How to make a curd face mask

How to make a curd face mask
How to make a curd face mask

Benefits and contraindications to the use of curd face masks. Home remedies recipes with cottage cheese for dry, oily, problematic and aging skin. Curd face mask is a remedy aimed at rejuvenating and nourishing the epidermis. Fermented milk products have been introduced into healing substances for the face for a long time in order to rejuvenate it, nourish it and eliminate acne.

Useful properties of curd face mask

Curd for making a mask
Curd for making a mask

Curd is a protein product that contains a lot of calcium, lipids and trace elements. Thanks to this, it is introduced into dietary food. With the help of cottage cheese, you can significantly improve skin health.

The benefits of curd for the face:

  • Saturates with moisture … The curd contains a lot of potassium and calcium. These trace elements bind water ions and prevent water evaporation.
  • Prevents aging … This fermented milk product contains many substances that resist the action of free radicals. The dermis fades more slowly.
  • Prevents flaking … Due to the content of animal fat, a film appears on the skin. It prevents the removal of moisture and helps to restore flaky skin.
  • Saturates with vitamins … The curd contains many vitamins PP, A, B. These substances improve the condition of the epidermis.
  • Improves facial tone … The substances in the curd contribute to the production of elastin and collagen. Thanks to this, the oval of the face becomes clearer.

Contraindications to the use of curd face masks

Open wounds
Open wounds

The substance for the face with curd is completely natural and suitable for all skin types. But there are contraindications to its use.

List of contraindications:

  1. Allergic reactions … Very often, dairy products are allergic. Therefore, if you previously felt itching or burning after using fermented milk products for your face, do not use cottage cheese.
  2. Open wounds … It is especially worth abandoning the use of homemade cottage cheese. In fermented milk products, pathogenic flora can multiply, which will cause infection.
  3. Conditions after surgery … With the use of natural substances, it is worthwhile to wait if there are stitches on the face that have not completely healed.
  4. Oily skin … In this case, you should not use fatty homemade cottage cheese. Better to purchase fat-free.

Recipes for curd face masks at home

There are many recipes for substances to restore the epidermis with cottage cheese. This product is often combined with eggs, fruit, honey and yeast.

Recipes for cottage cheese masks for dry skin against flaking

Sugar for making a curd mask
Sugar for making a curd mask

Curd is an excellent product for dry dermis. It is better to combine it with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. Moreover, it is worth choosing cottage cheese with a high fat content. Thanks to this, a protective film will appear on the dermis, which will prevent drying out.

Recipes for masks with cottage cheese for dry epidermis:

  • With sugar … Sugar can be considered a soft scrub, and rice flour is used to enhance the effect. Pour 25 g of cottage cheese into a plastic container, it is better to take soft and fatty. Add 10 g of rice crushed in a coffee grinder, 15 g of granulated sugar and 5 ml of vegetable oil. You will get a thick porridge, pour in quite a bit of milk to make a creamy mass. Spread gently over your face and soak for a third of an hour. Wash off with warm herbal decoction.
  • With honey … This is a classic remedy that will help moisturize the dermis and remove flaky areas. Into a small bowl, add 30 g of cottage cheese without additives and pour in 30 ml of bee nectar. You can take a sugared product and preheat it in a bowl of hot water. Rub with a spoon until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Using a plastic knife, apply the paste to the dermis. A third of an hour is enough for the dermis to be moisturized. Then remove with warm water.
  • With oatmeal … It is an exfoliating substance. It is necessary to turn a spoonful of Hercules into flour and mix with 20 g of cottage cheese. The mass will be thick and crumbly, so add 20 ml of kefir into it. Mash and smooth into a smooth puree. Lubricate the dermis with the substance and let it absorb for about 20 minutes. Rinse off with wet cotton wool or under running water. Before removing, you need to massage your face.

Recipes for curd masks for oily skin

Lemon for making a curd mask
Lemon for making a curd mask

Cottage cheese is an excellent remedy for dry dermis, but owners of oily skin can use this fermented milk product. Just choose a low-fat product.

Recipes for cottage cheese masks for oily epidermis:

  1. With salt … In a bowl, add 10 g of fine salt, 25 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 20 ml of sour cream. Rub until a homogeneous substance is obtained. Now, using a wooden spatula, transfer to the epidermis. The exposure time of the paste is a third of an hour. After that, the substance is removed with a wet cloth.
  2. With lemon … Mix 25 g of low-fat cottage cheese and 10 g of table salt in a bowl. Better to take "Extra". Pour in 10 ml of lemon juice and some milk. Rub the substance until smooth. You can average in a blender. Apply a creamy product to your face. A quarter of an hour is enough for the substance to take effect. Rinse with cold water.
  3. With clay … Pour 10 g of kaolin powder into a bowl and add 20 g of cottage cheese. Mash the paste and add some milk. Pour in 10 ml of lemon juice. The mixture should be slightly runny. Apply the substance to a cloth and apply to the skin. Leave this kind of compress for a third of an hour. Remove the cloth and rinse with cool water.

Curd mask for normal skin type

Carrots for making a curd mask
Carrots for making a curd mask

This epidermis does not require much maintenance. But curd can prolong youth. Usually, such products use ingredients that relieve fatigue and nourish.

Recipes for cottage cheese masks for normal epidermis:

  • With carrots … Carrot juice normalizes the oily skin. Grind the root vegetable in a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice using cheesecloth. Pour the juice into 25 g of cottage cheese and add 10 ml of olive oil. Lubricate the dermis with the substance and let it act. It takes a quarter of an hour for the paste to absorb. Then wash it off with chamomile broth.
  • With beets … Take and grate half a small beet. Add 30 g of cottage cheese and jelly from one aloe leaf. Rub the mixture and apply to the epidermis with the back of a spoon. The exposure time of the substance is one third of an hour. Rinse off with cold running water.
  • With strawberry … The substance relieves fatigue. It is necessary to grind 3 strawberries and add the resulting puree to the container. Add 30 g of cottage cheese and pour in 20 ml of kefir in a thin stream. The result is a mixture that resembles yogurt. Lubricate the dermis with a product and lie down for a third of an hour. You need to remove it with warm water.

Recipes for cottage cheese anti-aging masks

Bananas for making a curd mask
Bananas for making a curd mask

Masks for rejuvenation usually contain nutritional components. These are banana, egg yolk, avocado. Heavy cream and yeast are often used. These substances are designed to sharpen the contour of the face and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

Recipes for formulations for rejuvenating the epidermis with cottage cheese:

  1. With banana … This is a simple mixture that requires you to peel a banana and grind it in a blender. Add 30 g of cottage cheese to the bowl and purée for 30 seconds. You will get a homogeneous puree, using the back of a spoon, lubricate the epidermis and let it soak for a third of an hour. Before rinsing, massage a little along the massage contours. Rinse your dermis with cold water.
  2. With yolk … This is an emergency aid that will help tighten your skin quickly. Enter the yolk into 30 g of a fatty fermented milk product. Rub with a whisk or fork. Add 20 ml of sesame seed oil. Apply this greasy and airy paste to your face. For the substance to be absorbed, keep it for a third of an hour. Wash off with warm herbal decoction.
  3. With green tea … It is necessary to prepare warm tea. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of leaves with boiling water. It should be 100 ml. Then add the liquid to the curd and puree. You should get a substance with a consistency like jelly. Lubricate the dermis with it and leave. It takes 20 minutes for this mass to work. Remove the mixture with a wet cloth and rinse with cold or melt water.
  4. With avocado … Peel the fruit and cut in two. Mash one part. Mix the fruit paste with 30 g of cottage cheese. Rub again and lubricate the dermis with the substance. Wait a third of an hour and rinse off the paste.

Anti-wrinkle curd face mask

Potato starch
Potato starch

For the preparation of anti-wrinkle masks, sour cream, kefir and various oils are used. Alternatively, you can add fruits and gelatin.

Recipes for curd masks for wrinkles:

  • With starch … It is an excellent facelift and contouring treatment. Therefore, if you want to sharpen the oval, use starch. Add 10 g of potato flour to a bowl of 30 g of cottage cheese. Add 30 ml milk and mix. The paste is applied to the epidermis in a thick layer for a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Shea butter … This oil is great for treating fine lines and wrinkles. It is necessary to grind 30 g of fatty cottage cheese. Add 10 drops of shea butter and 20 ml of sesame oil to a bowl of fermented milk product. Rub until the substance is fluffy. Apply in a thick layer to the skin for a quarter of an hour. Remove with clean water.
  • With yeast … Pour 10 g of dry yeast with warm milk. Leave it on for a third of an hour until the air cap appears. Stir the liquid and pour it into a bowl with 30 g of cottage cheese. Rub until smooth. Lubricate the dermis with the paste and let it soak for 30 minutes. Rinse off with warm chamomile broth.

Cottage cheese mask for dry skin

Cucumbers for making a curd mask
Cucumbers for making a curd mask

Dry skin requires careful maintenance. The thin and dry epidermis ages quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly saturate it with moisture.

Recipes for masks with cottage cheese for dry epidermis:

  1. With protein … Separate the white from the yolk and pour into a bowl. Add 25 g of crumbly and low-fat cottage cheese. Pour in 15 ml of bee nectar heated in a water bath. Rub the substance thoroughly. Spread a homogeneous creamy paste over the dermis. Do not touch the area under the eyes. Soak the healing agent on the face for a third of an hour and remove with a cold and wet napkin.
  2. With cucumber … This vegetable is great for moisturizing and helps to lighten the skin a little. It is necessary to peel and chop the fruit. To do this, use a grater or blender. Add 30 g of cottage cheese and 10 g of olive oil. Turn the paste into a creamy mixture. Stir gently and lubricate your face. Leave for a third of an hour. Rinse off with warm water.
  3. With parsley … This mixture saturates with vitamins, brightens and moisturizes. Turn a bunch of parsley into a paste. Mix a spoonful of green pasta with 25 g of cottage cheese and grind. Add the yolk and rub again. Apply this green mass to the skin. It takes 30 minutes for the substance to moisturize the epidermis. Remove with warm water.

Curd mask for the skin around the eyes

White Wheat Bread
White Wheat Bread

The skin under the eyes is very dry and ages quickly. After 30 years, cobwebs and crow's feet are formed. With the right care, these wrinkles can be reduced.

Recipes for masks with cottage cheese against wrinkles under the eyes:

  • With bread … Take a small slice of white wheat bread and soak in milk. Mash until puree and add 30 g of cottage cheese. Pour in 5 ml of any vegetable oil. Olive or flaxseed oil is preferred. Apply the substance under the eyes. It takes 10-12 minutes for the epidermis to recover. Remove gently with warm water, but do not rub this area.
  • With oatmeal … Boil a tablespoon of oatmeal in milk. Add 30 g of curd and turn into a creamy substance. Lubricate the skin around the eyes. Soak the paste on the epidermis for 13-18 minutes. Remove with wet cotton wool, but do not rub. The dermis in these places is very delicate, take care of it.
  • With vitamins … Vitamins A and E perfectly nourish the skin and prevent aging. To prepare the substance, mix 20 g of cottage cheese with low-fat yogurt. It is necessary to make a cream. Inject 5 capsules of vitamins A and E. Add 5 drops of peach oil. This is just a life-saving cocktail from crow's feet. Keep it on your skin for 10-12 minutes. Rinse off very gently.

How to make a curd face mask - watch the video:

Masks with cottage cheese are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients. Such substances will help to cope with dry and problem skin.
