However, it is worth remembering that it is strictly forbidden to mix products from different manufacturers. You cannot carry out the preparatory stage using shampoo from one company, and botox from another. It is simply impossible to predict the reaction of funds.

Hair care after hair botox procedure

Long blonde hair of a girl after botox treatment
Long blonde hair of a girl after botox treatment

To keep the effect obtained as long as possible, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  1. The diet should be varied, complete and correct, since the diet has a direct impact on the quality of the hair. The duration of the effect after using Botox for hair also depends on the nutrition.
  2. Within two days after the procedure, it is not recommended to wash your hair, as the product must have time to be absorbed.
  3. After using Botox, it is recommended to choose only mild shampoos for washing hair, which do not contain sulfates.
  4. It is not recommended to use hot devices for styling after using Botox.
  5. It is better to refuse very tight hairpins and elastic bands.
  6. Before visiting a bath or sauna, you must first protect the strands with a special rubber cap.
  7. For some time after using Botox, it is not necessary to additionally care for your hair with a conditioner or mask.

Best remedies for botox hair

Jars with botox brand Loreal "Fiberceutic"
Jars with botox brand Loreal "Fiberceutic"

You can buy these products at any professional cosmetics store. It is worth giving preference to quality products that do not lose popularity for a long time.

Botox for hair Loreal "Fiberceutic"

A set of Botox for hair contains ampoules with serum (15 pcs.), A jar with a hair mask and a syringe for even application of the product. You must adhere to the following instructions:

  • hair is washed;
  • the strands are dried with a towel to stay wet;
  • using a syringe, the serum is evenly distributed through the hair;
  • to make it convenient to apply the product, the hair must be divided into several strands;
  • a concentrated mask is applied to the entire length of the hair;
  • the product is washed off after 5-10 minutes.

After applying the serum with the mask, the hair acquires a beautiful glossy shine, smoothness and silkiness. The tool quickly evens out the structure of the hair, it is restored from the inside. The result will last up to 10 uses of the shampoo.


After using this product, the hair becomes shiny, elastic. Hyaluronic acid perfectly moisturizes hair, collagen regenerates and heals. The product does not contain natural ingredients, but has a pronounced therapeutic effect, returning the curls to a well-groomed and healthy appearance.

You need to use this remedy for Botox according to the following scheme:

  • hair is washed, dried with a towel;
  • during washing, do not use any conditioners, balms or masks;
  • the contents of the ampoule are applied to the hair, evenly distributed along the entire length;
  • the composition is washed off after about 5-10 minutes;
  • the hair is dried in the usual way.

Hair Botox Honma Tokyo

This is a set of products designed for intensive hair restoration. The preparation contains natural ingredients - elastin, green tea extract, pracaxi fruit oil, vitamins A, B, C and D.

Using botox for hair is very simple:

  • hair is washed using the shampoo from the set;
  • the hair is dried with a towel;
  • Botox is evenly distributed through the hair;
  • after the time specified in the instructions, the hair is washed with plenty of warm water.

A feature of this set is that the tool is often used by blondes to remove ugly yellowness on the hair. After the procedure, the curls become soft, docile, moisturized, resistant to negative environmental factors and filled with nutrients.

Botox for hair is not only a modern cosmetic, but also an innovative tool. Thanks to its use, the appearance of the strands instantly changes, and the hair is treated from the inside.

For more information on how to do botox for hair at home, see the video below: