Oral and injectable steroids in bodybuilding

Oral and injectable steroids in bodybuilding
Oral and injectable steroids in bodybuilding

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Steroids come in pill and injection forms. Each of them has pros and cons. Learn about the features of oral and injectable steroids in bodybuilding. Everyone knows about the existence of two forms of anabolic steroids. Today we will talk about the use of oral and injectable steroids in bodybuilding. Of course, the choice of the form of the drug is entirely up to the athlete, but you should still talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

Oral steroids

Tablets and capsules
Tablets and capsules

It should be noted that the choice of this type of drugs is rather limited. These are, of course, Methane and its analogues, Stanozolol, Oxymetalon, Andriol (available in capsules) and Primobolan. One can also include in this list the very rare Ekdisten produced in Uzbekistan, but it is practically impossible to find it on the domestic market.

Testosterone cannot be absorbed by the body when taken orally. It will simply collapse in the gastrointestinal tract without entering the circulatory system. This can be confirmed by numerous experiments in which women participated, since their testosterone levels are much easier to control than men.

In the production of oral steroids, their molecular structure is selected so that the active substance is not destroyed during movement along the gastrointestinal tract, but enters the bloodstream. In this regard, it should be noted that the blood passes through the liver, which removes all toxins from the body, including steroids. This is the main reason for the negative impact of AAS on this organ.

Of course, steroids can also be taken orally (by placing them under the tongue), which will significantly reduce the burden on the liver. However, this is not the most convenient way to take medications. In general, the use of oral steroids is very convenient, and for people who cannot tolerate injections, it is a simple necessity. It should also be noted that there is one more positive aspect of tableted steroids, which is at the same time their disadvantage - the time of exposure to the body. Oral drugs can work for no more than 24 hours, after which they will be destroyed in the blood or liver. Thus, the tablets should be taken several times during the day and in equal shares. This will maintain a constant anabolic background.

Tableted anabolics can be used by athletes who will soon take part in competitions. Since they have a short working life, they are quickly eliminated from the body. On average, 10 days after the use of an oral steroid, there will be no traces of its use in the body.

And the last point that should be mentioned is the power of the effect on the body. Almost always, with the same dosage of the same steroid, the injectable form will have a greater effect on the body. And now we can summarize all of the above about oral steroids:

  • Tablet preparations pose a certain danger to the liver;
  • The duration of oral AAS is short, which causes sudden changes in hormone levels;
  • To maintain a uniform anabolic background, the tablets should be taken several times throughout the day in equal parts;
  • Tablet preparations are quickly excreted from the body;
  • They are most often used by beginners and athletes who cannot tolerate injections.

Now let's move on to the second part of the topic, oral and injectable steroids in bodybuilding.

Injectable steroids

Drawn up syringe
Drawn up syringe

It should be said right away that there are significantly more injectable AAS on the market than oral ones. Also, injectable winstrol should be highlighted, which should be discussed separately.

Surely many athletes have heard of such a concept as hormone esters. In order to prevent the testosterone molecule from being destroyed in the blood immediately, they attach to various esters. These substances are hydrophobic, but they can dissolve in fat. The manufacturers themselves dissolve them in oil when creating solutions. For this, various types of natural oils can be used, for example, peach, peanut, etc.

After the procedure of mixing ether with oil, the resulting mixture is purified in order to destroy all microorganisms, as well as to remove particles of foreign substances. It should be noted that even at some large pharmaceutical companies this process can be skipped for various reasons. It is clear that there is nothing to say about clandestine production. However, in legal enterprises, in the worst case, one hundred ampoules of steroids have one that is not purified.

The period of assimilation by the body and the subsequent effect of the steroid on it depends on the ether to which the molecule of the active substance is attached. Long esters last longer. Also, often on specialized resources, you can find recommendations for injections into target muscles. Of course, this significantly accelerates the growth of tissues at the injection site, but most often such a procedure is quite painful.

If we talk about the positive aspects of using injectable forms of AAS, then they are visible with the naked eye:

  1. Long term of work, which implies rare injections.
  2. Maintaining an even anabolic background for the entire period of the drug's operation. At the same time, it is impossible to use injectable steroids shortly before the competition, as they can be easily detected by a doping test. However, some drugs can be found in the body even after six months or even more, after the end of their use.

So, we can summarize:

  • Long term exposure to the body;
  • Uniform anabolic background throughout the course of steroids;
  • Traces of injectable drugs can be found over a very long period of time;
  • Not dangerous to the liver.

Here is all the most important information about oral and injectable steroids in bodybuilding that can be useful to an athlete.

More information on oral and injectable steroids is revealed by infamous bodybuilder Rich Piana in this video:
