Learn how to workout at home if you don't have the necessary gym equipment. A secret technique from practicing iron sports athletes. Today we will talk about how you can do iron-free workouts at home and progress at the same time. Of course, in this situation you will not be able to reach the level of pro-athletes, but this is not required. It is enough just to strengthen your muscles and make your appearance more attractive.
How to build a workout without iron at home?

First of all, you need to set a goal for yourself and strive to achieve it. So, decide what you want to get from your iron-free workouts at home. For example, for weight loss, special attention should be paid to cardio loads, although strength training will not be superfluous.
To improve your health, you can simply perform a complex of general strengthening movements. To increase endurance, you will again have to turn to aerobic activity, for example, doing daily jogging. Well, if you decide to pump up your muscles, then you cannot do without strength training. In addition, you need to revise your nutrition program.
Also, you should remember that in bodybuilding you can work to gain mass and increase physical parameters, as well as dry. For constant progress as the size of the muscles increases, it is necessary to increase the load. This is achieved by increasing the working weights. For effective drying, it is necessary to increase the number of repetitions in the set and adhere to a dietary nutrition program.
There are also disadvantages to home training. First of all, we are talking about the lack of special equipment and sports equipment. But they can be replaced with the objects around you, although purchasing a pair of collapsible dumbbells would be very useful. Also in the hall you can find a good instructor who will help you in drawing up an effective training program and show you the technique for performing all movements. Also, mirrors, which are available in any gym, are very helpful in training. With their help, you can control your technique, and this is very important.
If you have not been involved in sports before and decided to start training without iron at home, then you need to acquire a certain amount of knowledge. Since you will not have an experienced mentor next to you, read the specific bodybuilding literature.
How to eat properly while training at home?

To gain weight, you must actively consume foods containing protein compounds - eggs, dairy products, meat and fish. Even if you train intensely, but eat poorly, then do not rely on muscle growth. Also, do not exclude fats and carbohydrates from your diet. Fats only need to be limited and go to the use of vegetable. Carbohydrates give the body energy and are very important for your body during intense strength training without iron at home.
Switch to a fractional diet, eating at least five times a day. Also remember to consume foods containing protein compounds during your last meal. For breakfast, you should eat carbohydrates and plant fiber. Various cereals will be an excellent choice here.
It is necessary to remember about micronutrients, as they are used by the body in all processes, including the creation of new muscle fibers. If you think sports nutrition is a divorce, then you should change your attitude towards sports supplements. Of course, you don't need to use all the supplements you can find in sports food stores, but protein blends will be very helpful. If you have a lean physique, then you probably need a gainer as well.
How to train without iron at home?

After an intense exercise, the body must rest in order to activate the muscle growth processes. Most often, this takes two to three days. As a result, you shouldn't practice more than 2-3 times during the week.
But this applies to classes in the gym, and at home you will work with your own weight and the body after such a training needs to rest much less. If you want to progress quickly, then exercise daily.
It is important to stick to a pre-set schedule and try not to change it without good reason. If you have not previously played sports, then start with a full body workout. When your muscles are strong enough, and the body adapts to the stress, then progress will slow down. In this situation, you will have to switch to a split program and train specific muscle groups on certain days.
A set of exercises for home workouts without iron

Chest muscles

- Push-ups - start working with your own weight, and when this load turns out to be too light for you, you need to start using additional weights. It could be, say, a backpack with heavy objects.
- Dips on the uneven bars - the situation is similar to the classic push-ups from the ground.
- Training with an expander - the best option is to use rubber bands, which will allow you to increase the load.
- Explosive push-ups - This exercise can only be performed after your muscles are strong enough. When you begin to move upward from the lower end position of the trajectory, do not just return to the starting position, but with a sharp movement push the body upward, jumping to the sides.
Back muscles

- Pull-ups - Since you don't have a barbell close at hand and you can't do deadlifts, you will need to pull-ups. If you can pull up a dozen times with your own weight, then you should wear a backpack with weights.
- Pull the backpack in the direction of the abdomen - the backpack should be picked up and tilted forward. The back should be flat, and there is a natural deflection in the lower back. Start lifting the backpack towards your abdomen.
- Deadlift with a backpack - performed in the same way as a classic exercise.
Leg muscles

- Squats - Again you need a backpack, and the technique is similar to a barbell.
- Pistol - you probably know this exercise since school, but it consists in squats on one leg.
You also need to work out the abdominal muscles and for this, perform all types of twists. We will not dwell on these exercises, since you should be familiar with them.
If you are still only working with your own weight, then do the maximum number of repetitions. So you can significantly increase your stamina and when you start using weights, progress will be quite fast. When performing any movement, think about the muscles that you are currently working on. To be successful with iron-free workouts at home, you have to work hard. It is also important to monitor your breathing, which will allow you to increase the intensity of your exercise. You can also recommend in each movement to perform the negative phase twice as slow as compared to the positive.
Learn how to build up without iron at home. This will help you:
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