

Physalis plant description. What useful compounds does it have, what is included in the composition. What effect it has on the body and what is observed with abuse. Culinary recipes with physalis. Interesting facts about the vegetable. Physalis contains vitamins that are necessary in the diet of vegetarians. Berries contain organic acids that provide the body with glucose, fructose and polyphenols. The bright color of the fruit is due to lycopene compounds. They have antioxidant functions and are often used in the fight against cancer. Pectin substances are able to remove cholesterol, radionuclides, toxins and decay products from the body. The leaves contain steroids and carotenoids.

Useful properties of physalis

Earthen cranberry
Earthen cranberry

Earthen cranberry has a healing effect on the human body. The inclusion of plant fruits in the diet can not only prevent the formation of stones and sand in the kidneys and gallbladder, but also remove those that have formed. They can also be used as a means to stop bleeding.

The benefits of physalis and food products to which it is added are due to the multivitamin content of berries and a large percentage of the content of vital enzymes:

  1. Improvement of peristalsis … A balanced set of trace elements has a positive effect on the reduction of the walls of hollow organs.
  2. Regulation of metabolic processes … Urination is normalized, toxins and toxins are removed from the stomach.
  3. Hemostatic property … Especially important for patients with hemorrhoids and women with heavy menstruation.
  4. Normalization of the endocrine system … Intercellular metabolism improves, and the endocrine glands secrete the required amount of biologically active substances into the body.
  5. Burning extra calories … Physalis components are recommended for people who have weight problems. Thanks to the accelerated metabolism, the process of losing weight in combination with exercise is faster.
  6. Fighting Diabetes Mellitus … Since the berries contain natural sweeteners, they can be consumed by patients with diabetes.
  7. Ulcer and gastritis treatment … The composition of the vesicle includes elements that have a beneficial effect on the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, promote their regeneration at the cellular level.
  8. Blood pressure normalization … Vessels are strengthened and become more elastic, blood moves without obstacles, plaques are knocked out.
  9. Preventing epileptic seizures … Berries have compounds that stop seizures.
  10. Strengthening the immune system … The harmonious combination of nutrients increases the body's defenses, improves their ability to fight inflammation and infectious diseases.
  11. Normalization of the functions of the reproductive organs … The composition of the plant allows you to fight cystitis and pyelonephritis.
  12. Treatment of rheumatism … The functions of the musculoskeletal system are improved, connective tissues are regenerated.

Physalis contains elements that allow to regulate not only internal processes in the body, but also to improve the condition of the epidermis, hair and nails. Normalized consumption of foods, including earth cranberries, can maintain the acid-base balance and prevent the appearance of age spots.

Harm and contraindications to the use of physalis


When using physalis, it should be remembered that its aerial part and the cups in which the berry is located are poisonous. They contain feselin and alkaloids, which are highly toxic. Including the fruits of the plant in the diet, one should not forget that uncontrolled consumption can also negatively affect the state of health and provoke painful symptoms.

Physalis abuse consequences:

  • Increasing the tone of the bladder - there are frequent urges due to the accelerated metabolism. Calcium can begin to wash out of the bones, causing a lot of problems.
  • The appearance of redness, rash and itching is caused by a large percentage of the content of vitamins A and C. They begin to adversely affect intercellular metabolism and regeneration.
  • Increased blood pressure - the fruits of the plant can disrupt the work of blood vessels and weaken their walls. Blood microcirculation will deteriorate.
  • Headache and tachycardia - these symptoms are especially exacerbated when combined with caffeine. There is a negative effect on the neurons of the central nervous system.
  • Irritation of the intestinal walls - the components of the berries have a detrimental effect on the mucous membrane.

On top of that, sleep problems can occur. Frequent urination will cause irritability and nervousness.

Absolute contraindications for physalis:

  1. Hypersensitivity to individual components of the plant - dizziness, nausea, fainting, itching and redness on the skin may occur.
  2. Excessive function of the thyroid gland - tremors, muscle spasms appear, body weight is dramatically reduced, nervousness increases, heartbeat accelerates.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation - there is a risk of allergic reactions in the child.

To identify individual intolerance to berries, you should be examined by a qualified specialist and tested.

Physalis recipes

Physalis jam
Physalis jam

Dishes with physalis will dilute the diet and add a spicy and sweet taste to it. Due to the balanced ratio of glucose and acid, the vegetable is often included in dietary products and helps in the fight against extra pounds. Fresh berries serve as a decoration for many salads and cakes.

There are the following recipes for physalis, which are distinguished by their benefits, low calorie content and unique taste:

  • Canned Vegetable Salad … Half a kilogram of carrots and a kilogram of cucumbers are cut into thin slices. A kilogram of physalis fruit is peeled from the outer cup, poured over with hot water and rubbed dry to get rid of plaque. 500 grams of onions are cut into pieces, and 300 grams of garlic cloves are passed through a press. All ingredients are mixed in one container, add 100 grams of apple cider vinegar, salt and pepper to taste. After 15 minutes, when the vegetables are juiced, they are boiled over low heat for about 12-15 minutes from the moment of boiling. After that, the salad is poured into sterile jars and rolled up, turning the lid down.
  • Lime soup … The zest of one lime is passed through a grater. And cut 3 limes into small cubes. 10 grams of gelatin is poured with water. 350 ml of mango juice, grated zest and chopped lime are poured onto a sieve. Then this juice is mixed with dissolved gelatin and put on low heat. Peeled physalis berries are added to the rest of the ingredients. Next, the container is removed from the heat, allowed to cool slightly and put in the refrigerator for 3 hours. After that, the soup can be poured into bowls and the slices of chopped peach can be added there. The dish should be decorated with coconut flakes.
  • Physalis pie … 125 grams of butter is mixed with the same amount of sugar and churned in a blender. 4 egg whites are separated from the yolks and also beaten until a thick white foam appears. All ingredients are mixed, 60 grams of flour and ground crackers are added to them. 50 grams of pistachios are also passed through a blender, poured into the dough and mixed thoroughly. The contents are poured into an oiled form, and the top is decorated with physalis peeled from cups. The pie is sent to the oven at 180 ° C for 25-35 minutes. Sprinkle the finished dish with powdered sugar and serve.
  • Blueberry milfey … A bag of gelatin is poured with water, allowed to dissolve and put on low heat, adding sugar and vanillin to it. Do not bring to a boil. A glass of blueberries is ground in a blender and mixed with gelatin. Put peeled and cut into slices physalis on the oiled form. Pour the blueberry mixture on top and put in the refrigerator until it solidifies. After that, the jelly must be cut in half, and the lower part must be chopped with a knife. Cut 2 sheets of filo dough into even squares and bake in the oven until golden brown. 200 ml of confectionery cream is knocked down with a blender and squeezed through a special nozzle onto each sheet of the finished dough. Then, according to the same scheme, the jelly is evenly distributed. The topmost layer of the dough is decorated with physalis berries.
  • Explosion of emotions cocktail … Put ice cubes in a shaker, pour 70 ml of freshly squeezed orange juice, 15 ml of cherry syrup, 25 ml of Cointreau liqueur and a few drops of agnostura. The ingredients are intensely churned and poured into glasses. Lemon zest and cocktail cherries are placed on the bottom. Then champagne is added and the cocktail is decorated with physalis on a skewer and an orange slice.
  • Canapeshki … The stalked celery is cut into pieces and used as the base of the canapes. The papaya pulp and cream cheese are knocked down in a blender, a few drops of lemon juice are added, salt and pepper to taste. The cream is squeezed onto a square of celery using a cooking syringe. The dish is garnished with peeled physalis and papaya slices.
  • Jam … Half a kilogram of sugar and half a liter of water are mixed and boiled for 2-3 minutes. A kilogram of physalis fruit is cleaned from the cup, poured over with boiling water, a small puncture is made (so that liquid can penetrate inside) and poured with hot sugar syrup. It is necessary to let the berries soak for at least 3 hours. After that, add another half kilogram of sugar and cook over low heat for 10-12 minutes. Then the jam is again allowed to brew for about 6 hours, another half kilogram of sugar is added, boiled and rolled up in sterilized jars.

Physalis fruits are canned, fried, pickled, baked, salted, dried, made jam and used as a seed for salads and desserts. Their rich orange color gives the dishes more juiciness and brightness. They go well with fruits, vegetables and alcoholic beverages.

Interesting facts about physalis

Physalis plant
Physalis plant

There is a legend about physalis in Chinese folklore. It says that once an evil dragon swallowed the sun and it became cold and creepy around. One brave guy decided to fight the monster and return light and warmth to all living things. Going in search of the dragon, he took a flashlight. In a fierce battle, the young man ripped open the belly of the monster, and a dazzling sun rolled out of it. Shielding his eyes from the light, he dropped his flashlight, which immediately turned into a physalis bush. And the plant sparkled with many bright boxes that resembled Chinese lanterns.

Thanks to its powerful root system, Physalis is able to withstand severe frosts and can grow with short daylight hours.

There is a Peruvian physalis, whose flowers are bright blue with a diameter of 3-4 cm, and the leaves are large and dark green.

From 5-6 physalis bushes, you can collect two buckets of fruit. Their shelf life is 2 years.

In Japan and China, physalis is grown at home in pots, so that later they can decorate the interior of the temple on special holidays.

The scientific name of the plant comes from the Greek "physo", which translates as "bubble". This is due to the appearance of the vegetable and its unique cups.

Physalis began to be cultivated in Russia only at the beginning of the 19th century, along with tomatoes. In those days, vegetable dishes only occasionally appeared at ceremonial dinners.

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The widespread use of physalis is due to the mass of its beneficial properties, a relatively short list of contraindications and a delicate, juicy taste.