Keeping Bouvier of Flanders at home

Keeping Bouvier of Flanders at home
Keeping Bouvier of Flanders at home

The emergence of the Bouvier Flanders breed, external criteria, animal behavior, health, care and maintenance, training, interesting facts. Buying a puppy. These animals are the standard of strength and beauty - a reflection of the true Belgian character. After talking with them for at least one day, you can easily understand the country where they were born. These are not only herding dogs, but also first-class guards. They vigilantly protect their family and at the same time get along well with children. Their powerful body hides a glorious disposition. At first they seem quite intimidating, but you do not need to worry, you are completely safe. These are truly heroic personalities, in the full sense of the word. Dogs helped people during the wars, they even wrote books about them. These pets adorned the White House during the Reagan rule and the home where Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy spent her childhood.

The emergence of the Bouvier Flanders breed

Bouvier of Flanders lies
Bouvier of Flanders lies

Originally, Bouvier of Flanders originated in Belgium and northern France as a farmer's assistant. It was a herding and traction dog, guard and companion. They used to have different names. Until they came to the present, they were called: a dirty beard, a boo-herd or a cow dog. Translated from French "bouvier" - cattle driver. The Industrial Revolution changed the fate of these dogs, and they were used in the police and sentry business.

The main livestock of this breed is concentrated in Belgium and France. Such dogs are also popular in the United States of America. The species reached the greatest attention of the inhabitants of the country in the late fifties, in the early sixties. The fact is that Jacqueline Kennedy, the wife of the then President of the United States, had French roots in her pedigree and had Bouvier dogs. Americans, who adored their first lady, began to imitate her and have the same pets. Soon the Bouviers conquered all of America without firing a single shot.

But perhaps the most brilliant episodes from the history of the breed fell on the world wars, when the fields of Flanders turned into battlefields and many venerable individuals gave their lives, fighting for allies. It is a heroic story of a species characterized by both tenderness and ferocity. Strength and courage made Bouvier attractive recruits for the French and Belgian armies - their secret weapon.

They hauled machine guns, pulled the wounded out of the trenches, and carried reports. Because of this, German snipers made it a habit to shoot dogs. Many Bouviers died for their homeland, others were lost or were abandoned by their masters when they went to the front or fled. The breed was practically extinct, but in the twenties several Belgian, Dutch and French owners did not let it disappear from the face of the earth. In the end, the species conquered extinction and re-established itself in homes as a beloved companion and companion.

The Belgian government is now preparing a conservation plan for the national breed, the Bouvier of Flanders. According to this project, subsistence farmers who continue to use these dogs to help on farms are entitled to a small allowance. This is an additional help and incentive for the mistress to form the working qualities of the Bouvier and the dogs do not lose their true destiny, whose exploits and sacrifices during the war cannot be forgotten.

The first owners were completely indifferent to the appearance of these dogs. They were attracted by the working qualities of pets. Therefore, the progenitors of Bouvier differed in color, weight and height. But they had enough in common to be of the same species. Dogs are not meant to be dandy. The standard states that any trimming that violates the natural rough look is prohibited.

The breeders did not want the individuals to lose their true properties, for which the breed was created. It is believed that after the Second World War they were revived by a Belgian veterinarian and his Bouvier "Nick". The pet had a perfect physique for the species: a well-developed chest, strong legs, dark eyes and a bold look. In Belgium, these animals cannot become champions if they also have not won other competitions: as a police, guard or army dog. After all, the most important thing is their fighting spirit.

The writer Stephen White transferred the image of these animals to the pages of his works. In a series of detectives, the main character, psychoanalyst Alan Gregory, unravels complex, intriguing plots and two pets of the Bouvier Flanders breed help him in this. The writer did not invent anything about these dogs. He knew their behavior, since such a dog lives in his house.

The author specializes in the smallest shades of human feelings and motives, and simple observation allows to find the key to the character of Bouvier. “When I write, I try to find a little behavior that expresses the whole character,” says Stephen. Having finished work on the next work, Stephen and his pet Casey are always on the "one page" - together they advertise a new book. Fans of the writer are amazed, because it is one thing to read about Bouvier and its not small size, and another to be convinced of it yourself. Casey is always on guard at Steven's side.

Description of the external criteria of the Bouvier Flanders

Exterior of the Bouvier of Flanders
Exterior of the Bouvier of Flanders

Strong, but at the same time balanced dog. The ideal height of the dog at the withers is 68 cm and the same length of the body, in bitches is 65 cm. Despite the high growth and heavy weight, he moves easily. The elegant gait resembles that of a Brabant draft horse. Bouviers with Dutch ancestry are often larger and heavier than Belgian lines.

  • Head extended, flat. The skull is wide between the ears and parallel to the muzzle. In good proportion to the body, giving the dog a square profile when viewed from the side. Bushy eyebrows make the shape of the head appear more pronounced than it actually is.
  • Muzzle in relation to the head - 1/3. Slightly tapered, good width, strong. The teeth most often have a scissor bite.
  • Nose large developed. His nostrils are wide open. Pigmented with black color.
  • Eyes oval, medium location. They should be brown, as dark as possible. The eyelids are black and close fitting.
  • Ears triangular in shape, hanging on cartilage, of medium size, placed high. Can be docked to a natural standing shape.
  • Neck Bouvier is mesomorphic, there is no suspension, with a smooth bend.
  • Frame strong constitution, shortened. Muscles of good volume. Body weight is large. The broad, slightly short back has a firm, straight topline.
  • Tail located high, naturally continues the line of the spine. It is cut shortly, leaving only two or three vertebrae. However, in most of Europe, trimming a dog's body parts (tail and ears) is illegal and illegal.
  • Front limbs - straight, strong bones, and the back - powerful, well-muscled. The thighs are strong and well developed.
  • Paws well arched, oval, with tightly closed and well arched toes. Strong black pigmentation. Hard pads.
  • Coat coarse, with shaggy, tousled guard hairs. The undercoat is dense, dense, but soft. The different quality of the double wool makes it not smooth, but characteristically disintegrating. The thickest hair on the mustache and beard. A heavy, bushy beard grows on the lower jaw, which gives the breed's characteristic angry, menacing expression. Eyebrows define the shape of the eyes without covering them.
  • Color any color - from yellowish brown to black, including pepper and salt. Even spotted, but not chocolate, white or multi-colored. A small white spot is allowed on the chest.

Dog behavior Bouvier Flanders

Bouvier of Flanders on a walk
Bouvier of Flanders on a walk

Bouviers of Flanders are sociable and good-natured dogs and very versatile. They can be pets and vigilant watchmen. Animals are suitable for a house or apartment, because they do not shed. All lost hairs remain on the dog, which is good for housewives. With them, you must definitely do physical activity, otherwise the dog will get bored. If you enjoy lying on the couch and watching TV, never get this kind of canine. Only cheerful, energetic people can do this.

Bouvier is a controversial dog. A huge dog, infinitely loyal to his family. Calm, even restrained character, but when he receives the command to act - beware. Because the watchful eyes of the guard are hidden under the mane, and the powerful physique does not at all serve as a sign of a lack of intelligence.

Differs not only in impeccable manners, but also in a sense of duty. Being a serious guardian of the family, at the same time, they get along wonderfully with children. They are madly in love with human cubs and play funny with them. Bouvier has a craving for delicious food and human attention. Pets are permanent - always near the owner and his family members. They are not afraid of noise at all. When they decide to achieve something, they are difficult to stop.

You cannot ignore the fact that for these dogs their territory means a lot. This strength of feelings requires training. In a confrontation, Bouvier would rather fight than flee. They are expressive and play well with other animals if trained early. The dog has a calm disposition. More than anything, these animals love to be close to their "flock".

Bouvier Flanders health

Bouvier of Flanders in the grass
Bouvier of Flanders in the grass

These dogs live from 10 to 12 years - this is not a little for a large breed. The breed is quite tough, but they have some medical conditions to which they may be susceptible. This does not mean that all breed individuals are ill with them, it is just that some Bouviers have just such flaws that are transmitted not only at the genetic level, but can also be acquired.

The very first thing that is characteristic of large, heavy canines is femoral dysplasia. Most often, at an early stage of development, it can only be detected using an X-ray examination. The disease is poorly treated. If it has just begun, then therapeutic methods may well help. With a neglected form, they mainly resort to surgical intervention.

Some pets are worried about glaucoma - the accumulation of intraocular fluid. This builds up pressure inside the eye and over time the dog stops seeing. This can be cured by surgery. They also have thyroid diseases and heart murmurs. Bouvier with such deviations in breeding should never be introduced in order to exclude the birth rate of sick offspring and the degeneration of the breed.

Dog grooming bouvier flanders

Flanders Bouvier with the hostess
Flanders Bouvier with the hostess
  1. Wool these colorful dogs have two-layered and thick-growing, requiring constant attention. Trimming and haircuts for the Bouvier of Flanders is done not only before large and exhibitions. The dog needs her in everyday life - of course she is not so frequent and pretentious. Their famous beard needs to be wiped clean after every meal and drink, as a lot of "excess" accumulates in it.
  2. Bathe these dogs every two, three weeks with specialized shampoos. Well, of course you know about the hygiene of the paws, because no one wants to clean the house every single day after a dog. Easier to wash and wipe the paws. "Shagmatics" are combed out quite often. During the molting period, every day. You can do this while walking with a slicker. There is also a more effective, modern tool for this - furminator.
  3. Ears Bouvier of Flanders, if not cropped, it is better to trim inside. So they are well ventilated and there will be fewer problems with various diseases. They also need to be cleaned less frequently.
  4. Eyes wipe only if they are dirty or inflamed.
  5. Teeth require systematic cleaning with a special toothbrush and edible paste. If you are from puppyhood, do not accustom your Bouvier to oral hygiene procedures, there may be tartar, and periodontal disease.
  6. Claws when growing back, be sure to cut your pet with claws.
  7. Feeding these pets should be complete, but strictly dosed, since they are terrible gluttons and beggars. Never give your four-legged friend a piece of your table between meals. You run the risk of making him a fat and sick animal. To keep your Bouvier in Flanders in good shape, choose the right nutrition for him. Breeders who do not want to rack their brains with the composition of a natural diet prefer to feed these dogs with dry professional food. Natural food in a larger composition includes meat products. It must be enriched with quality vitamins and minerals.

Walks must be not only long, but also intense. The dog is quite active, with pronounced working qualities, so that life in an apartment does not suit them at all. They must release the accumulated energy. Otherwise, dogs can become destructive in the house or become depressed.

Flanders Bouvier training

Bouvier of Flanders being trained
Bouvier of Flanders being trained

It is better for a beginner not to take such a dog, since its training requires a lot of experience, skill and patience. They are independent dogs with a strong temperament that complements their strong physical condition. If you have time to train them, they will become your lifelong friends. But be careful, the Bouviers are wayward and difficult to train. They need to repeat everything over and over again, clearly and thoughtfully. Pets should be convinced why they are obliged to do this, and not something else. Only love and understanding will help you achieve brilliant results in this field. The reward method works especially well. If you have the patience, they will follow any command and will stay with you until their last breath.

Interesting facts about the Bouvier Flanders dog

Flanders Bouviers
Flanders Bouviers

According to Belgian law, the tail of the Bouvier of Flanders is cut off only after three years of life.

Until 1965, these dogs could be said to have had no country of origin. France and Belgium have had heated discussions for a very long time which country should be considered their ancestor. In 1965, the cynological organizations of these countries came to a common opinion about the standard and finally decided that it was after all these dogs originated in Belgium.

Sexually mature Bouvier dogs of Flanders are quite imposing. They love to lie on a bedding or in the shade outside. At first glance, it seems that these pets have little interest in life. But the first impression is deceiving. In fact, they follow every movement of living things and inanimate objects. Every rustle is available to their sense of smell. And at any second, the dogs are able to defend the owner, his family and property. But small bouviers differ in behavior from adults. They are so flirtatious and agile - just little devils.

Purchase and price of a Bouvier Flanders puppy

Bouvier puppies
Bouvier puppies

Puppies of this breed look like plush toys, but they are still those naughty ones. They cannot be left unattended in the house. Otherwise, "surprises" are guaranteed to you. If you still want to make yourself such happiness, after passing all the tests, you will not regret that there is a real bouvier in your house. But in order to get a decent and healthy dog, you'd better go to professional kennels.

There animals are kept in proper conditions. Only the best dogs with achievements in competitions and exhibitions are allowed to breed. By contacting reputable breeders, they will help you choose exactly the puppy that suits you. And consultations: on care, breeding, training, participation in show exhibitions, you can always get. The cost of a Flanders Bouvier ranges from $ 1000 to $ 2000. The most promising puppies cost more.

More information about the Bouvier Flanders breed in the following video: