How to lose weight: nutritional psychology

How to lose weight: nutritional psychology
How to lose weight: nutritional psychology

Find out what the mental attitude should be in order to effectively burn subcutaneous fat and not break down on a diet. Eating is one of the behavioral factors of a person, as well as an expression of the survival instinct. Nature has made it so that any living creature is sufficiently motivated to seek food. Human intake of food is associated with pleasure centers in the brain, similar to sex drive.

When we eat, we get pleasure thanks to the production of a special hormone - endorphin. By and large, food for us is a catalyst for a great mood. We can safely talk about that. That food intake is an addiction through which a person survives.

Note that the degree of this dependence is individual and its indicator is influenced by various factors. Very often, sharing food with other people helps to solve psychological problems. In this regard, nutritional psychology for weight loss is essential. Throughout our lives, we form food addictions. We have already noted that this is an individual indicator, and in the presence of excess weight, people decide to get rid of it. This implies a change in the usual way of life, since it is necessary to give up many habits developed over the years. Today we will talk specifically about the psychology of nutrition for weight loss.

Why does a person eat a lot?

Girl eating a big hamburger
Girl eating a big hamburger

One of the reasons for the appearance of excess weight is unhealthy diet. Of course, this can be facilitated by pathological disturbances in the work of various systems of the body. At the same time, some of these disorders can be caused by our diet. It is customary to distinguish three main reasons why people eat a lot:

  1. The need for food is one of the manifestations of the survival instinct.
  2. Eating food is enjoyable and addictive.
  3. Eating can turn into a ritual that solves many psychological problems.

Very often people unknowingly consume large amounts of food, although physically this is not necessary. It is here that the psychology of nutrition for weight loss is fully manifested. First of all, this is due to the receipt of the planting, as well as the ability to solve psychological problems.

Many of us are "seized" by stress, although it is quite obvious that the stressful situation will not be solved by eating. It's all about endorphins, which smooth out unpleasant emotions. However, this cannot last for a long time, because the body always wants to achieve homeostasis in everything. This also applies to the energy potential. When a person consumes a large amount of food than the body needs, then all the energy received cannot be wasted. As a result, fat stores are created and excess weight appears.

At the same time, a person understands that having a large amount of fatty tissue in the body is bad, both from an aesthetic and physiological point of view. The brain begins to look for ways to solve this problem, which leads us to nutritionists or to the gym. However, the psychology of nutrition for weight loss is very complex and the problem cannot be easily solved.

A person wants to solve the problem that has arisen on his own. But his environment does not change. If, being alone, adhering to dietary nutrition programs is, in principle, not difficult, then you just have to be in a pleasant company and all your efforts may go to waste.

Not everyone can solve the problem of being overweight alone. To do this, you need to have certain skills that are not developed at a sufficient level for everyone. We are talking about the qualities that are inherent in independent individuals and, above all, discipline. Agree, in order to defeat excess weight, you need to be as disciplined as possible. This is what the psychology of nutrition for weight loss tells us about. If you cannot develop the necessary qualities in yourself, then you will have to turn to a psychologist first. This specialist will be able to prepare you for the upcoming changes in your lifestyle, and they can be very dramatic. If you are not psychologically ready to lose weight, then going to a nutritionist most likely will not bring the desired result, since you will periodically "break down".

How to choose a good weight loss psychologist?

At the reception with a psychologist
At the reception with a psychologist

We have found out that the psychology of nutrition for weight loss is of paramount importance. If you are a strong personality, you will probably be able to solve the problem of excess weight on your own. However, there are not so many such people. Most of us will benefit from the help of a professional psychologist. Here are the main criteria that should be followed when choosing a specialist:

  1. Calm and confident voice.
  2. Always laconic and speaks only to the point.
  3. He does not sigh during a conversation, but breathes evenly and calmly.
  4. Confident movements in a complete absence of fuss.
  5. He himself has a slender and fit figure, otherwise he will not be able to teach you anything sensible.
  6. He should attract you to him and perhaps even delight you.

As soon as you see such a person, you will immediately understand about it. Only someone you trust can help you. On your way to a slim figure there will be a lot of "pitfalls" and with the help of a qualified psychologist you can overcome all difficulties. You will need the support of such a person more than once or twice.

Basic principles of nutritional psychology for weight loss

Girl at the table with food
Girl at the table with food

We will now formulate several principles that will help you lose weight, as well as prevent it. Any disease is much easier to prevent than to fight with it later. Excess weight is also a disease.

How not to gain weight and enjoy eating?

Girl eating fruit
Girl eating fruit

A person can eat and enjoy, but not gain weight. To do this, you must reconsider your diet and attitude to nutrition. You can shed those extra pounds and still have more fun than before. Here are several factors that can enhance a positive eating experience:

  1. Use flavor enhancers such as a variety of condiments and spices.
  2. Combine different foods to create a contrasting taste experience.
  3. There should be a moderate variety of dishes on the table.
  4. Set your table to make it more aesthetically pleasing.
  5. Create a cozy atmosphere before eating.
  6. Eat your food slowly so that you can fully enjoy the taste without eating too much.
  7. Try to take your writing in a good mood.

Food volume control

Large, medium and small food plates
Large, medium and small food plates

The sources of the energy value of any food product are protein compounds, fats and carbohydrates. Remember that food can affect your health, positively or negatively. Therefore, you must take it as a medicine. Eat four or five times a day, while maintaining the correct nutrient ratio.

Eat only healthy foods

Vegetables, fruits and a plate
Vegetables, fruits and a plate

Here it is necessary to tell which foods are good for the body. For the convenience of perceiving this information, we will divide them by nutrient content:

  • Protein compounds - dairy products, lean red meat, poultry, eggs, legumes.
  • Carbohydrates - vegetables (the exception is carrots and potatoes, the use of which should be controlled) and fruits (except for bananas and mangoes, which should not be consumed in large quantities). These foods do not spike insulin when consumed, except as mentioned in parentheses.
  • Fats - vegetable oils, olives, avocados, fish and poultry.

Correct Nutrient Ratio

Nutrient Ratio
Nutrient Ratio

We have already said. It is very important to stick to a specific combination of nutrients. Now we will dwell on this in a little more detail. Few of us carefully control the energy value of the diet, and even more so the ratio of nutrients. However, you can determine the approximate content of carbohydrates, fats and protein compounds by eye. Proper nutrition should be understood as the use of one part of protein compounds and two parts of carbohydrates.

Eat five meals a day

Plate clock and food
Plate clock and food

Very often people are interested in the question of how often it is necessary to eat during the day. We recommend organizing three main meals and complementing them with two snacks. Also remember that the calorie content of a full meal should be no more than 500 calories, and for a snack, this figure is 100 calories.

Drink the right drinks

Freshly squeezed juices
Freshly squeezed juices

After about 60 minutes after finishing your meal, you should drink a glass of water. You can replace the water with freshly squeezed juices with pulp. But juices sold in supermarkets should be viewed with suspicion. Perhaps you are wondering why the juice should be with the pulp? The answer is simple, otherwise you will be consuming a lot of carbohydrates, which will trigger the release of insulin. Reduce your intake of caffeinated beverages (coffee and tea), or even better, skip them altogether.

Go in for sports


Physical activity is necessary for the body not only with excess weight. Thanks to them, the blood supply to the tissues improves, and, consequently, the quality of their nutrition also increases. This has a positive effect on the work of all body systems. Also, physical activity stimulates the work of the endocrine system. As you know, hormones regulate all processes in the human body. You can use cardio or strength training, or a combination. A combination of anaerobic and aerobic activities is the best choice to create a beautiful, toned figure.

Check out the tips of a psychologist to help you lose weight:
