Protein is a popular sports supplement. Athletes cannot get enough of this substance from food. Learn all about whey protein. Protein is consumed by all athletes, despite the training experience. The most popular is whey protein, which has a number of advantages over other types of this substance. Milk protein contains about 80 percent casein and about 20 percent whey. For a long time, scientists have established the high biological value of these protein compounds. Learn all about whey protein today.
Whey Protein Production Methods

Whey protein is the most rapidly assimilable of all protein compounds, which allows you to quickly meet the body's need for amino acid compounds. Modern protein supplements are tasty and well tolerated by most athletes.
The first protein produced by sports nutrition manufacturers was high in milk sugar (lactose). This very often became the cause of gastrointestinal tract disorders. Now all companies use modern technologies to achieve a high degree of purification of the finished product.
The purest are protein supplements produced using ion exchange technology. This protea dissolves quickly in liquid and is completely free of lactose. Such supplements are intended for people who have problems with the processing of lactose in the gastrointestinal tract. However, due to the high degree of purity, such proteins do not contain some types of peptides, which slightly reduces their biological value.
The second protein technology uses microfiltration. This allows you to remove most of the lactose from the finished product and at the same time retain all the necessary peptides. At the same time, most of the bovine albumin and cysteine are removed from the microfiltration supplements, from which glutathione is subsequently synthesized. This substance is a powerful antioxidant designed to protect cells.
The third technology is called cross-filtration and allows you to completely remove lactose and fats from the protein, while retaining almost all active substances. Whey protein contains about 80% beta-lactoglobulin and alpha-lactoglobulin. The remainder is peptides, which are quickly absorbed and provide tremendous benefits to the entire body.
Whey protein properties

It is very common to hear criticisms of protein from nutrition scientists. They are confident that a person can get enough protein compounds by eating only food. However, they do not take into account the fact that people use low-carb nutrition programs to get rid of excess fat. By using supplements that are free of fats and carbohydrates, they can bring their calorie intake to the required level. Protein is indispensable in any dietary nutrition program as it helps maintain lean muscle mass.
It is known for sure that with a decrease in muscle tissue mass, metabolic processes in the body also slow down. This reduces the rate of fat burning processes. By using whey protein, you can always get protein compounds without spending a lot of time cooking. This is very convenient for people who have a schedule of minutes all day. Also, speaking about the beneficial qualities of protein supplements, it is necessary to remember about peptides. These are very valuable substances for the body. So, say, lactoferin is able to interact with iron, which is necessary for bacteria to develop. With a decrease in the level of iron in the body, its antimicrobial protection decreases. It should be noted that lactoferin helps to slow down the absorption of bacteria, which makes it difficult for them to penetrate into the cells of body tissues.
Another peptide, lactoperoxidase, is able to duplicate the work of some white blood cells in the blood and promotes the synthesis of reactive oxygen agents. These substances actively counteract the destructive effects of bacteria on the body. This is one of the most valuable properties of antiradical substances.
Whey protein contains a large amount of immunoglobulins that can strengthen the body's defense mechanisms. Protein supplements also contain glutamine, which is an amino acid compound used by the immune system as a source of energy for its activities.
Through experiments with animals, scientists were able to establish that whey-type protein protects the intestines from the development of malignant tumors, the main reason for which is believed to be the consumption of overcooked meat. In the course of research, it was found that with a daily intake of 30 grams of whey-type proteins in people with bowel cancer, regression was observed.
The results of the second experiment confirmed that after the first intake of protein supplements, the amount of glutathione in healthy prostate cells increased, and in numerical terms, this increase was more than 60 percent. This is a very important fact, since this substance is the main antioxidant contained in the cells and fibers of all body tissues. It is the strong oxidative processes that are the main reason for the development of prostatitis.
From all of the above, you probably already understood that protein is not just a source of protein compounds for the body. It is very useful, and not only for athletes. Ordinary people can also help their bodies with whey protein. Of course, they don't need to take supplements in the same amounts as athletes do.
For more information on whey protein and its use in bodybuilding, see this video: