Fever and sleeplessness when taking steroids

Fever and sleeplessness when taking steroids
Fever and sleeplessness when taking steroids

Side effects are extremely rare when steroids are used correctly. Find out if you may experience fever and sleeplessness while taking steroids. Sleep disturbances and fever are extremely rare in athletes using AAS. Especially when they have correctly drawn up the course and follow all the recommendations. Very often, other factors can be the reasons for these deviations from the normal state. Let's see what causes fever and insomnia when taking steroids.

Sleep disturbance

A man sitting in bed at night
A man sitting in bed at night

To understand the causes of insomnia, you need to know the mechanisms that regulate this condition. Sleep is a highly complex process that is regulated by several centers in the brain called hypnogenic. They are conventionally divided into three groups:

  • Sleep cycle regulator;
  • Center for slow sleep;
  • REM sleep center.

Each of the above-named groups includes several structures that can be located at a considerable distance from each other.

It should be recognized that some of the side effects that occur during AAS cycles can lead to sleep disturbances, such as increased blood pressure or headaches. However, the most likely cause of these disorders is a surge of energy, which can turn into pathological aggressiveness. This phenomenon has been studied quite well by scientists and the reasons can be very diverse. Here, an increase in anabolic background and a surge of strength, which was already mentioned above, should be considered. The latter factor leads to an overestimation of their own capabilities, and if an athlete has a tendency to aggression, then inadequate self-esteem can cause an increase in aggressive behavior.

This phenomenon has been studied in both animals and humans. In a study of hamsters that were injected with steroids used in sports, abnormalities in the structure of the anterior hypothalamus were revealed. It is this part of the brain that is responsible for social behavior and aggressiveness.

Of course, athletes are not hamsters, but certain conclusions can be drawn from these studies. However, studies were soon conducted on athletes using AAS. In the course of the study, many athletes on a course of steroids experienced a feeling of euphoria, high irritability and a tendency to aggression. Sleep disorders associated with the above-described deviations were also noted.

To a large extent, all these side effects relate to athletes who have not reached the age of majority. This proves once again that steroids can only be used when they reach adulthood. As a result, we can say that sleep patterns can be disturbed as a result of the use of AAS, which has been confirmed empirically.

Increased body temperature

Thermometer, tablets and capsules
Thermometer, tablets and capsules

Now we will look at the possible reasons for the increase in body temperature when using anabolic drugs. It should be said right away that there are two reasons why a temperature rise is possible:

  • Intolerance (allergy) to the drug being taken or the ingestion of infections with the administration of a steroid.
  • A protective reaction (immune) of the body to the use of AAS esters or a high dosage.

Let's immediately discard the first reason, since it is extremely rare, and for this reason it makes no sense to talk about it. But the reaction of the body to the use of esters of hormones should be said.

Perhaps not all athletes know that the ester of a hormone is carbon dioxide, to which a group of hormone molecules are attached. This is done for that. To increase the duration of the steroid's effect on the body. After that, the ether dissolves in the oil, which makes it possible, after its introduction, the slow entry of the hormone into the body.

When ether molecules are in the blood, the ether chain is destroyed and the hormone becomes active. When its molecules are part of the ether, the hormone is inert and cannot have the necessary effect on the body. If the ether chain breaks down quickly, then a large number of hormone and ether molecules accumulate in a very limited area of space. The body cannot ignore this and activates defense mechanisms, the action of which is aimed at destroying foreign bodies. The higher the concentration of ethers, the stronger will be the counteraction of the organism.

Most of the ether dissolves in the blood, but a certain amount of the steroid remains at the injection site. This leads to an increase in the concentration of the hormone in the injection meta. It is for this reason that some athletes find it most effective to inject AAS into the target muscles. It is quite possible for this group of athletes to have an increase in body temperature.

This is due to the irritating effect of esters on muscle tissue. The body's response can be strong enough to cause muscle swelling and pain. When the body fights against foreign substances, the temperature rises.

What to do if you have a fever with the introduction of AAS? This primarily depends on how strong the increase was. When the temperature is not much more than 37 degrees, then nothing should be done. Most often, after a day, everything returns to normal. It is extremely rare that the temperature can last for about three days.

If the temperature exceeds 37.5 degrees and gives you discomfort, then you should take an antipyretic drug, for example, Analgin, Ibuprofen, Aspirin or Paracetamol.

If you are predisposed to an increase in body temperature, or to put it simply, this fact has already taken place when using steroids, then before injecting an anabolic, you will take one of the above medications. One tablet is enough.

You will learn more information about the causes of the appearance of temperature on the anabolic cycle from this video:

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