You can monitor the state of the body on the AAS course using tests. This allows you to make adjustments to the cycle. Learn how to interpret test results correctly. It is possible to monitor the state of the body on the AAS course with the help of analyzes. This allows you to make adjustments to the cycle. Learn how to interpret test results correctly.
Most steroid-using athletes understand the importance of testing in order to know the state of their body, but not all do. I would like to note that this is very important and you should still change your point of view. And today we will learn to interpret analyzes on a steroid course. Now we will talk about the indicators of the functioning of organs that can be most affected by steroids: the liver, heart and kidneys. Only those tests that are of primary importance to the athlete will be considered.
Total bilirubin in analyzes

This substance is a yellow hemochromic pigment. It is one of the main constituents of bile. If the level of bilirubin in the blood exceeds 27–34 µmol / l, then the symptoms of jaundice begin to appear.
Reasons for an increase in bilirubin
Among the reasons for the increase in the level of this substance should be highlighted:
- Lack of vitamin B12;
- Chronic liver disease, the development of hepatitis, the initial stage of cirrhosis;
- Poisoning with alcohol or medications toxins;
- Gallstone disease.
Alanine aminotransferase in analyzes

This enzyme is synthesized in the liver, heart, and skeletal muscles. The reasons for exceeding the normal level of a substance can be:
- Diseases and poisoning of liver toxins;
- Myocardial infarction;
- Muscle tissue disorder;
- Burns.
Also, with an insufficient content of vitamin B6 in the body, the level of the enzyme decreases.
Analysis of urea

This substance is a metabolite of the metabolic processes of protein compounds. It is excreted from the body due to the work of the kidneys, but partly remains in the blood.
Causes of increased urea levels
- Kidney dysfunction;
- Insufficient patency of the urinary tract;
- Excessive content of protein compounds in food;
- Rapid destruction of protein compounds;
- High physical activity;
- The use of androgenic drugs and glucorticoids.
Also, in some cases, a decrease in the level of urea is possible. The main reasons for this may be insufficient intake of protein compounds or disruption of the processes of protein assimilation.
Creatinine in analyzes

Creatinine is also one of the metabolites of protein metabolism. If we compare this substance with urea, then the level of creatinine is influenced not only by the content of proteins, but also by the rate of their metabolic processes. If the level of production of protein compounds is very high, then the level of creatinine rises. All other causes of changes in the content of a substance in the blood are similar to urea.
Hemoglobin tests

Of all the indicators of a complete blood count, the hemoglobin level is of decisive importance for the athlete. This substance is a complex protein compound containing iron. The main task of hemoglobin is to transport oxygen to tissues.
Reasons for an increase in hemoglobin levels
- Stay in a high mountain area for a long time;
- High physical activity, as well as strong arousal;
- With a small amount of fluid consumed, the blood thickened;
- Diseases of the inert brain, and in this case, you should undergo additional examination.
Causes of Anemia (Low Hemoglobin)
- Destruction of a large number of red blood cells;
- Blood transfusion;
- Lack of vitamin B12 and iron;
- Some chronic illnesses;
- The use of medications that can cause aplastic anemia.
Leukocytes in analyzes

Also an important metric for athletes using AAS. Leukocytes are white blood cells that fight viruses and cleanse dead cells from the blood.
Reasons for an increase in the level of leukocytes
- Various infections that have entered the body;
- Postoperative period, trauma or burns;
- Diseases of various organs;
- Insulin or epinephrine use.
Reasons for a decrease in the level of leukocytes
- Severe illnesses;
- Rheumatoid arthritis;
- Anemia and wasting;
- The use of some medicines.
Cholesterol tests

We are interested in total cholesterol levels, as well as the ratio of bad to good substances. In this case, the main attention should be paid precisely to the ratio of these substances.
How to interpret the test results?

When everything became more clear with the indicators necessary for the athletes, you can begin to learn how to interpret the analyzes on the steroid course.
Any high physical activity is perceived by the body as a stressful condition that can upset the balance. Training with weights is naturally not an easy thing to call. In addition, muscle tissue is damaged during training. In response to this irritating factor, the body responds by changing certain parameters, including the liver.
The situation is further aggravated when, with high physical activity, the athlete uses drugs, including AAS. After stopping the drug intake, the indicators return to normal levels.
As mentioned above, the level of urea and creatinine changes with a high content of protein compounds in the nutrition program. If the amount of proteins is more than 1 gram per kilogram of body weight, then this is already an excess of the level of protein compounds for the body. Creatinine levels can also increase significantly with the use of sports supplements containing creatine. Needless to say, most athletes take it.
But even in the absence of the above factors, the content of urea and creatinine in the blood can increase under the influence of high physical exertion.
It should be noted that one of the main indicators of heart functioning is the level of creatine kinase. However, for athletes, this indicator is not decisive, since the content of this substance increases under the influence of physical activity.
It is more important to know the ratio of good to bad cholesterol. When using AAS, the level of LDL is significantly increased and the content of HDL is partially increased.
Hemoglobin indicators in athletes are most often within the normal range, although sometimes they can slightly exceed it.
Watch a video instruction with the rules for interpreting test results on a steroid course here: