Winstrol: negative effects

Winstrol: negative effects
Winstrol: negative effects

There are a lot of rumors about the dangers of Winstrol. The drug is very popular and often used. Find out if he is capable of causing serious damage to the body. Surely many sports fans, and especially track and field fans, remember the scandal involving Ben Johnson. In 1988, he made a seemingly fantastic act, bypassing Carl Lewis at a distance of one hundred metro. However, soon traces of prohibited substances were found in his body, and Johnson was disqualified. Winstrol was found in his body, which is one of the most popular steroids. Recently, on specialized Internet resources, the danger of this steroid for the body is often discussed. Today's article is devoted to the topic - Winstrol: negative effects.

Is Winstrol More Dangerous Than Effective?

Winstrol injection
Winstrol injection

Stanozolol, or as it is also called Winstrol, refers to mild anabolic drugs. Despite the rather low efficiency in terms of gaining muscle mass, Winstrol continues to be used by a lot of athletes. Initially, the drug was sold in tablet and injectable forms with a low active substance content. Today, manufacturers have established the release of various concentrations.

In earlier years, bodybuilders used Stanozolol before the start of the competition to give the muscles a relief. The drug is a chemical classified as an anabolic steroid. It has rather strong anabolic properties, which, however, is not expressed in a significant increase in mass when using it. On the other hand, this is easily explained by the weak androgenic activity of the drug, which is significantly inferior in this indicator to testosterone.

Despite this, Winstrol continues to be actively taken. This can only be explained by the fact that Stanozolol is considered the safest anabolic. Even if it is not capable of giving a tangible and quick effect, it will not harm the body either. But after a number of studies, it was found that the negative effects of Winstrol are quite high and it can be classified as a very dangerous AAS.

How harmful is Winstrol?

Winstrol tablets
Winstrol tablets

As a result, the question arises, how dangerous is this steroid? It must be said right away that the effect of Winstrol on the body has not been fully studied.

It is quite certain that the effects of Stanozolol are not very different from those of similar drugs. After its application, aggressiveness may increase, acne may appear, possibly hair loss, etc. This is inherent in all steroids based on highly allergenic forms of the male hormone. But in practice, things are a little different. Since Winstrol has a weak androgenic activity, it cannot increase aggressiveness, but, on the contrary, reduces it. This has been confirmed by experiments with animals.

After the introduction of the drug, the test subjects even stopped responding to the provocative actions of other males. It was also found that Winstrol did not affect the seminal vesicles, unlike other drugs that can replace testosterone. Thus, Winstrol can be referred to as an antiandrogen. Basically, the reaction of the human body does not differ from the reaction of experimental animals. For this reason, it can be argued that when using Winstrol, people may experience disturbances in the functioning of the reproductive system, in particular the susceptibility of individuals of the opposite sex.

Winstrol Research

Winstrol ampoules
Winstrol ampoules

The chemical structure of Stanozolol shows that this substance is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Consequently, Winstrol cannot undergo aromatization, which is inherent in androgens. There are practically no cases of estrogenic side effects when taking Stanozolol alone.

On the other hand, it would not be correct to say that the danger is completely excluded here. Experiments on rats have shown that the drug is able to accelerate the puberty of females who are in puberty. This can be avoided only by introducing estrogen blockers before the start of the course of Stanozolol. It is difficult to say that a similar effect will manifest itself in humans, since the dosages used by athletes are very different from the experimental ones.

However, the results of these experiments made it possible for scientists to put forward the assumption that stanozol has antiestrogenic properties against female hormone receptors. Here it can be compared with Tamoxifen, popular among athletes. Despite the fact that Winstrol itself is not able to convert to estrogens, it is able to stimulate aromatase receptors, thereby causing other androgenic substances to aromatize.

None of the experiments carried out could prove that Stanozolol can act as an estrogenic compound. Actually, this can be confirmed by athletes using the drug. The ability of Winstrol to give the muscles a relief is associated exclusively with the removal of excess fluid from the body. When using the drug solo, the risk of developing gynecomastia is practically excluded. However, in combined anabolic cycles using other androgenic steroids, this risk increases significantly.

What else is Winstrol dangerous?

Winstrol on the plate
Winstrol on the plate

Many athletes are confident that the negative effects of Winstrol are excluded, and it cannot cause liver damage. However, recent studies in this direction have shown the opposite. It should be noted that these experiments lasted quite a long time and their results should be given serious attention. In most of the subjects, an increase in the production of enzymes by the liver was found, which may indicate a violation at the cellular level.

This case was far from the only one when the negative effects of Winstrol were noted. Quite a lot of cases of increased heart rate and other violations in the work of this organ were recorded. It was also found that Stanozolol helps to reduce the level of good cholesterol, while simultaneously increasing the content of bad.

Thus, we can say with confidence that a fairly large amount of evidence has accumulated about the negative effects of Stanozolol on the body. Caution should be exercised when using this steroid.

For the negative consequences of taking Winstrol, see this video: