How to make a mattifying face mask

How to make a mattifying face mask
How to make a mattifying face mask

Composition, benefits and contraindications for the use of matting masks. Recipes for the preparation of formulations to eliminate oily sheen from the skin. A mattifying face mask is a solution for women whose skin begins to shine on the forehead, chin and nose by the middle of the day. Every day, the fair sex uses a lot of cosmetics for the care of the dermis and for make-up. But not all defects can be hidden with cosmetics. Oily skin requires special care. The main task of masks is to eliminate grease and reduce shine.

Description and components of matting masks

Cucumber face mask
Cucumber face mask

Most often, ingredients such as cucumber, tea tree, clay and algae are introduced into the composition of matting masks. All these components help to reduce sebum production and normalize the sebaceous glands. Composition of matting masks:

  • Vitamin B … This component is found in green tea, wheat germ and fruits. It helps to establish metabolic processes and prevents excessive sebum production.
  • Zinc … This component is found in seaweed and has antiseptic properties. It helps relieve inflammation, removes redness and makes the skin matte.
  • Trace elements … They are found in fruits and clay. Helps fight free radicals and helps to tighten pores. Because of this, the secretion of sebum decreases.
  • Vitamins A and E … These components are found in wheat germ, cucumbers and carrots. These vitamins help to remove excessive oiliness and improve skin condition.

Useful properties of matting masks

Algae face mask
Algae face mask

The main purpose of such funds is to eliminate oily sheen and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Unlike store-bought products, homemade masks do not mask the problem, but fix it. Therefore, self-made matting agents can be considered medicinal.

Benefits of matting face masks:

  1. Normalize the work of the sebaceous glands … For the preparation of such products, products are used that are rich in minerals and vitamins. They help restore metabolism at the cellular level.
  2. Eliminates oily sheen … Unlike most cosmetics, homemade masks do not mask the problem, but fix it. This is due to the narrowing of the pores.
  3. Improves dermis nutrition … Matting masks normalize blood circulation in the epidermis, promote more efficient absorption of minerals and trace elements.
  4. Kill pathogens … In the sebum, streptococci and staphylococci grow and multiply very quickly.

Contraindications to the use of matting masks

Fruit allergy
Fruit allergy

Despite the fact that all the components of the masks are natural, there are a number of contraindications to their use. List of contraindications:

  • Allergy … Masks with fruits or herbs are not used if there is an allergic reaction to any of the components of the product.
  • Wounds … If there is damage to the skin, do not use matting agents. They can cause a bacterial infection to join.
  • Eczema, dermatitis … In the presence of these ailments, dryness is often observed in the affected areas. Therefore, despite the excessive release of fat in the forehead and chin area, it is not worth using matting masks.
  • Couperose … Most anti-oily masks stimulate the metabolism. Therefore, the vascular network on the face may worsen.

Recipes for mattifying face masks

There are many recipes for mattifying masks that can help to cope with excessive oiliness of the face and improve the condition of the skin. The most effective are considered to be products with aspirin, algae, clay, hydrogen peroxide and yeast. Formulations containing fruit are also effective.

Hydrogen peroxide matting masks

Applying a hydrogen peroxide mask
Applying a hydrogen peroxide mask

Hydrogen peroxide is considered to be quite effective against acne and blackheads. In addition, peroxide normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores, and reduces oily sheen. In combination with essential oils and other components, it is possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin.

Hydrogen peroxide mask recipes:

  1. With aloe … Aloe juice has a beneficial effect on the condition of the dermis. Together with peroxide, it is possible to achieve a persistent matting effect. Peel 2 aloe leaves and puree. Add 15 ml of buckwheat bee nectar. It is advisable to pre-melt it in a container with hot water. Add 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide to the mixture. Apply the paste in a thin layer to the dermis and lay on top of wet wipes. Leave for a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  2. With rice … Prepare rice porridge with milk. There is no need to add salt and oil. Add 10 ml of peroxide to 20 g of rice porridge and turn on the blender. It is necessary to get a mass that looks like a thick jelly. Lubricate your face with it. It takes 10-17 minutes for the substance to be absorbed. Remove the paste with cold water.
  3. With green tea … Prepare a strong green tea and add some bread crumb. Add 10 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Apply a thick layer of gruel to the cleansed dermis and let it soak for a quarter of an hour. Wash off with warm soapy water.
  4. With lemon … Lemon juice perfectly whitens and allows you to remove excessive oily face. Mix equal amounts of lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide. Add egg white and shake. Apply a thick layer to the epidermis and leave for a third of an hour.

Matting masks with aspirin

Aspirin for a mattifying mask
Aspirin for a mattifying mask

Aspirin is used to treat acne and reduce inflammation. In addition, it helps to eliminate oily sheen. This is due to the normalization of the oily skin. Aspirin should be used regularly and the dermis will improve over time.

Recipes for matting face masks at home with aspirin:

  • With vinegar … Take 5 aspirin tablets and crush them. It is necessary to make a powder. Mix it with 40 ml of apple cider vinegar and add 100 ml of still mineral water. Saturate cotton swabs with liquid and apply to problem areas. Typically, applications are applied to the chin, forehead, nose and cheeks. Application time is one third of an hour.
  • With yoghurt … It is ideal for matting combined epidermis. It is necessary to powder 5 aspirin tablets and add 30 ml of homemade unflavored yogurt to it. Let the mixture sit for a third of an hour. After that, the paste is transferred to the epidermis and left for a third of an hour. Rinse off with cold water, massaging problem areas, which most often get greasy.
  • With salt … For the preparation of this product, sea salt is used. It is necessary to dissolve 20 g of salt in 20 ml of warm water. Inject powder made from 5 aspirin tablets. Soak a cloth or cotton pads in the substance. Place the discs on the cleansed face and lie quietly for a third of an hour. Remove the cotton wool and rinse thoroughly with cool water.

Matting clay masks

Clay for a mattifying mask
Clay for a mattifying mask

Since ancient times, oriental beauties have used clay in order to remove oily sheen, relieve inflammation and normalize the work of the sebaceous glands. Funds with it are used to treat acne, acne and inflammation.

Clay mask recipes:

  1. With talcum powder … It is a great remedy for acne. In addition, the paste removes oily sheen and mattifies the epidermis. Mix 20 g of kaolin and talcum powder in a bowl. Purchase unflavored talcum powder from your pharmacy. Add 35 ml of warm milk and stir. You will get a viscous substance, it is applied to a damp surface of the face and left for a third of an hour. Remove with wet cotton wool.
  2. With calendula … Black clay is used to prepare this product. It is necessary to mix 20 g of powder with 20 liters of water and 10 ml of calendula tincture. It can be purchased at the pharmacy. Next, grease the oily areas with a thick porridge and leave to act for 25 minutes. The substance on the face dries up and can tighten the epidermis. Therefore, place wet gauze on top of the mask. The substance is washed off under a strong pressure of water.
  3. With kefir … This remedy will help reduce inflammation and reduce oily sheen. It is necessary to mix 20 g of clay powder with 10 g of chopped algae. Freshwater sponge powder can be used. Dilute the mixture with kefir until a homogeneous composition is obtained. Wash and apply to damp skin. Application time is one third of an hour.
  4. With mineral water … Green or blue clay is used to prepare this product. It is necessary to add 30 ml of mineral water to 25 g of clay and add 3 drops of orange oil. Turn the mixture into a homogeneous substance and lubricate the entire face with it, except for the skin of the lips and around the eyes. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour.

Mattifying masks with fruits

Peach mattifying mask
Peach mattifying mask

Fruits contain organic acids that act as a mild exfoliation. Sour fruits are used for matting masks. The most effective are peach, kiwi, orange. They contain an acid that unclogs and tightens pores.

Fruit mask recipes:

  • With peach … Peel the ripe fruit and mash it. Add 20 ml of low-fat yogurt into it. Apply a thick layer of the fruit substance to the epidermis and leave for 20-25 minutes. It is recommended to remove it with cold water or chamomile broth.
  • With orange … Take a ripe orange and cut it in half. Puree half of it without removing the skin. Add some oatmeal to the paste and let it swell for 10-12 minutes. Average the substance and apply to the cleansed epidermis. Leave for a third of an hour. Rinse off with cold water, massaging problem areas.
  • With persimmon … Ripe fruits must be used. Remove the skin from the fruit, and remember the pulp with a fork. Add a handful of low-fat cottage cheese and medium. Lubricate the epidermis with a thick layer and let it absorb for 20 minutes. Remove gently with a wet towel.
  • With strawberry … This berry perfectly regulates the sebaceous glands. It is necessary to turn a handful of strawberries into a homogeneous puree and add 5 tablets of activated carbon into it, after crushing them. Using your fingers, apply the substance all over your face and let it work. Enough 20 minutes. Remove the mask with cold water.

Rules for the use of masks with a matting effect

Preparation of a mattifying face mask
Preparation of a mattifying face mask

Mattifying masks help improve the condition of oily and combination skin. In addition, they help to heal her and eliminate the oily sheen. This in turn will lead to a reduction in acne and inflammation. For the remedies to really help, follow certain rules.

Rules for the use of matting masks:

  1. Substances are prepared exclusively from fresh and natural ingredients. Old or rotten fruits and dairy products must not be used.
  2. Don't prepare your masks in advance. It is necessary to apply only freshly prepared formulations to the epidermis. Leftovers should not be refrigerated until next time.
  3. Masks with fruit, peroxide or aspirin should not be cooked in metal containers. This will negatively affect the action of the product and may cause allergies.
  4. Do not apply matting compounds more than once every 3-4 days. Excessive obsession with such masks can lead to rashes and irritation.
  5. If the prepared mixture drips off your face, do not be discouraged. Just cover it with cheesecloth folded several times.

Watch a video about matting masks:

Despite the relative cheapness of home masks, they do an excellent job with excessive oily skin. Replace purchased products with self-made substances.
