Causes of sagging breasts in the postpartum period. Effective ways to restore breasts after childbirth, what cosmetic and physical procedures give the maximum benefit. Tips and tricks.
The female breast is one of the most attractive parts of the body, but after giving birth and feeding a baby, it loses its shape. Today, there are a fairly large number of a wide variety of methods and techniques that will help restore sagging breasts after childbirth. To achieve this result, you need proper, and most importantly, regular care, cosmetics and special exercises.
Reasons for sagging breasts

In order to accurately understand the reasons why the breasts sagged after childbirth, it is necessary to familiarize yourself in more detail with the features of its structure. The female breast is a unique skeleton consisting of connective tissue, glandular lobules and fat.
At about the age of 10-13, its development begins, and closer to 20 years, this process stops. The mammary gland then changes shape before and after the menstrual cycle. These changes occur as a result of a hormonal surge, which during this period begins in the female body.
Muscle weakness or skin laxity can provoke deformity of the breast after childbirth. That is why, in order to avoid this trouble, it is necessary to constantly maintain good physical shape. In the human body, all processes are interconnected, therefore, if there are problems with posture or scoliosis, there is a likelihood that the mammary gland will suffer. If you actively engage in muscle development, including developing the breast, you can return the mammary gland to an attractive shape.
During the carrying of a child, the female body begins to gradually prepare for lactation, and the mammary gland also changes. That is why the condition of muscle tissue is important. After the breastfeeding process is completed, the breast can return to its original shape, however, the muscles are slightly stretched and weakened. Doing regular moderate exercise and keeping your body toned can help prevent sagging breasts after childbirth.
Immediately after the period of feeding the baby has been stopped, you can begin to restore the breast after childbirth. At this time, moderate physical activity is allowed, which is recommended to gradually increase.
Proper Breast Care Before Childbirth

It is very important to take proper care of your breasts at all times, starting from the first days of pregnancy. By the end of the 9th month, it will increase to the maximum limit, because it is during the prenatal and postpartum periods that the most severe deformation of the mammary gland occurs.
If you prepare for these difficulties in advance, there will be a great opportunity to avoid sagging and the appearance of ugly stretch marks after the breasts return to their usual sizes.
To do this, it will be quite enough to provide moderate physical activity and do not forget to regularly use special cosmetics that make the skin more elastic.
During this period, you should wear supportive underwear to help prevent stretch marks. Today, the stores offer a fairly wide assortment, so every expectant mother will be able to choose a bra model for herself, which should ideally fit in size and shape, have wide straps, without underwire. It is best to opt for models with multilevel braces, because the weight of the breast can increase.
When using firming procedures and cosmetic preparations, one should not forget about the need for proper breast skin care. It is useful to take a contrast shower several times a day and do air baths, the duration of which should be at least 10 minutes.
A special massage with the addition of avocado, lavender, and almond oil brings benefits. This mixture helps to accelerate the restoration of the elasticity of the skin of the breast, it becomes soft and elastic. It is imperative to purchase a cream for stretch marks and apply it every day.
It is important to remember that it is strictly forbidden to rub any creams, including essential oils, into the area around the nipples. If there is an impact on these zones, an active production of a hormone begins, provoking a contraction of the uterus, which can cause negative consequences.
Exercise for breast reconstruction

Before you engage in a selection of physical exercises for breast recovery after childbirth, it is imperative that you first consult with your doctor. If there are no contraindications and restrictions, you can proceed directly to classes, because regular exercise of simple exercises will help to restore the breast much faster after childbirth:
- You need to stand straight, palms are folded together and placed in front of you, after which they are squeezed as much as possible in the chest area. 10 repetitions are performed with a break of 1-2 seconds.
- It is necessary to become level, the shoulders are rotated first forward, then backward. It is done in 10 rotations.
- The starting position is taken, as in the 1st exercise, but the fingers are locked into a "lock". Sharp jerks are now performed, trying to disengage the fingers. The exercise is repeated at least 8 times.
- It is necessary to stand against the wall, rest your palms against it. Now you need to start, as it were, pushing off the wall, while the muscles of the chest and arms are strained as much as possible. 10-15 repetitions are done.
- To perform this exercise, you need to become straight, your back is straight, your legs are shoulder-width apart. Hands are made circular turns - 4 times forward and backward.
How to feed your baby correctly?

After childbirth, the delicate skin of the breast is very often damaged, because during this period there is a constant flow of milk, therefore, the process of expressing is regularly performed. Of course, this cannot be avoided, but to minimize damage to the skin, it is necessary to express milk completely until you feel relief.
The appearance of the breast will undergo significant changes directly during the feeding of the baby. That is why it will simply not be possible to restore it immediately. Inexperienced mothers, in paid clinics, are often offered to do a special hormonal injection that stops the flow of milk, therefore, preserving the prenatal shape of the breast. In almost all cases, the desired result will not be obtained, since the mammary glands begin to gradually change shape literally from the first weeks of pregnancy.
It is very simple to avoid negative consequences, for this you need to adhere to a few simple rules:
- you need to use a breast pump regularly - with manual pumping, there is a strong stretching of the skin and muscles of the breast;
- milk stagnation should not be allowed, as this will not only negatively affect the shape of the breast, but can also be dangerous to the woman's health;
- the baby must be fed alternately with both breasts, due to which approximately the same amount of milk will be maintained;
- It is imperative to express milk at night to prevent stretching of muscle tissue.
How to restore breasts after lactation?

In the postpartum period, certain changes occur in the female body, as endocrine and hormonal disorders begin. That is why, after completing breastfeeding, discharge may appear. This fact cannot be ignored, while it is necessary to carefully monitor what color the highlight has.
The main sign of the onset of the development of mastopathy is a discharge of greenish and brown color. If an intraductal tumor has formed, they can be completely transparent or have a black color. If the discharge is beige or milky, this is considered the norm.
After lactation stops, over time, the breast decreases in size. This phenomenon occurs rather quickly, while in some cases one breast may remain larger than the other. This effect occurs as a result of improper feeding and it will be possible to get rid of this defect only with the help of surgical intervention.
To restore the breast after childbirth, it is recommended to do a special massage after the cessation of lactation, go in for swimming and try to lead an active lifestyle, not forgetting about the benefits of playing sports.
How to remove stretch marks on the chest?

One of the most common problems faced by young mothers is ugly stretch marks on their breasts. Owners of fair skin suffer from this trouble much more often. But, if you regularly and correctly care for your breasts, you can quickly restore the injured skin structure, returning it to an attractive appearance.
To tighten the breasts after childbirth and completely get rid of stretch marks, an integrated approach is needed, which includes hydromassage (a stream of water is alternately directed to each damaged area). It is also useful to use special gels, which contain extracts from seaweed. It is worth using a massage brush, but not a hard one. All these procedures, in combination with a moisturizing cream against stretch marks, will help to independently eliminate the problem and restore a beautiful breast shape, making the skin firm and elastic.
You can use several types of stretch mark creams - lightening scars and those that help get rid of marks after breastfeeding. Before using any cosmetic product for breast skin care, you must carefully read the attached instructions. The fact is that all creams will have a positive effect only if they are used immediately.
If there is no time or opportunity to carry out regular breast care procedures at home, you can use the services of a beautician. Today, laser correction is very popular, but this procedure should be used only in the most extreme cases, when other means do not give a positive effect.
How to restore breasts after childbirth - useful tips

Not only physical activity and cosmetic procedures help to restore the breast after childbirth and lactation. It also benefits from a healthy lifestyle, proper and balanced nutrition and regular care of the mammary glands:
- It is worth minimizing the use of salt, as it provokes the accumulation of water in the tissues, because of which they begin to stretch. The daily diet must necessarily contain foods containing a lot of vitamins E, C and A (blueberries, apricots, spinach, bananas, cabbage, carrots, etc.).
- It is necessary to eat proteins - dairy products, chicken, nuts.
- It is impossible to follow strict and rigid diets, to allow sudden weight surges, since these factors negatively affect the process of breast skin regeneration.
- It is useful to regularly make homemade cosmetic masks for breast skin care, which contain only natural ingredients.
- It is necessary to completely abandon bad habits, since they provoke not only the accelerated destruction of the tissues of the mammary glands, but also the whole organism. It will be very difficult for young mothers who smoke to restore their breasts after childbirth and lactation.
- You should try to avoid prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays, because they make the skin sluggish, flabby, provoke the appearance of age spots and premature wrinkles.
For accelerated breast recovery, it is recommended to take a contrast shower, regularly do breast hydromassage in smooth circular movements. If you adhere to the above tips and regularly take care of your body, you will not have to resort to drastic measures to restore the beautiful shape of your breasts.
For more information on how to restore breasts after childbirth, see the following video: