How to use botox for hair

How to use botox for hair
How to use botox for hair

What is botox, features of the chemical composition and the effect of the drug on the hair, the use of products from different brands, the rules for carrying out the procedure at home, possible contraindications. Botox for hair is a popular novelty in the care of curls, which allows them to be beautiful, smooth and natural shine. The use of this substance in the care of hair began relatively recently, so the procedure is not yet very common in our country.

Features of the "botox for hair"

Hair botox
Hair botox

In terms of its chemical composition, Botox belongs to the category of complex protein compounds. This agent is produced by a bacterium and is a neurotoxin protein. At one time, Botox was actively used as a poison. After a while, the attitude towards him changed, and he moved into the category of medicinal drugs, which were prescribed to be taken in small quantities in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system.

Now this tool is actively used in cosmetology and plastic surgery. Among its disadvantages is addictiveness, which is more than compensated for by the speed of the result.

It is this advantage and relatively low cost that make Botox procedures popular and in demand among the fair sex. More recently, Asian scientists have developed a remedy based on this substance. It allows you to make your hair beautiful and well-groomed in a couple of hours. The name of this drug is "hair botox".

Means "botox for hair" is a mixture of a certain ratio of components that have a regenerating effect. Thanks to the correctly calculated formula, such a "cocktail" easily penetrates into the follicle, nourishing and strengthening it. As a result, hair becomes stronger, smoother and silky.

How Botox works for hair

Aloe vera
Aloe vera

The action of the drug was based on the ability of Botox to deliver nutrients to cells. The toxin, penetrating into the nerve, forms a channel in it. The resulting cavity is filled with beneficial substances that begin to act on hair cells, improving their nutrition and blood circulation.

The main components of the product and their effect on curls:

  • Vitamin complex, which includes A, B, E, C.
  • Aloe Vera extract. It has a moisturizing function. In addition, it gives volume to the hair and makes the hair look lush.
  • Protein voids in the hair structure are closed with creatine. The same element restores the structure of curls and removes split ends.
  • Hair growth is accelerated by green tea.
  • Amino acids are used to strengthen the hair follicle and hair shaft.

Regardless of this or that brand of the drug, this procedure is not recommended: people with personal intolerance to the components, pregnant women, breastfeeding.

If you have dermatological problems with the scalp or diseases associated with the scalp (eczema, seborrhea, lichen, fungal infections, etc.), then before using Botox, you should consult your doctor.

Hair Botox brands

There are several companies on the market today that produce botox for hair. These funds are not based on Botox itself, but on the intra-silane molecule. According to its characteristics, it resembles this substance, but it does not have a pronounced addiction. Intra-silane, under the influence of moisture, is embedded in the hair structure, strengthening it and making it stronger.

Botox for hair Loreal

Botox from Loreal
Botox from Loreal

The famous French brand could not miss the popular novelty and offered its own version of Botox for hair. The company guarantees that after using its product, your curls will become shiny and smooth, and your hairstyle will acquire a lush volume.

Botox itself is a set of 15 plastic 15-ml ampoules, a syringe and a jar with a special mask. Inside the tightly sealed ampoules there is a nutrient mixture. And the mask is used at the end of the procedure to consolidate the effect. The serum itself is yellowish, rather viscous. It has a sharp, specific aroma. It contains water, lactic acid, castor oil, a vitamin complex and a number of other elements.

When choosing a set, pay attention to the mask. It is designed for every hair type (oily, dry, colored, fine, normal, etc.).

You can buy Loreal products in stores, via the Internet and in special hairdressing salons from the master. To get the desired effect, it is better to put yourself in the hands of a professional. However, if you want to save money, then carefully read the instructions for use:

  1. Wash thoroughly and lightly dry your hair.
  2. Carefully open the serum ampoule and draw it into the syringe. The volume of the syringe is small - 5 ml. Therefore, you will take from one ampoule three times.
  3. The collected solution is evenly distributed through the hair.
  4. After the mixture has been used, a mask is applied to the hair. It must be kept for about 15 minutes.
  5. At the end, the hair is thoroughly rinsed under running water.

After using this serum, you will get smooth, shiny strands that are perfectly protected from harmful external factors. By strengthening the hair follicles, they will stop falling out and the ends will not look split. The resulting effect, no matter where you did the procedure - at home or in the salon, disappears after 10 shampoos.

According to reviews, the Loreal remedy after the first use gives a stunning result. However, after 4 procedures, dry hair and brittle ends may occur. Sometimes the strands become like icicles and have an unkempt lifeless look. This reaction is associated with the accumulation of the drug inside the hair and getting used to it.

Hair Botox by Honma Tokyo

Botox Honma Tokyo
Botox Honma Tokyo

The name of this drug is H-BRASH, and its manufacturer is the well-known Japanese cosmetics company Honma Tokyo. This tool was one of the first to appear on store shelves in Europe and Asia. It includes keratin hair restoration and hair botox.

The manufacturer has included a significant amount of natural ingredients in the composition of the product, including green tea, many vitamin supplements, and prakaxi oil. It also includes cysteine and elastin.

The principle of action of botox is as follows: beneficial elements penetrate into the hair structure, improve it from the inside, giving shine, elasticity, and smoothness. In addition, they provide good protection for curls from harmful external factors.

It is worth noting an important point: the product contains an analogue of parabens. These drugs have negative health effects and can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, the substance must be tested before use.

The set from Japanese manufacturers consists of two bottles of 100 ml each. In one of them there is a special shampoo for hair preparation, in the second - a reconstructor, which has a pungent odor.

How to use:

  • Before applying the product to your hair, wash it thoroughly with a preparatory shampoo. It must be held for 5-7 minutes. Then rinse well. Shampoo removes styling residues and degreases hair.
  • Apply a reconstructor on slightly damp strands. The product dries quickly without leaving a trace.

It is recommended to use the product for light or colored hair. Botox removes the artificial yellow color and makes the shade more natural. The effect of the procedure lasts up to two months.

If the product does not suit you in its composition, choose a different brand for yourself.

Inoar hair botox

Inoar Botox for hair
Inoar Botox for hair

Inoar is a leading manufacturer of professional hair care cosmetics. Its products are not sold in regular stores and are not intended for home use.

The peculiarity of Botox for hair from Inoar: only a master can choose the right amount of the product.

The basis of this company's Botox hair is keratin and a multivitamin complex. These components penetrate into the hair, improve its structure, and strengthen the hair follicles. The result is a wave of lush, shiny curls without split ends.

The effect of using Inoar lasts up to 2 months. Among the main contraindications for its use is the individual intolerance of the constituent components.

Hair Botox Brush

Botox Brush
Botox Brush

This product is manufactured by a Brazilian cosmetics company. In its composition, manufacturers included elastin, a multi-vitamin complex, green tea oil and botox.

This trade mark is very rare on the shelves of our stores. It is more intended for use in professional salons. Most often, Brash Botox Capilar is used on dry, damaged, colored, streaked hair and curls after a perm.

Thanks to this tool, the hair becomes smooth, shiny, obedient, easy to collect in a hairstyle, does not fall out and does not split. The colored strands have a natural tone.

A contraindication to the use of this drug is a personal intolerance to the component. Therefore, before using it, be sure to ask the master to do a reaction test.

Method of using botox for hair

The effect of such a tool can be obtained only if you choose a good manufacturer and a professional hairdresser. If you decide to make botox for hair yourself at home, then you need to decide on the brand, find out the principle of action of the product and all the contraindications that it has.

How to make botox for hair to restore hair

Brushing your hair before applying botox
Brushing your hair before applying botox

Regardless of where you decide to do botox - at home or in a beauty salon, the principle of this procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. Obligatory cleaning of hair from styling, a product of sebaceous secretions, dust and dirt. For this, a deep cleaning shampoo is used.
  2. After thoroughly rinsing the hair, dry it slightly and comb thoroughly.
  3. Now they start applying Botox. The product is distributed evenly over the entire length of the hair.
  4. After that, a hat is put on the head, and the hair is warmed up with a hairdryer for 5 minutes.
  5. Now the residues of Botox are applied to the scalp and hair ends. You can accompany this process with a light massage. When the product is dry, you can style your hair or leave it loose.

With long strands, it is quite inconvenient to apply the product. Therefore, it is worth giving preference to the master or using the help of a friend. In addition, the application of Botox can vary slightly depending on which brand of drug you choose.

Botox hair straightening

Procedure for applying botox to hair
Procedure for applying botox to hair

Thanks to the use of Botox, the follicles and the whole hair get the proteins, vitamins, and amino acids they need. In addition, this tool allows the strands to keep the beneficial substances inside, preventing them from being washed off even with frequent shampooing. Result: hair is completely restored, its appearance improves, shine, volume, elasticity and silkiness appear.

In its effect, the use of Botox resembles lamination, only in a gentle mode, but it has a better result. You can do lamination exclusively in the salon, but botox can be done at home. At the same time, the resulting effect lasts much longer than lamination, and the hair looks better.

As a result of the use of Botox, beneficial substances penetrate into the structure, even out the hair, smooth the scales, and strengthen the bulbs. Under the influence of a hot iron, the speed of this reaction increases, and all multivitamins remain inside the curl, and are not sealed from above, as with lamination.

Note that the excellent effect of botox can be obtained exclusively in a professional salon. At home, it is not always possible to achieve this result.

Botox effect for hair

Shiny strands after botox application
Shiny strands after botox application

Whichever remedy you use, the effect will last up to 2 months. Manufacturers often indicate the term - wash your hair 10 times.

It is also worth noting that the final effect of Botox for hair largely depends on the individual characteristics of a person, the structure of his strands, their condition, how the procedure was carried out, etc.

You can repeat the process of applying Botox after 14 days. Its effect is cumulative. Remember that the duration of saving the result depends on the time of year outside the window. If you do botox in the summer, then the effect of it will not last long due to the sun exposure. In winter, the result lasts longer.

To prolong the effect, you must use a phosphate-free gentle shampoo.

How to use botox for hair - watch the video:

If you decide to use Botox to improve the condition of your hair, you shouldn't save up. Carry out this procedure in the salon with a master. This will allow you to become the owner of beautiful hair and give an objective and complete self-assessment of this popular novelty.