Learn how to properly use one of the most unique steroids in the bodybuilding world to help you gain lean muscle mass without fat. At the dawn of the formation of domestic bodybuilding, the choice of pharmacological agents was very scarce. For this reason, after the appearance of Stanozolol in the early nineties, the drug quickly gained popularity. Today, there are no problems with the acquisition of anabolic steroids, but Stanozolol continues to be actively used by athletes. Let's look at the question of the use of oral and injectable Stanozolol in bodybuilding.
What is Stanozolol?

Stanozolol was created in the sixties, but it was actively used in sports almost two decades later. Today, oral and injectable Stanozolol are produced, between which there is no difference. Often, athletes who do not like injections simply drink the contents of the ampoules. However, it should be noted that injection will still be more effective.
The half-life of the steroid is several hours, which is associated with the peculiarities of the pharmacokinetics of the drug. When the active ingredient enters the bloodstream, its concentration increases at a tremendous rate, after which it also actively begins to decline.
Stanozolol is not able to aromatize and for this reason, no fluid accumulates in the body during its use. This fact makes it a great tool for preparing for tournaments. It should also be noted that the anabolic properties of Stanozolol significantly exceed the androgenic ones, despite the fact that the steroid is a close "relative" of Dihydrotestosterone. Also, Stanozolol has a powerful fat burning effect and its combination with Trenbolone during the drying cycle can bring excellent results.
Application of Stanozolol

At first, stanozolol began to be used by athletes, swimmers, cyclists, etc. Surely many of you remember a whole series of doping scandals in athletics. Such active use of the drug by athletes is associated with its ability to significantly increase strength and endurance without significant weight gain. Stanozolol came to the "iron" sport later, but also became very popular. The main advantage of the tableted preparation is the ability to gain high quality muscle mass. Combining anabolic with a low-carb nutrition program can bring you great results. The same can be achieved with proper use of the combination of Winstrol with other AAS.
With the help of Stanozolol, you can effectively maintain muscle mass during heavy exercise and with "carbohydrate holes". In powerlifting and weightlifting, Stanozolol is used less often and mainly in conjunction with testosterone to increase strength with a minimum gain in mass. Injectable Stanozolol is applied every day or every two days in an amount of 50 to 100 milligrams. Novice bodybuilders prefer to use the tablet form of the drug, taking 30-50 milligrams per day. The recommended dose for experienced athletes is 0.1 to 0.2 grams per day.
When using injectable Stanozolol, it is possible to advise how often the injection site should be changed. This will significantly reduce the risk of occurrence of such troubles as an abscess. In addition, Winstrol should not be mixed with oil-based preparations.
Side effects of Stanozolol

The tablet form of Stanozolol undergoes alkylation during production and, with prolonged use, can damage the liver. Also, provided that a long cycle is carried out, the drug may disturb the balance of cholesterol and in this regard, it is possible to advise novice athletes to use Masteron, which does not produce a similar effect.
Also, many people know that Stanozolol negatively affects the work of the articular-ligamentous apparatus, which is fraught with injuries. To eliminate this negative effect, Winstrol can be combined with Testosterone.
Also, you should remember that Winstrol can cause severe muscle spasms and may end up ruptured. Often, athletes are injured even when using small weights. Unfortunately, it is impossible to predict such untidiness and the body does not give you any signals, then the muscles can burst.
Learn more about Stanozolol from this video: