Toxins and fatigue in bodybuilding

Toxins and fatigue in bodybuilding
Toxins and fatigue in bodybuilding

Do Toxins Really Affect Muscle Fatigue In Bodybuilding? Yes or no! Why does fatigue build up so quickly and how does it affect muscle growth? Fatigue has been found to result from the accumulation of toxins. This is a fairly large group of substances formed under the influence of physical activity. All of them are side or intermediate metabolites. The main ones are considered to be lactic and pyruvic acids. Today we'll take a look at how fatigue toxins are formed and how to deal with them.

Mechanism of Formation of Fatigue Toxins

Formation of fatigue toxins
Formation of fatigue toxins

Major fatigue toxins are byproducts of glycogen and glucose oxidation. Under normal conditions, these substances are split into water and carbon dioxide during oxidation with oxygen. However, with high physical exertion, a large amount of oxygen is required for oxidation and its deficiency occurs in the blood.

This leads to the fact that glycogen and glucose cannot be decomposed completely and part of the carbohydrates is converted into lactic and pyruvic acids. It should also be noted that with a high content of lactic acid in the blood, the circulatory oxygen transport systems are blocked, which makes it difficult for the substance to penetrate into tissue cells.

For this reason, fatigue increases like an avalanche - when oxygen is deficient, lactic acid is formed, which makes it difficult for the oxygen supply of cells. The body turns on defense mechanisms and switches to an oxygen-free oxidation system. In muscle tissues at a certain moment, the reactions of anoxic oxidation in comparison with the normal state increase by a factor of a thousand. But during this process, glycogen and glucose also cannot be completely broken down, and the level of toxins continues to rise.

With the slightest deficiency of carbohydrates, the body immediately switches to the oxidation of fatty acids, as well as glycerol. This happens within 20 minutes after the start of the training. Since the body has a low level of glucose, fatty acids cannot be completely oxidized and, as a result, hydroxybutyric acid, acetone, acetoacetic and acetobutyric acids accumulate in the blood.

This shifts the acid balance towards an acidic environment and leads to the formation of acidosis. The main participant in the synthesis of acidosis is lactic acid. Many athletes are aware of the state of drowsiness and lethargy that occurs after training. The main culprit for this is precisely lactic acidosis.

It can be assumed that the faster the lactic acid is utilized, the faster the fatigue will also pass. But the onset of fatigue depends not only on the level of this substance. This is also influenced by the reactions of fermentation and putrefaction that take place in the intestines if the food has not been completely digested. The products of these processes also enter the bloodstream and increase the state of fatigue. We also note free radicals formed during oxygen oxidation. These substances are highly toxic and rapidly damage cells. At a low level, they cannot cause serious harm. However, when it rises, free radicals bind to fatty acids and form fatty acid substances that are several orders of magnitude more toxic than the free radicals themselves.

The body is constantly fighting these harmful substances. Most of the toxins are neutralized and excreted from the body through the kidneys and intestines. Before that, they are detoxified in the liver. The body's defense mechanism against fatigue toxins is powerful, but it can be helped.

How to deal with fatigue toxins?

The athlete bowed his head in fatigue
The athlete bowed his head in fatigue

There is a special mechanism in the body to maintain efficiency - gluconeogenesis. Simply put, it consists in the synthesis of glucose, which can be produced from intermediate products of oxidative reactions, such as lactic acid.

During gluconeogenesis, lactic acid is converted back into glucose, which is needed during high physical exertion. Also, glucose can be synthesized from amino acid compounds, glycerol, fatty acids, etc. The reaction of gluconeogenesis takes place in the liver, and when, due to high loads, this organ can no longer cope, then the kidneys are also connected to it. If the athlete has no health problems, then the liver converts about 50% of lactic acid into glucose. With a high intensity of training, protein compounds are broken down into amino acids, from which glucose is then also synthesized.

For the successful course of gluconeogenesis reactions, the following conditions must be met:

  • A healthy liver;
  • Activation of the sympathetic-adrenal system, which synthesizes glucocorticoid hormones;
  • An increase in the strength of gluconeogenesis, which is possible only with constant physical exertion.

Since lactic acid is reluctant to enter the bloodstream, it is poorly utilized in gluconeogenesis reactions. For this reason, the body tries to reduce the synthesis of this substance. For example, experienced athletes have about half the level of lactic acid than novice athletes.

Scientists are trying to find drugs that will enhance the process of gluconeogenesis. Amphetamines were the first to be used for these purposes. They significantly accelerated the process of glucose synthesis, but due to the negative effect on the central nervous system, they cannot be used for a long time.

Steroids and glucocorticoids significantly enhance the process of gluconeogenesis. But they are prohibited means and they cannot always be used. Now, to increase endurance, actoprotectors, for example, Bromantan, Vita-melatonin and Bemetil, have become widely used. Among the already known drugs, you can also find good means of enhancing the reactions of gluconeogenesis, for example, Dibazol. It is enough for athletes to use only one tablet of this medication during the day. Think of glutamic acid, which must be taken in high doses, ranging from 10 to 25 milligrams throughout the day.

For more information on the effects of toxins on fatigue, see here:
