Learn how to do an effective circuit workout at home to get your body perfectly proportioned and feel great all day long. By doing CrossFit, you have the opportunity to effectively develop all muscle groups. Moreover, this is possible not only in the gym, you can conduct effective crossfit workouts at home. The essence of crossfit training is the circular execution of a complex of movements with high intensity.
Features of crossfit training at home

CrossFit allows you to increase your endurance and therefore it is necessary to rest the minimum amount of time between circles. The shorter pauses you have, the more effective your workout will be. It is quite obvious that the first time will not be easy, but otherwise there will be no other way.
You should feel very tired while exercising. Only in this case the lesson will bear fruit. It is very important to distribute all exercises on different days so that your training process is as varied as possible. When drawing up a training program, you need to select exercises that contribute to the development of all muscle groups. It is advisable to drink water after the end of the session, and not during the training.
Crossfit exercises to do at home

Below we will give a few training programs, but now it is worth taking a close look at the most effective exercises. Which will make up your crossfit workout at home. Exercise twice a week, doing each movement 16 times. Be sure to keep track of the time spent on the implementation of the complex and constantly try to improve it. Now let's look at CrossFit exercises.
- Exercise "Swing with one hand." The muscles of the legs, buttocks, arms, shoulder girdle and back are involved in the work. Starting position: the legs are at the level of the shoulder joints, and the dumbbell is between them on the ground. Perform a squat and grab a sports equipment with one hand, palm pointing towards you. Straighten your legs quickly and stand on your toes, lifting the sports equipment along the body. With your knees bent, extend your working arm over your head. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement without pause. In the middle of the approach, you need to change your hand.
- Exercise "Walk of a bear". The muscles of the whole body are involved in the work. Starting position: Get down on all fours. By placing the wrists, elbows, shoulders, knees and hips in one line. The knee joints should be straightened. Begin to move from this position, while rearranging the opposite leg and arm. You can move not only forward, but also to the sides or back.
- Exercise "Swing with two hands." The muscles of the legs, buttocks, arms, abdomen and back are involved in the work. Starting position: the legs are slightly wider than the shoulder joints, and the feet are slightly turned to the sides. Sit down, holding dumbbells (kettlebell) between your legs. Then, with a sharp movement, straighten up and raise your arms up. Return to starting position.
- Exercise "Lunges with a dumbbell." The muscles of the legs, buttocks, arms, and abdomen are involved in the work. Starting position: the legs are at the level of the shoulder joints, and the arm with the dumbbell is extended upward, palm inward. Take a wide step forward, lowering the knee joint to the ground. Keeping your hand up, return to the starting position. In the middle of the set, you need to change your working hand.
- Sumo dumbbell deadlift exercise. The muscles of the legs, buttocks, biceps, shoulder girdle and back are involved in the work. Starting position: the legs are wider than the level of the shoulder joints, and the feet are apart. Sit down slightly and tilt your body forward slightly. From this position, begin to straighten up, lifting the sports equipment to the shoulder joints. After that, return to the starting position.
- Exercise "Jumping over the curbstone". The muscles of the legs and buttocks are involved in the work. Starting position: take a standing position in front of a bench (box). Crouch down and quickly jump over the obstacle. After landing, quickly turn around and jump to the other side.
- Exercise "Push-ups in L-position". The muscles of the arms, chest and back are involved in the work. Starting position: take an emphasis on your hands near the wall and straighten your body, bending your legs at right angles and push them against the wall. Start doing push-ups.
- Exercise "Burpee". The muscles of the legs, buttocks, arms, shoulder girdle and back are involved in the work. Starting position: Take a sitting position with your knees touching your chest. Straighten your legs sharply back, thereby taking the plank position. Return to the starting position and jump out of it. This is a basic movement that is included in a large number of home crossfit workout programs. Depending on your fitness level, you should do 10 to 100 repetitions.
How to organize crossfit workout at home for beginners?

This complex will be the ideal choice for beginner athletes training at home. It will help you not only to strengthen the muscles, but also to increase the efficiency of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. All exercises used in the complex are plyometric. Your task is to constantly reduce the duration of the complex. If you can do it in 3.5 minutes, then this is an excellent result.
- Running in place.
- Jumping.
- Climber.
- Clip.
- Burpee.
- Explosive squats.
Beginners can do one to two circles, and advanced athletes can do three to four.
Complex crossfit workout at home for weight loss

Your task is to complete five circles in the shortest time period.
- Push-ups - 20 times.
- Dumbbell lunges - 40 times.
- Change of feet in support - 20 times.
- Running on the spot - 40 times.
It should also be said that for crossfit training, you can use not only dumbbells and a barbell, but also other sports equipment, for example, a medicine ball, rubber loops, etc.
Crossfit training complexes at home for experienced athletes

1st complex
You must complete the maximum number of rounds in 10 minutes.
- Burpee - 10 reps.
- Squats - 20 reps
- Rises to the legs from a prone position - 30 reps.
You should perform each movement in the specified number of repetitions and you should wish it in a circle without pauses for 10 minutes. Always write down the number of rounds you were able to complete in the allotted time.
2nd complex
You must complete five circles.
- Standing hand push-ups - 5 reps.
- Lunges followed by jumping out - 10 reps.
- The emphasis is on the hands, one leg is at the level of the hands, changing legs during the jump - 15 repetitions.
- Sprint race 200 meters.
In each round, the specified number of repetitions must be performed. If you are not yet able to do push-ups in a standing position, then use the classic push-ups.
3rd complex
The complex is performed for 20 minutes.
- Burpee - 15 reps.
- Jumping onto a high bollard - 15 repetitions.
- Kettlebell swing - 15 reps.
One minute is allotted for the execution of a given number of repetitions of each movement. The whole complex should be performed for 20 minutes. If you have completed the required number of repetitions in less than one minute, then rest. Start the next exercise only after the time of the previous movement has elapsed.
4th complex
Perform the complex in one circle, trying to spend less time in each lesson.
- Running - distance 800 meters.
- Push-ups - 50 reps.
- "Stand up and lie down" - 100 repetitions.
- Running - distance 800 meters.
For novice athletes, this complex may seem quite complicated right away. But if you want to test yourself, then he is just perfect for that. If you complete the complex in two circles, then you will have no strength left for anything else.
5th complex
Within a quarter of an hour, you must complete the maximum number of circles.
- "Pistol" - 10 repetitions.
- Pull-ups - 10 reps.
- Jumping - 10 repetitions.
- Push-ups - 10 reps.
- "Stand up and lie down" - 10 repetitions.
If you cannot keep your balance while doing the pistol exercise, you can lean against the wall. If your muscles aren't ready for pull-ups yet, skip this movement and move on to the next. If you work at maximum intensity, then a quarter of an hour may seem like an eternity to you. Try to distribute your strength evenly.
About CrossFit at home: