Every girl wants to have an attractive figure, but not everyone is ready to start attending the gym right away. Find out all the advantages and disadvantages of home training! When a decision is made to start doing fitness, a number of questions arise, the main one of which is where to start. Of course, you can read a book or find a ready-made set of exercises on the net. However, they are all designed for classes in the hall. At the same time, not everyone is ready to go there right away. Today we will talk about how to do home workouts and replace the gym with them.
To practice at home, you need a minimum set of equipment. First of all, collapsible dumbbells are needed, then weights for the legs and a bench. You should also remember about proper nutrition and cardio loads. You will have to do 2 or 3 times during the week, adding twenty minutes of cardio to strength training. When there is no strength training according to the plan, then devote 40 to 50 minutes to aerobic activity. It is when strength training is combined with cardio that you can achieve the maximum rate of fat burning. If you use only aerobic exercise, you will not be able to achieve your goals.
How to train at home?

Let's start with aerobic exercise. Remember that cardio should be varied, but it is important to keep your heart rate in the 60 to 80 percent range. Keeping track of your heart rate during exercise is difficult, and you should get a heart rate monitor. Let's move on to the exercises that will be most effective for you.
Exercise bike
It is clear that not every girl will be able to purchase an exercise bike, but if there is such an opportunity, then do it. Use the machine for 20 minutes at the above heart rate. And this should be done immediately after strength training. During the summer period, you can take bike rides for 40 to 50 minutes.
Walking or jogging
Everything is extremely simple here - run in the stadium in the summer and use the treadmill in the winter.
If you do not have the opportunity to purchase a step platform. It's very easy to do it yourself. Your spouse or boyfriend will definitely handle this. You can find a lot of video stepp courses on the Internet, and use dumbbells to complicate the task.
Skipping rope
Exercising with a rope will not only increase your heart rate to the required value, but also improve your coordination of movements. A very useful and effective exercise.
Now let's move on to strength training. It is best for girls to use trisets in their training program. The essence of the technique consists in combining three exercises performed without pauses. It should also be remembered that for a high-quality study of large muscles, it is necessary to perform from 20 to 25 repetitions in each approach, and for small ones - from 8 to 12.
During the first couple of weeks of classes, one approach should be performed for each exercise. Then increase their number by one set weekly and bring them to four as a result. Now let's take a look at the most effective strength exercises.
Reverse lunges
This is one of the best leg development movements for girls. Make sure your back is straight and your feet are pressed together. Then take a step back, thus lowering into a deep squat. It is very important that the length of the stride is such that the other leg forms a right angle.
An excellent exercise for developing and shaping the buttocks. It is important not to lean forward during the exercise so as not to reduce the load on the target muscles.
Standing leg curls
The front of the thigh is naturally well shaped. But you will have to work on the appearance of the rear surface. When performing the exercise, a leg weight should be used, the weight of which will be about 2.5 kilograms. Begin to bend the leg at the knee joint, after which the knee should be pulled back, while achieving the maximum tension of the buttocks.
Seated Dumbbell Press
Excellent exercise for the muscles of the shoulder girdle. You need to take a sitting position and start lifting sports equipment straight up. In this case, one should not fully straighten the arm, so as not to load the elbow joint.
Bench press
This exercise lifts your breasts upward, making them look sexier. Sports equipment should be pressed along an arc trajectory so that in the final position they are located behind shoulder level. Do the exercise at a slow pace, controlling all movement.
Extension of the arms while sitting
This exercise allows you to work out the triceps qualitatively. Hold sports equipment in straightened arms above your head. Then start bending them. It is important to ensure that the elbow joint does not move in space. Watch your triceps stretch and try to maximize it.
This abdominal exercise should be familiar to you from school physical education lessons. At the same time, make sure that the lower back is pressed to the floor throughout the exercise.
Standing Calf Raise
This exercise develops the calf muscles, and you do not need to use more working weight. It should be noted that often girls do not train calves. Perform lifts on each leg alternately.
One-handed row in a reclining position
Thanks to this exercise, you will improve your posture and give your back a relief. The starting position is an emphasis on the hand and the knee joint of the same name. It is important that your lower back does not bend. Begin to move the dumbbell up and at the same time the elbow joint should move near the body. Perform the movement at a slow pace. Use your arms, not your torso muscles.
These are all the basic exercises that will help you achieve the desired result. In conclusion, it should be recalled that at the beginning of each lesson, about 20 minutes should be devoted to warm-up.
For more information on how to train at home, see here: