Learn how to properly plan your workouts at home to maximize lean muscle mass and lose fat. Boys and girls have different goals when playing sports. If it is important for men to pump up muscles by gaining the maximum amount of mass, then for girls it is enough to make the figure slim and tighten the muscles. In modern life, each of us has many worries and problems, which negatively affects the amount of free time. As a result, not everyone has the opportunity to visit the gym and decides to train at home.
To achieve positive results, it is necessary to correctly draw up a training program, choosing the best exercises and optimal load. It is also necessary to draw up a workout schedule at home. We will pay attention to all these aspects today.
How should home workouts be organized?

The most important difference between training at home and in the gym is the small variety of sports equipment and equipment. This fact, in turn, limits the athlete in the choice of exercises, and can also complicate the progression of the load, without which progress is impossible. If you decide to study at home, then you will need to purchase some equipment, without which you will not be able to study.
The first thing you should think about is purchasing dumbbells. Thanks to this, you can expand the list of movements available to you and effectively pump all muscle groups. Surely you know that dumbbells are collapsible and one-piece. Men are advised to purchase the first type of this sports equipment, as it makes it easier to progress the load. For girls, one-piece dumbbells are quite suitable.
If you want to train as efficiently as possible and have the right workout schedule at home, then you will need a horizontal bar as well. If you decide to install it at home, then you can use a spacer or wall. The first type of horizontal bar is intended for installation in the doorway, and the wall-mounted one is accordingly mounted on the wall. Also, men need bars. If you do not have a place in the apartment to install a horizontal bar and beams, then you can use the equipment that is located in school stadiums.
Choosing a training goal at home

To conduct effective classes, you must first of all decide on your task. The home workout schedule that you have to adhere to in the future largely depends on this. If you want to gain weight, then we will immediately warn you that it will not be very easy to do this at home.
To gain muscle mass, it is necessary to have not only a large number of sports equipment and equipment, but also various attributes, for example, benches. To accommodate at least the minimum required equipment, you need a lot of space. In our opinion, the following are the optimal tasks that you can set yourself and solve them:
- Slimming.
- Ability to build muscle.
- Improve physical fitness.
- Increase stamina.
- Improve health.
Basic principles of training at home

When you decide on the task of your studies, you need to remember the basic principles. These will then form the basis of your home workout schedule. By following these principles, you can avoid a lot of beginner mistakes.
- Planning. It doesn't really matter where you train. Your attitude to classes is much more important. You must understand that at first it will be quite difficult for you to integrate into a new mode of life. Often household chores for a person turn out to be of higher priority, and he is forced to ignore his activities. When you draw up a workout schedule at home and decide on the timing of them, you must strictly adhere to it. It is also worth training at the same time at all times.
- Diversity. Your workouts should be varied. To do this, you have to periodically make changes to the training program. Introduce new movements and combine them with those already mastered. This will not only allow you to get rid of boredom during the monotonous training, but also prevent the body from getting used to the load. It is also important to ensure that all muscle groups are loaded evenly.
- High-quality sports equipment. If you have firmly decided to train at home and achieve your goals, then you do not need to save on sports equipment. First, familiarize yourself with the products offered to you, read the reviews and find the best option for yourself. To be in good physical shape, you need to exercise regularly, and you buy sports equipment for a long time.
- Measurement. Many aspiring athletes jump right in to everything. They are sure that they will be able to quickly achieve their goals, but in practice everything turns out to be completely different. Don't start exercising with a lot of dumbbell weights. The load should increase in a planned manner. You should be able to listen to your body, which will always tell you when you need to add or, on the contrary, pause. If you often have pain after classes, then most likely you have overworked yourself or violate the technique of movements.
- Nutrition. The effectiveness of your training is largely dependent on nutrition. Even if you have created the ideal exercise schedule at home, but your diet is low in essential nutrients, you will not be able to achieve a positive result. If you are exercising to eliminate excess body fat, then reduce the calorie intake and limit the intake of fat with carbohydrates. If the goal of the training is to gain mass, then the energy value of the nutrition program should be high, and the amount of protein compounds consumed should also be controlled.
What exercises should you do at home?

Before making a home workout schedule, you need to decide on the most effective movements.
- Push ups. Depending on your fitness level, you can do different versions of this exercise. Push-ups will help you strengthen your triceps, delts, and chest muscles.
- Squats. Great exercise for training your legs. It uses the glutes, quads, and thigh muscles. For girls, this movement will help tighten the buttocks and make the legs slim.
- Twisting. There are several types of this movement that can help you develop your abdominal muscles effectively.
- Pull-ups. This movement is great for strengthening the muscles in the arms and back. It must be included in your training program without fail. Keep this in mind when scheduling your workouts at home.
Homework program

Now we will bring to your attention an indicative training program. You can use it completely, or take it as a basis when drawing up your own workout schedule at home. This program is suitable not only for beginner athletes, but also for those with experience. We recommend for girls to halve the number of sets, and then gradually increase them.
You must remember that each session should begin with a warm-up. This will warm up the muscles and reduce the risk of injury. Use during this period working with a rope, swinging arms and legs, running in place, squatting and jumping. 1st training day
- Pull-ups - If you can pull up many times, then it is worth using additional weights. Do five sets, and the number of repetitions in each will be from 3 to 4.
- Lifting dumbbells for biceps - when performing the movement, make sure that your hands are pressed to the body. Do three sets, and the number of repetitions in each is 10.
- Squats - Keep your heels on the ground at all times. Do five sets with 20 reps each.
2nd training day
- Dips - Do three sets with 10 reps each.
- Squats - Do five sets with 20 reps each.
- Pull-ups - Do three sets with 5 reps each.
- Overhead Dumbbell Curl - Perform four sets with 10 reps each.
3rd training day
- Pull-ups - Do three sets with 4 reps each.
- Push-ups - Do three sets with 10 reps each.
- Weighted Calf Raises (Dumbbells) - Perform four sets with 15 reps each.
- Squats - Do five sets with 20 reps each.
After training, you should do a cardio session if your goal is to lose weight. Girls can safely use a rope for this. If financial opportunities permit, you can buy an exercise bike or treadmill.
Class Schedule Diary

To make it easier for you to control and progress the load, we recommend starting to keep a diary of activities. After each training, you need to write down the number of sets and approaches in them, as well as the working weights in all exercises. It is also worth keeping track of the appearance of your body, recording the results in a diary.
Depending on the speed of your progress, you will need to make changes to your training schedule at home. You can find a lesson program online, but it's best to create one yourself. It is very important to adhere to the principles that we talked about above.
How to build muscle while exercising at home, see this video: