How Collost injections are given

How Collost injections are given
How Collost injections are given

What is Collost, what is it used for in cosmetology. Indications and contraindications for the introduction of biogel, procedure algorithm. Effects of using a dermal filler, the effectiveness of rejuvenation. Indications for the introduction of 15% concentration of Collost:

  • Restoration of the skin during rehabilitation after aggressive rejuvenation procedures;
  • Pronounced age-related changes, photoaging, in which dryness of the skin appears, hyperkeratosis - the appearance of increased pigmentation;
  • Horizontal wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose, deep age wrinkles that can be smoothed out only by filling in the lacunae of the dermis cells;
  • Scars of a different nature, including after removal of keloids - convex scars;
  • Correction of congenital or acquired pathologies in the face area - for example, asymmetry of the lips, changes in the shape of the cheekbones and chin;
  • Modeling the shape of the face, restoring the oval.

How many procedures with Collost are needed to restore the appearance in each individual case, the cosmetologist determines on an individual basis, after a visual examination. The concentration of biogel also depends on the condition of the skin.

Contraindications to collagen injections for the face

Herpes infection
Herpes infection

Contraindications for correction with Collost are divided into absolute and relative.

The absolute diseases include diseases of a different nature and deterioration of the general condition in organic pathologies:

  1. Hemophilia is a blood clotting disorder;
  2. Liver failure - the state of the hematopoietic system directly depends on the function of this organ;
  3. Oncological processes regardless of the area of distribution;
  4. Herpes infection and dermatological diseases in the active phase;
  5. Autoimmune diseases - in this case, the reaction of the body to the introduction of biogel is impossible to predict;
  6. Mental abnormalities in a patient - neuroses of a different nature, schizophrenia and the like;
  7. Tendency to form keloids.

In case of an allergic reaction to Collost, the procedure will have to be abandoned. Allergies can manifest as skin reactions or airway edema.

The possibility of a course of injections should be discussed with a specialist in case of relative contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Increase in temperature indicator;
  • Acute hypertension;
  • History of dermatological diseases in the area where Collost is to be administered;
  • If correction procedures have already been carried out using injections with other substances to increase the tone of the skin;
  • Taking retinoids - drugs for the treatment of severe acne, in particular Roaccutane.

Also, a contraindication for rejuvenation and modeling of the oval of the face can be vitamin deficiency, which can provoke a slowdown in the regeneration process due to a lack of nutrients in the body.

Vegetarians should inform the doctor about their lifestyle, since such a diet with an improperly composed diet often provokes the development of vitamin deficiency or disruption of organic metabolic processes.

How Collost injections are given

How Collost is administered
How Collost is administered

Before the procedure, the patient needs to prepare. If a clinic dealing with rejuvenation values its reputation, then an examination is prescribed, as before an operation. That is, 2 weeks before the start of the injection, allergy tests are performed on biogel.

The procedure is carried out in the following way: in the area of the forearm, subcutaneously, inject half of the "cube" of biogel. The first sensation, a slight burning sensation, and redness of the skin should disappear within 5-6 hours. If this does not happen, it can be concluded that there is an allergy to Collost.

The next allergy tests are carried out after another 2 days. At this time, the anesthetic is tested - drugs with lidocaine or Emla's cream.

The Collost injection technique is selected for each patient individually. Injections can be made in a continuous straight line, perpendicular or along wrinkles, at an angle of 30 °, around the skin fold. Also, the percentage of Collost in injections is selected on an individual basis.

To prevent an allergic reaction during the procedure (since the substance is injected in a larger volume and at the same time as the anesthetic), antihistamines may be recommended.

Collostotherapy itself is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Thorough cleansing and degreasing of the skin with cosmetic products - the cosmetologist himself chooses the desired drug.
  2. Application of anesthesia. The area treated with anesthetic is covered with cellophane or latex foil for 20 minutes. Patients note that at this stage, before sensitivity decreases, severe itching is felt, which goes away on its own.
  3. After opening the kit, the specialist must check the consistency of the batch number on all 3 syringes and the expiration date.
  4. The syringes are dipped in boiling water - the biogel is injected after heating to body temperature or slightly higher, by 1-2 ° C. Patients must inform themselves how they feel comfortable. Discomfort is noted only during administration.
  5. Each injection is done separately, analyzing the condition of the skin and the patient. The injection site is treated with an anesthetic - more often Chlorhexidine.

The need for a repeated course and the frequency of injections depends on the problems with the skin. It may be necessary to conduct from 3 to 8 courses, the interval between which may be 1-2 months.

For the correction of aesthetic defects, you can use the drug from the age of 18. When eliminating age defects, biogel is used not earlier than 30-35 years old.

The procedure should be performed only by a high-class specialist, since the injection technique depends on the concentration of Collost and the patient's problems. If you make a mistake, it will not be easy to correct the result.

The results of the procedure for the introduction of Collost

Whitish bloom after Collost injection
Whitish bloom after Collost injection

You should not wait for an instant result after the injection, but you should also not be intimidated by your appearance.

At first, the skin will turn pale, whitish bloom and purple areas with pronounced swelling may appear on it. The natural color should be restored in 3-4 hours, and then it will already be possible to leave the beauty salon on your own. If you have your own transport, then you won't have to think about how to spend these 3-4 hours. In a day, the appearance will be the same as before the procedure.

The result of the anti-aging procedure can be assessed only after a month, not earlier. How long the effect will last after the introduction of Collost depends on the age of the patient, individual problems, and also on the lifestyle. The qualification of a cosmetologist also plays a role.

When using injections for rejuvenation and correction of defects in the facial area, the effect lasts up to a year, in the treatment of acne - up to six months. In the future, you will have to return to the usual therapeutic measures or repeat Collost.

In order not to be disappointed with the result, it is necessary to take care of the skin correctly after the procedure:

  1. Avoid ultraviolet radiation, cover your face with a visor on the street on sunny days, refuse to visit the solarium for 2 weeks.
  2. It is necessary to give up thermal procedures within a week - these include a bath and a sauna.
  3. For 2 weeks, procedures cannot be carried out to further correct the appearance.
  4. Decorative cosmetics can be used as early as 3 days after the procedure, however, when removing it, it is necessary to avoid active mechanical influences on the surface of the skin.

To make your appearance flawless, collostotherapy is combined with the following procedures:

  • Chemical peeling. The upper dermal layer is burned out by applying chemical components. In combination with Collost injections, the skin is effectively renewed.
  • Microdermabrasion - peeling with diamond chips. Biogel is injected 2 weeks after microdermabrasion, which helps to speed up the restoration of the skin and shorten the rehabilitation period.
  • Botox injections. If 2-4 procedures with Collost are carried out 2 weeks before the introduction of botulinum toxin, then the process of skin regeneration will take place faster, the skin will quickly smooth out. In addition, the immobilization of the facial muscles will not be so "in the eye", the appearance will look more natural.

Cosmetologists recommend combining Collost with various types of laser treatments. In this case, the effect of rejuvenation lasts up to 1, 5 years.

Undesirable consequences of the Collost procedure

Consultation with a specialist
Consultation with a specialist

It is considered normal if redness, mild soreness, and swelling of the skin persists for 2 days. If on the 3rd day the skin does not take on a normal shade and the pain persists, it is necessary to consult a specialist who conducted the rejuvenation sessions.

When a specialist does not have the proper qualifications, the rules of asepsis and antiseptics are violated, the patient did not adhere to the recommendations for the rehabilitation process, the likelihood of developing a purulent-inflammatory process increases.

Worsening symptoms:

  1. Significant swelling;
  2. Soreness at the injection sites;
  3. The skin feels hot to the touch;
  4. The temperature rises.

It is impossible to remove the biogel, the treatment is carried out using anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents. In each case, an analysis is made of why the condition has worsened.

How Collost injections are done - look at the video:

It should be noted that negative side effects after the administration of Collost occur very rarely, since the composition of the drug is identical with natural human protein and during the procedure, the growth of one's own tissues is stimulated.
