How to lose weight after childbirth while breastfeeding?

How to lose weight after childbirth while breastfeeding?
How to lose weight after childbirth while breastfeeding?

Learn how to quickly get your weight back on track after giving birth without stopping breastfeeding. Many women are interested in the question of how to quickly lose weight while breastfeeding. Most young mothers do not believe that this is quite possible and they will not have to stop breastfeeding, since during this period they literally have to eat for two. Therefore, one can only dream about the return of the previous figure.

The most difficult period is pregnancy, but after childbirth it is time to gradually establish the correct regimen and revise your own diet. One of the main concerns of young mothers is to determine exactly what can be eaten and which products should be discarded now.

It is generally accepted that breast milk should be fatty and nutritious, so many young mothers simply stop monitoring their own diet. This is precisely the main mistake, since during the period of breastfeeding, the female body begins to gradually rebuild. At the same time, if the diet is correct, complete and balanced, the woman spends a lot of time outdoors, the process of gradual return to the previous weight and shape begins. And for this you practically don't have to do anything.

When can you start losing weight?

The baby lies on his mother's chest
The baby lies on his mother's chest

Contrary to popular belief, you can lose a couple of extra pounds even while breastfeeding. But it is worth considering the fact that for some this process is faster, while for others it is much slower. However, do not stop, because a slender and fit figure is at stake.

In the first months after childbirth, the body begins to rebuild, and the woman gradually gets used to the new rhythm of life. After all, now it is very important to learn how to properly care for a newborn baby, walk in the fresh air and many other worries, so you will definitely not be bored.

Experts say that about 6 months after giving birth, you can begin to actively act in the fight for a slender figure. However, this is only possible if the woman's body has fully recovered.

If, before pregnancy, a woman led an active lifestyle, regularly went in for sports and monitored her diet, with proper organization, you can quickly return to her previous weight. The fact is that after childbirth, the body begins to recover on its own and after six months you can put on your favorite jeans.

How to lose weight and not harm breastfeeding?

The girl looks at her child with a smile
The girl looks at her child with a smile

Of course, during breastfeeding, every woman can lose weight and get in good shape. But you should not set this goal in front of yourself in the first weeks after childbirth, since it is very early and the body must first recover and regain the spent strength.

To lose weight after childbirth, it is enough to adhere to just a few tips. First of all, you need to learn how to get enough sleep, even if there are still a lot of things to do, unwashed dishes or not ironed linen. You can ask the rest of the family to take on some of the daily household chores.

It is at the time when the child is sleeping that mommy can rest. The fact is that constant lack of sleep leads to the fact that a woman becomes very nervous and irritable. As a result, there is a desire to seize your bad mood with something sweet. After sleeping, the woman feels active, cheerful, moderate appetite, good mood.

It is necessary to observe the correct drinking regime - it is important to drink a sufficient amount of plain pure water and this does not include teas, juices, compotes and other sugary drinks. Breast milk contains about 87% water, so there should be enough fluid in the female body. In case of violation of the drinking regime, the lack of fluid can be disguised by the body as a feeling of hunger.

You cannot overeat, because it is this habit that is very difficult for young mothers to get rid of. If during pregnancy you could afford a larger portion than usual, then after giving birth it was time to stop. You need to eat at least three times a day, but the portions should not be large.

It is necessary to eat only if there is a feeling of hunger, but not for the company, as is often the case. It is important that the food is tasty and liked, thanks to which the woman begins to enjoy the meal. Make sure that there are always fresh berries, fruits, seasonal vegetables, seeds, nuts, fresh herbs, dried fruits, homemade cottage cheese and eggs in the refrigerator. Moreover, all products must be fresh and of high quality.

It is necessary to completely eliminate allergens in the first months of breastfeeding, which include chocolate, strawberries, oranges. Then they can be gradually introduced into the diet, but not more often than one product per week, since you need to monitor the child for allergies.

It is worth learning how to properly cook food - the ideal option would be to bake dishes or steam them. For example, steamed fish, meat and vegetables are incredibly tasty, nutritious and healthy.

Many women are simply too lazy to cook soups. An excellent option would be soup cooked in fish, vegetable or meat broth. Most importantly, you first need to remove all the fat, thanks to which the soup will be tasty, but not greasy. Few people know why it is useful to eat something liquid at least once a day. The fact is that such a dish has a high nutritional value, but a minimum calorie content. In addition, the female body absorbs liquid food or puree soups much faster and easier.

It is worth giving up all products that can harm the child's body. This will benefit not only the baby, but also the mother herself. In addition, the child, along with breast milk, receives all the necessary vitamins and nutrients. It is important to completely eliminate any allergens from the diet.

It is advisable to refuse any canned foods, smoked, fatty, semi-finished products, hot spices, fast foods, confectionery with fatty cream, peanuts (including other types of nuts), sweet carbonated waters. Store juices, shrimps, and alcoholic beverages are also banned.

If you have a strong desire to eat something forbidden and harmful, you need to think about the child's health. Of course, you can pamper yourself with fresh fruits and berries that will benefit your growing body. However, it is allowed to introduce only one new product per week and it is important to constantly monitor the baby's reaction for allergies.

You need to accustom yourself to regularly consume fresh vegetables, as they contain a large amount of vitamins, valuable trace elements and fiber. Vegetables contain a minimum of calories, but at the same time they bring maximum benefit to the body.

It is recommended to introduce various types of cereals into your diet, because they are rich in slow carbohydrates. You should not kill your appetite with unhealthy snacks, but you should also not allow prolonged fasting. Excessive breaks between meals are also harmful. If you have a strong feeling of hunger, but it is not yet time for a meal, it is useful to drink a glass of warm water in small sips.

It is time to increase your physical activity, as it is time to keep moving on. During the first months after giving birth, regular outdoor walks with your baby are ideal. Walking for 20 minutes a day is quite enough, but they must be constant, otherwise there will be no benefit.

It is important to gradually increase the time you spend in the fresh air. Approximately 4 months after the birth of the child, if there are no contraindications, you can attend yoga classes, sign up for gymnastics or dancing. If it is not possible to regularly go to the fitness center, you can conduct independent workouts at home. An excellent option would be to do exercises with your child, and the baby will be delighted with such a pastime. You can also sign up for the pool with a crumb.

At least 20-30 minutes a day should be devoted exclusively to your own appearance. After all, every mother remains a woman and wants to always look beautiful.

Nutritional features of a nursing mother: losing weight after childbirth

Girl eats salad, hugging a child
Girl eats salad, hugging a child

To quickly bring your figure into good shape after childbirth, you need to constantly and with special attention monitor your own nutrition. First of all, it is important to remember the following rule - nutrition after childbirth and after 6 months has certain differences.

Eating immediately after childbirth

In the period of time, immediately after childbirth and up to six months, breast milk is the only food for the baby. That is why during this period it is strictly forbidden to follow strict diets and dietary restrictions. It is important that all processes in the female body are fully adjusted.

Therefore, during this period, you need to deal exclusively with the establishment of the correct breastfeeding regimen. Over time, you can resort to intense physical activity. Long walks in the fresh air are now allowed. For a start, only 20 minutes will be enough, then the walking time should be gradually increased.

The following foods should be excluded from the diet:

  • any fatty food;
  • various types of smoked meats;
  • sausage and sausages (there is an exception if this product is prepared independently);
  • canned food;
  • conservation;
  • spicy food;
  • various types of spices;
  • marinades;
  • pickles;
  • semolina.

It is recommended to add to your menu:

  • various seasonal fruits;
  • fresh vegetables;
  • porridge;
  • dairy products;
  • meat;
  • fish;
  • eggs.

There should be several meals during the day, with a break of three hours between each meal. The portions should be small and nutritious. If you have a strong feeling of hunger ahead of time, you need to drink a glass of warm water.

It is important that the diet is as varied and balanced as possible - fruits, cereals, dairy products, vegetables, fish, meat and legumes. The last meal should be no later than 8 pm. If you are worried about severe hunger before going to bed, you can drink half a glass of homemade yogurt or kefir, tea with milk is allowed, but without added sugar.

Nutrition 6 months after childbirth

By this time, the female body is gradually recovering after pregnancy and childbirth. You can reduce the daily rate of fat to 40 g. It is allowed to eat sweets, but only in the morning. The diet may contain small amounts of pasta and potatoes. Dinner should be no later than 6 pm. Before going to bed, if the feeling of hunger is very worried, tea with milk is allowed, instead of sugar it is better to add a little honey (if the child does not have allergies).

It is recommended to gradually increase physical activity, not forgetting the benefits of walking in the fresh air. If possible, you can go in for swimming, after training, after two hours a light snack is allowed.

You must constantly adhere to the principles of a healthy diet and try not to overeat, completely exclude unhealthy and fatty foods from your diet. The correct drinking regime must be followed, it is recommended to consume as many fresh seasonal vegetables with fruits as possible.

Features of the menu for weight loss while breastfeeding

Young mother eats an apple
Young mother eats an apple

It is important that the nutrition of a nursing mother is complete and varied. Below are several options for dishes that are easy and quick to prepare:


  • oatmeal, cooked in water or milk, with raisins and apples;
  • wheat porridge with apple slices;
  • vegetable puree, for which you need to use steamed vegetables;
  • cottage cheese casserole;
  • different types of puddings;
  • baked pumpkin, apples, or other fruits;
  • fruit puree, for the preparation of which only seasonal fruits should be used.


  • vegetable soups;
  • puree soup;
  • buckwheat porridge cooked in milk or water;
  • bell peppers stuffed with rice and lean meat;
  • stuffed zucchini;
  • soup with chicken and homemade noodles;
  • ear;
  • turkey, chicken, beef - meat can be stewed or baked.

Afternoon snack:

  • omelet with fresh vegetables;
  • homemade ice cream;
  • steamed cheesecakes.


  • vegetable stew;
  • steamed or baked fish and potatoes;
  • steam chicken cutlets;
  • fresh salads with tuna, chicken liver, beans, olive oil, beets, Brussels sprouts, sour cream, walnuts and prunes, but not smoked.

If you follow these simple tips, you can quickly and easily get your figure in good shape after childbirth. And you don't have to stop breastfeeding for that.

For more on breastfeeding weight loss, see below:
