Weight loss psychology in bodybuilding

Weight loss psychology in bodybuilding
Weight loss psychology in bodybuilding

A lot of people face the problem of being overweight. There are many reasons for this. Learn about the psychology of weight loss in bodybuilding. Surely experienced athletes have already tried various means and methods to combat excess weight. They are very varied, for example, different nutritional programs, exercise, pharmaceuticals, etc. The reasons for the appearance of excess weight in most cases are individual in nature. When solving this problem, a person should rely on three levels of his existence: psychological, spiritual, and also physical.

Many people use only the physical level in the fight against fats, which is clearly not enough. Today we will talk about the psychology of weight loss in bodybuilding.

Reasons for losing weight

Man and woman holding scales
Man and woman holding scales

Most often, when using the most common weight loss products, many people do lose weight, but after a certain period of time, fats return again, and in even greater quantities. This is due to the lack of a stable weight loss system. Sometimes dieting or other fat-fighting methods are not enough to maintain your body weight.

When using this weight loss regimen, every new attempt to lose weight is doomed to failure. This is constantly accumulating in the subconscious, and as a result, a person simply stops doing anything. But, despite this, a conflict remains in his subconscious, the reason for which lies not in being overweight, but in the fact that he does not take any action. It is important to remember that human health implies a balance of his physical and spiritual states. This is why the psychology of weight loss in bodybuilding is of paramount importance.

How to take the first step for losing weight?

The girl looks at an apple and a cake
The girl looks at an apple and a cake

This is a very important point. Very often people postpone it to a later date. This could be the beginning of the week, returning from vacation, or something else. On a subconscious level, it is very difficult to accept the fact of being overweight. Here are some tips to help you finally take the first step and start losing weight:

  • Assess all the positive and negative aspects of your physique;
  • Write them down on paper;
  • Highlight those that outweigh them in the negative;
  • Then write down each of the detected problems separately;
  • Find a way to solve them.

Once you've evaluated your appearance and identified the problems that need to be addressed, start doing it. The fact that a person is interested in his appearance does not require proof. According to statistics, men are several times more concerned about their own appearance than a woman's appearance. What, then, can be said about the fair sex? You should not promise yourself that you can lose weight quickly. Fighting excess weight cannot be easy and you have to spend a lot of effort to do this. Moreover, this should be done constantly. You must decide why you are doing it. Of course, for oneself and for this reason, one cannot depend on the opinions of others. If you decide to lose weight, then move towards your goal, not paying attention to the opinions and advice of others. Use the following guidelines in the fight against fat:

  • You need a small amount of food;
  • Your appetite is constantly decreasing;
  • Your body starts using fat;
  • Body weight is steadily declining;
  • You become cheerful and your mood rises;
  • You are not dependent on other people;
  • Weight loss is easy for you;
  • Are you happy.

Slimming nutrition program

A girl with an apple in her hands lies among the fruits
A girl with an apple in her hands lies among the fruits

People often wonder how important a diet is for losing weight. The answer is quite obvious - it is extremely important. You should start with the fact that the first product you eat contains a large amount of protein compounds. It can be fish or chicken.

It is very important to chew your food well. After the first meal, which, recall, should be protein, you can eat your usual breakfast. By consuming protein-rich foods at the beginning of each day, you trigger metabolic processes aimed at burning subcutaneous fat stores.

You should eat fractionally, taking food every three or three and a half hours. In this case, the portions should be small. Your diet must necessarily contain protein compounds, a small amount of complex carbohydrates (their best source is cereals), as well as large amounts of simple carbohydrates (these are vegetables and fruits).

On average, you should have about five meals throughout the day. Of course, this is quite difficult, since every person's life has its own problems and concerns. However, you should strive for this. The more often you eat food, the faster metabolic processes take place in your body. At the same time, the total daily calorie content of the diet should remain at the same level. When you start feeling hungry every 3 or 3.5 hours, you can confidently say that you are on the right track. It remains only to find the strength not to turn away from him.

Here the psychology of weight loss in bodybuilding is of great importance. If you are determined to lose weight and have already taken the first step, then continue to do it, regardless of others. Pay close attention to your diet by adhering to the chosen nutrition program.

Remember that fat loss is not easy, but possible. Only your desire plays a key role. Here are some examples of foods that can help you lose weight:

  1. Low-fat cottage cheese (150-200 grams), honey or black raisins, grain bread, tea or coffee with milk and nuts.
  2. Fish, buckwheat, vegetable salad, unrefined vegetable oil as salad dressing, juice.
  3. Lean boiled meat, vegetable salad and kefir.
  4. Boiled sprouted soybeans, herbs, vegetables, low-fat cheese, coffee or tea, and boiled eggs.
  5. If you feel hungry in the evening, then eat a small piece of protein-rich food.

For advice from a psychologist to help cope with excess weight, see this video:
