Learn how to get the most out of your workouts at home, achieving significant results in a short amount of time. Many people are sure that effective sports are only possible in the gym with expensive specialized equipment. However, now one direction in sports is becoming more and more popular, which provides an opportunity to conduct high-quality classes at home. As part of this article, we will tell you how to organize crossfit training at home.
Crossfit training should be understood as circular exercises at an explosive pace, which allows you to organize it in any conditions. Even if you do not have a single sports equipment at home, there is a large number of exercises in CrossFit, for which the athlete's own weight is quite enough.
Crossfit training can be done for people of different fitness levels. You can practice not only at home but also outdoors. Classes are short (from 20 minutes to an hour), but involve high intensity.
How to create a crossfit training program?

Crossfit training involves the development of a large number of human properties - power, endurance, coordination, flexibility, speed, performance, etc. You can change the focus of your training every day. For example, today you have to work for speed, and tomorrow - strength.
When doing CrossFit at home, you need to adhere to several principles:
- Since workouts are primarily designed to increase endurance, you need to minimize rest pauses between sets.
- After each session, you should feel very tired and perform movements with strength.
- Make the training program as varied and interesting as possible.
- Attention must be paid to all muscle groups.
- Try to drink water after the end of the session, and not during the training.
How to do crossfit training at home?

Before any workout, including crossfit at home, you need to do a high-quality warm-up. Its duration should be between 10 and 15 minutes. To do this, you can perform a "fold" for the muscles of the abdomen, squats followed by jumping out and push-ups with claps. The first two movements can be performed in 20 repetitions, and the third - 15 times. Now we will offer you one set of exercises, which must be performed twice a week, 16 times each. In order to constantly progress the load, each lesson, note the time of its carrying out and try to set new records.
- Swing with one hand. The movement uses the muscles of the back, arms, shoulder girdle, buttocks and legs. To perform it, the legs should be placed slightly wider than the level of the shoulder joints and a dumbbell should be placed between them. Start squatting slowly and take the sports equipment in your hand, with the palm facing you. Then you need to quickly straighten your legs, standing on tiptoes, and raise the projectile up. The movement should be along the body. At the same time, bend the elbow joint of the working arm, moving it to the side. Bending the knee joints, straighten the arm with the projectile clamped in it up. Do 8 repetitions in one direction and the same number in the other.
- The gait of a bear. All muscle groups are involved in the work. Take a position on all fours with your face down. It is very important that the elbow and knee joints, as well as the hips and wrists, are in one line. Straighten your knee joints, and your shoulders and arms at this moment continue to remain in line. Move forward, while rearranging the opposite limbs at the same time, say, the right arm and the left leg. In total, you need to take 30 steps.
- Swing with both hands. Exercise strengthens the muscles in the legs, arms, buttocks, back and abdomen. The legs should be at the level of the shoulder joints, and the feet should be slightly turned to the sides. Squat holding the dumbbells (kettlebell) with both hands. After that, quickly straighten up, raising your arms with a sports equipment up.
- Dumbbell Lunge. The movement is designed to train the muscles of the abdomen, arms, legs and buttocks. The sports equipment is in one hand, which is raised up, and the palm is directed towards you. Lunge forward with your knees bent at right angles. Without lowering your hands, return to the starting position. Then lunge with your other foot. The hand should be changed in the middle of the set.
- Dumbbell Sumo Row. This is a great movement for training the muscles of the glutes, back, legs, biceps and shoulder girdle. Sports equipment is held in two hands. The legs should be spread wide and the feet are spread apart. Slightly squatting, lean forward while keeping your back straight. Begin to straighten up, while simultaneously pulling the shells to the level of the shoulder joints.
- Jumping over an object. Position yourself while facing an object, such as a bench. Remember that the height of the item must be adjusted individually. Start jumping quickly over the object.
- Push-ups on the arms in the L-pose. An effective movement to strengthen the muscles of the arms, back, chest and abdomen. Take an emphasis on the knee joints near the wall, at a distance of 60–90 centimeters from it. After that, place your hands on the ground slightly wider than the level of your shoulder joints. Straighten the body while resting your hands on the wall. As a result, you should assume a position similar to the letter "L". To begin with, you just need to hold this position for a quarter of a minute. When your muscles are strong, start doing push-ups on your arms.
- Burpee. This movement is considered one of the main ones in CrossFit. Sit down and rest your palms on the ground, while your knee joints should touch your chest at this time. After that, sharply throw your legs back, thereby taking the support while lying. Return to starting position and jump out sharply. Do it at least 10 times.
This is just one of the possible complexes that can be used while doing crossfit at home. There are many exercises and it will be easy enough for you to create effective and interesting workout programs.
For more information on doing CrossFit at home, see below:
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