How is a do-it-yourself ikebana created?

How is a do-it-yourself ikebana created?
How is a do-it-yourself ikebana created?

Ikebana is the art of composing compositions using various materials. Workshops illustrated with photographs will teach you how to make ikebana for all seasons. Check out the ratio and arrangement of symbol elements in compositions:

  • a person in the translation of soe, here the elements symbolizing him should be equal to 2/3 of the details of the sky and be located with it in the same direction;
  • the elements of the earth are equal to 2/3 of the length of the person's symbol and are placed in relation to the other two symbols on the opposite side or in front.

When you think about how to do the ikebana and then create it, anchor all the elements so that they seem to be one.

In Japan, it is customary to create such compositions for the seasons. Check out the presented master classes.

DIY autumn ikebana

Design option for autumn ikebana
Design option for autumn ikebana

To make such a composition, take:

  • tinga branches;
  • a couple of golden orchid branches;
  • glass balls;
  • a tall narrow vase;
  • scissors;
  • secateurs.

Pour balls into the vase so that they are half full. An orchid branch, which is about half a meter high, will be used as a symbol of the earth. It should have a slight bend to the left.

How such a do-it-yourself ikebana is done, the photo eloquently shows. Place the orchid in a container so that the stem is at the bottom of the container, and tilt the branch slightly to the left. The second symbol of ikebana, representing the sky, we will create using a branch of an orchid, which is about 60 cm long. Tilt it slightly to the right.

The process of creating an autumn ikebana
The process of creating an autumn ikebana

See how you need to put the tinga branch, it should be almost parallel to the sky symbol, and then go back to the left behind the earth symbol.

Measuring the height of autumn ikebana
Measuring the height of autumn ikebana

If you do not have these plants, autumn ikebana can be obtained from the gifts of nature. You will need:

  • rowan twigs;
  • miniature pumpkin;
  • beautiful branched branch;
  • dried leaves;
  • cones;
  • chestnuts;
  • thermal gun;
  • shine with which the leaves of indoor plants are decorated.

Instructions for creating:

  1. Cut the bottom off a small pumpkin to give it stability. And at the top, make a hole through which remove the pulp with a small spoon.
  2. Attach the cones to the main large branch with a heat gun. Insert this blank into the pumpkin and secure it in the hole. The junction is decorated with rowan branches, gluing them here. Also, use glue to attach the fall leaves to the branch.
  3. You can lay out on a tray on which the pumpkin will lie, or just fall leaves and chestnuts on the table, and place your work on top or leave them as they are.
Autumn ikebana near the wall
Autumn ikebana near the wall

If you like minimalism or do not have enough raw materials, then you can make an autumn flower arrangement from one leaf, 1 fruit, floral wire and a plastic base.

Minimalist ikebana
Minimalist ikebana

In a transparent base, you need to insert curved floral elements of wires, at the end of which autumn accessories are located.

Instead of a vase, you can use a plastic tray. Put a small pot with a poinsettia on it, covering it with its leaves, stick the rowan branches into the soil, firmly fixing them there.

Ikebana in a plastic tray
Ikebana in a plastic tray

If you have miniature pumpkins, apples, oranges, you can arrange them on the surface, decorate them with curved thin twigs painted in green or floral wire. It will turn out fresh and original.

Ikebana of fruits
Ikebana of fruits

New Year's ikebana is especially valuable as there are few bright colors at this time of year. You can not only add them, but also make the citrus scent in the air.

Ikebana of spruce branches and citrus fruits
Ikebana of spruce branches and citrus fruits

See what a beautiful composition you can get. For it, you need to use an ordinary wooden box and set the branches of the Christmas tree on a floral sponge, which you place in it, or use a special device for ikebana. Place oranges and lemons between the branches of the Christmas tree. They can be tied with ribbons or secured with skewers. If you want to decorate an orange, take the halves of toothpicks, use them to attach to this fruit, for example, raisins or small grapes.

You will learn how to decorate oranges, make decorative elements from the zest right now.

Peel the zest off the orange carefully.

Removing the zest from an orange
Removing the zest from an orange

Roll the resulting zest into a rose and pin on a toothpick to fix.

Rolling orange peel into a rose
Rolling orange peel into a rose

After you put this blank near the battery, and it dries, you need to use it as a decorative element. For example, you can get such a New Year's ikebana, the photo shows that you need to use pine branches, pricking roses from the zest on the needles.

Ready-made ikebana from spruce branches and orange peel
Ready-made ikebana from spruce branches and orange peel

You can arrange coffee beans on a light plate and place slices of zest on top, and a rose on the side. Such a composition for the New Year will not only look beautiful, but also smell pleasantly.

Ikebana with orange peel and coffee beans
Ikebana with orange peel and coffee beans

Even for the winter holidays, you can make a decoration from the zest using molds. If you don't have ready-made ones, you can easily cut them out of an aluminum can.

Cutting out molds from a tin can
Cutting out molds from a tin can

As you can see, first, the top and bottom are removed from it with a knife, then an incision is made on the side and the peel is removed. It remains to create an asterisk, a heart, a herringbone and other elements for decoration from it.

Peeling the orange peel
Peeling the orange peel

Now, from the resulting canvases, using homemade or purchased molds, you need to express various figures.

Composition of orange peel and tin mold
Composition of orange peel and tin mold

You can cut paired elements of different sizes. To do this, you will need 2 molds each. When the large zest is done, you place the small one in the center and cut it out. It remains to put the small one into the large one, turning the medium-sized pulp upside down.

Two orange peel figurines
Two orange peel figurines

Now make holes with an awl, tie a string here and dry the blanks.

Figurines from orange peel on a string
Figurines from orange peel on a string

New Year's ikebana decorated with such citruses looks very attractive.

Another important part of such compositions is the candle. Needle branches, light carnations, cones and white-painted twigs are placed around it. The composition looks festive and elegant.

Ikebana of coniferous branches and candles
Ikebana of coniferous branches and candles

It was made in white and green tones, if you want to use gold, then take a candle of that color or paint it in the appropriate tone. Also coat the dried flowers and bud with this sparkling compound.

Design option for New Year ikebana
Design option for New Year ikebana

The following DIY ikebana is created from:

  • a tall transparent vase;
  • orange peel;
  • needles twigs;
  • thin golden ribbon;
  • glass beads and other decorations.

Carefully peel the peel off the orange using the knife in a zig-zag motion. Then the zest must be dried. Place a golden ball inside it. Spread these attributes evenly on a transparent plate, which you will place on top of the vase, and there will be beautiful wavy golden ribbons falling to the right and left. Put the spruce branches and cones in the same plate.

The vase will look even more charming if you place the decor elements inside it. Put the zest, glass beads and a candlestick next to this container.

Ikebana made of glass containers and decorative elements
Ikebana made of glass containers and decorative elements

The next ikebana for the New Year is done in a basket. It is not necessary to buy such a container, sometimes cosmetic gift sets are sold in similar wicker baskets. Use them. Put sprigs of needles, rowan sprigs inside, decorate the composition with other small berries or fruits.

Ikebana in a basket
Ikebana in a basket

See how you can still decorate citrus fruits that will look very chic in those New Year's baths. You can make balls from them. To do this, stick a dried clove into the orange, tie the fruit with a beautiful ribbon.

Orange christmas ball
Orange christmas ball

If you use such decorative elements for a winter composition, then a ribbon is not needed. In this case, put coniferous twigs and cones on a light dish, decorate the composition with mountain ash and place citrus fruits. As you can see, cuts are made in them with a knife, which are then decorated with a dry carnation. They can be cylindrical, zigzag or resemble a mesh pattern.

Balls of oranges, cones and spruce twigs
Balls of oranges, cones and spruce twigs

It will help to make ikebana for the New Year and the art of carving.

Carve out the zest of an orange with special carving tools or a thin knife to get this beauty.

Figured peel off of an orange
Figured peel off of an orange

You can make an interesting composition that will be both topiary and winter ikebana at the same time.

How to make ikebana - master class

Step by step photos will help you understand the creation process. To make such a tangerine tree for the New Year, you will need:

  • flower pot or other container;
  • floristic sponge;
  • construction knife;
  • scissors;
  • tangerines;
  • dried root of a tree or ornate branch;
  • hairpins;
  • threads;
  • tree branches;
  • twigs with leaves.
Materials and tools for creating tangerine tree ikebana
Materials and tools for creating tangerine tree ikebana

First, wrap the tangerines with threads of a different color from these fruits.

Tying tangerines with thread
Tying tangerines with thread

Place the root or branch in a pot, secure with a floral sponge. Tie the tangerines to the branch, securing them tightly with thread. Piercing the sheets with hairpins, roll up these blanks and fix them on the future masterpiece.

Decorating tangerine ikebana
Decorating tangerine ikebana

Cover the floral sponge with the branches of the Christmas tree, and the New Year's composition is ready.

Placing spruce twigs in a pot with tangerine ikebana
Placing spruce twigs in a pot with tangerine ikebana

How to make spring ikebana?

At this time of the year, the sun begins to warm up, the first greens appear. The awakening of nature after winter is reflected in spring compositions. They can be crafted from a variety of materials. If you want the ikebana to please you for a long time, the flowers do not wilted, then make them out of paper.

Spring ikebana design option
Spring ikebana design option

To create this charm, you need:

  • pot or plastic container;
  • plasticine;
  • a lot of paper of light green and less green;
  • wire;
  • brown threads or paint of this color;
  • glue gun.

Then follow this sequence:

  1. Decorate the wire first. Cover it with brown paint or wrap with threads, glueing the ends.
  2. Cut the light green paper into strips, create a "drop" shape from each by winding, lightly pressing the blank on one side. Make them in different sizes in order to then create openwork leaves from several that need to be glued to the ends of the wire.
  3. Put plasticine in a pot, stick the prepared branches into it, and decorate the surface as follows: cut a square with a side of one and a half or 2 cm from a dark green blank.
  4. Next, use the facing technique. Wrap these blanks on three wooden sticks or similar object. Without removing the paper from it, stick it into the plasticine. Thus, you need to decorate the entire surface, placing the blanks closer to each other.
  5. The central part of the composition are chrysanthemums, which are considered sacred flowers in Japan. To make them, cut into circles of different diameters. With the help of scissors it is necessary to chop each one almost to the middle into strips 1 cm wide. Now they need to be twisted, starting from the edge, moving towards the center.
  6. Create 7 such blanks, glue them one on top of the other, starting with a large one, ending with a small one. Glue three chrysanthemums to the wire branches.

To make the flower petals the same size, first draw each circle into strips, cut out the triangles formed between them, remove them. This is such a wonderful job as a result.

Ready spring ikebana
Ready spring ikebana

Spring Japanese ikebana cannot do without sakura branches. To keep them also for a long time, use paper for them.

Sakura twig close up
Sakura twig close up

You will get such a composition if you take:

  • pink paper;
  • a branch of a tree;
  • fishing line;
  • a needle;
  • beads;
  • suitable capacity;
  • plasticine;
  • artificial moss or green paper.

First you need to make petals for the flowers. For each you need 5 pieces. Cut the pink paper into strips 1 cm wide, twist from each circle. To make them all straight, use the round hole in the special ruler. This is where you will insert a tightly twisted spiral, checking the size. When you get an element of the desired size, cut off the extra strip of paper, and glue the tip to this spiral.

Now press it on one side with your finger to make a slightly elongated petal. This part will be in the center. Glue five petals together with a glue gun.

Pass a thin line through the needle, put a bead on it, sew this stamen into the center of your composition. You can make several of these stamens for each cherry blossom. You can sew fragments of fishing line to a core specially created from pink fabric, and then glue it to the center of the flower.

When the required number of such elements has been created, attach them to the branch with wire or glue.

Place the mini plant in the pot containing the clay. At the same time, lay the sakura branch slightly obliquely.

Cover the surface with faux moss or green paper using the trimming technique.

Sakura flowers
Sakura flowers

DIY summer ikebana

You can also use colored paper to create it.

Summer ikebana design option
Summer ikebana design option
  1. From it you will roll pink flowers in the same way as described above. Only the work will go even faster, since there is no need to make stamens. Green petals will be located on the back of the flower; we glue all this to a floral or decorated wire.
  2. Ceramic rings, in which napkins are installed, are perfect as containers.
  3. Roll some green kraft paper over the wire and you will have a stem. Wrap a little cotton on its end, paint it yellow. This will be the calla pistil. You will create her adorable flower out of white craft paper.
Three summer ikebana
Three summer ikebana

If you want to use not paper flowers in your composition, but growing ones, then pay attention to the following composition.

Ikebana with flowers
Ikebana with flowers

This flower ikebana is made from:

  • zinnias;
  • calendula (orange and variegated).

You can take a variety of flowers. You will also need a flat container and a stone.

If you want flowers to last a long time, then take potted ones. Place them in a prepared container. Place a stone in the back that sets off these plants and makes the landscape philosophical.

In the next, chrysanthemum plays a central role; it can also be planted with a lump of earth in an original container or take a cut flower.

Ikebana with a large yellow flower
Ikebana with a large yellow flower

The next Japanese ikebana is suitable for lovers of minimalism and those who have little material, but want to have a beautiful composition.

Ikebana with three flowers
Ikebana with three flowers

As you can see, this is a kind of flower vase. Use a steamer attachment or electric vegetable cutter to secure tall stems. Pour water here, place a container on top in which you put flowers. Fern branches can be used as greenery.

Summer ikebana looks very beautiful in a wicker basket, in which flowering branches are placed.

Summer ikebana of fresh flowers
Summer ikebana of fresh flowers

In such containers, a white-yellow-green ikebana will look charming.

Ikebana of white flowers
Ikebana of white flowers

The most unusual things are used as a "vase" for ikebana, for example, a pumpkin. Yellow-orange chrysanthemums look very good in it. The main thing is to cut their stems to the desired size.

Ikebana of fresh flowers and pumpkin
Ikebana of fresh flowers and pumpkin

Pineapple will also become a kind of flowerpot.

Fresh fruit ikebana
Fresh fruit ikebana

To make such an edible composition, you will need:

  • a pineapple;
  • fruits;
  • grape;
  • melon;
  • wooden skewers;
  • sharp knife;
  • plastic bottle;
  • floristic sponge;
  • spoon;
  • secateurs.

To create, we adhere to the following sequence:

  1. First, use a knife and spoon to remove the pineapple pulp. Put a plastic bottle inside, cut it to the height of this fruit. Pour water into a container or place a floral sponge. Here you can put fresh flowers if you use them when working.
  2. If the composition consists of only fruits and berries, then do not take out all the pulp so that you can stick wooden skewers into it, on the opposite ends of which there will be fruits. To do this, slices of pineapple and halves of kiwi need to be cut so that they look like flowers. Slice the papaya and apple slices onto the skewers as well.
  3. Grapes look great on these wooden sticks. Cut the leaves out of the melon rind. Place a pineapple cap on top and the edible ikebana is done.

If you liked the presented master classes, then we suggest watching interesting video materials at the end.

The first tells how the New Year ikebana is created. As you can see, it is not necessary to take a vase for the base, you can even use a decorative sled.

You will learn how to make Japanese ikebana in the second video tutorial: