The ideal diet for a bodybuilder

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The ideal diet for a bodybuilder
The ideal diet for a bodybuilder

Did you know that all success in bodybuilding depends on 80% of the diet. Take just 5 minutes of information to make a body worthy of your spirit. Bodybuilding is the only sport in which proper nutrition is essential. The conversation here is not even about the amount of food, although professionals consume a large amount of food, but about balance.

The correct diet for the athlete is just as important as the training program. If mistakes are made in one of these components, then it will not work to build big muscles. Even round-the-clock classes in the gym will not help here. Today we will talk about what the ideal diet for a bodybuilder should be.

All novice athletes should understand this, and if they do not eat right, then they will not be able to become real bodybuilders. On specialized forums, you can often find messages that the athlete has been practicing according to the champion's method for several years, but progress is still not visible.

Such statements should not be surprising, since the situation is quite common. The champion's methodology is undoubtedly working and there is no doubt about it. If we analyze the majority of such training programs, then there is nothing new and supernatural in them. All exercises are familiar to every athlete, and all the differences are only in intensity and working weight.

The only thing that the famous bodybuilder did not share is his nutrition program. Most novice athletes are sure that if you use the training programs of famous athletes and add protein to the usual diet, then the results will not be long in coming.

In practice, however, the situation is completely opposite. If you want to train like a champion, then you need to find information about his nutrition. Only in this case, you can wait for the results. All professionals calculate their diet as accurately as possible and change it in accordance with the intensity of the training.

Ideal Bodybuilding Diet Principles

An athlete with a gainer stands at a table with fruits and vegetables
An athlete with a gainer stands at a table with fruits and vegetables

You need to understand that there are two things you need to accomplish with your nutritional program. First of all, you need to provide the body with all the necessary nutrients so that there is enough energy for training and subsequent recovery.

This fact is the main reason for the presence of a large amount of carbohydrates in the diet of professionals, the percentage of which is from 60 to 70 percent. This is simply impossible to achieve with a regular diet, and as a result, you cannot train at full strength for training.

You need to put in a lot of effort, and there is not enough energy for this. If you are low in carbohydrates, then do not expect a large increase in muscle mass. You can do a very simple experiment on yourself that requires a gainer. It is a sports supplement containing carbohydrates, protein compounds and vitamins. In most cases, fast-digesting carbohydrates are included in the composition of the gainer. Drink it and see how you work in the next lesson. Your strength and endurance indicators will significantly increase. A sample plan for a nutritional program for athletes will now be given, which is designed for five meals. You need to eat three times before class, and then twice more before going to bed.

1 reception

  • Low-fat cheese - 2 pieces;
  • Scrambled eggs - 2 eggs;
  • Oatmeal - 85 grams of dry cereal;
  • Banana - 1 pc.;
  • Orange juice - 230 grams.

Total: carbohydrates - 100 grams, protein compounds - 59 grams.

2 reception

  • Chicken breast - 340 grams (dry weight);
  • Pasta - 35 grams (dry weight)

Total: carbohydrates - 66 grams, protein compounds - 59 grams.

3 reception

  • Turkey breast - 210 grams;
  • Baked potatoes - 240 grams;
  • Vegetable Salad.

Total: carbohydrates - 66 grams, protein compounds - 59 grams.

4 reception

  • Meat - 340 grams;
  • Boiled rice - 2 cups;
  • Apple - 1 pc.

Total: carbohydrates - 100 grams, protein compounds - 59 grams.

5 reception

  • Turkey breast -114 grams;
  • Roast beef - 114 grams;
  • Low-fat cheese - 2 pieces;
  • Plums - 2 pcs.

Total: carbohydrates - 66 grams, protein compounds - 59 grams.

It is very important for athletes and the recovery of the body. To be able to train intensely, you need a lot of carbohydrates, and for full recovery you need protein compounds. This will provide the body with the necessary amino acid compounds for muscle growth.

At the same time, you cannot do without carbohydrates during this period. The body needs energy to start synthesizing protein compounds that will be used to repair micro-damage to muscle tissue.

If the body is deficient in carbohydrates, then there will be insufficient energy and muscles will not grow. To gain mass, you should consume about three grams of protein compounds for every kilogram of muscle mass throughout the day. With an athlete weighing 100 kilograms, he should consume 300 grams of protein daily.

The body will not be able to immediately process such a number of protein compounds and for this reason, protein should be consumed five times, 60 grams each. Probably someone drew attention to the fact that today the conversation did not mention fats, which are also necessary for the body. They are used as a source of energy for the functioning of the central nervous system, lubricate joints, and also hormones are synthesized from them.

You should remember that most foods contain fats, which will be enough for you. They are found in fish, meat, nuts and other foods. Also, you should definitely use fish in your nutrition program. Only this product contains essential omega-3 and omega-6. These fats are different from others and are of great value to the body.

Most people do not have enough of these substances and often fish oil should be consumed to eliminate this deficiency. This is what the ideal diet for a bodybuilder should look like.

Learn more about how to create the perfect bodybuilding diet in this video:
