Learn how to choose the right whey protein and why all gym goers should take it. Today, every athlete knows that without consuming enough protein, no workout program will be effective. Since it is extremely difficult to provide themselves with the necessary amount of protein only with the help of food, athletes are forced to use sports supplements. They are a powder containing 75 to 95 percent protein.
We would like to inform you right away that all protein supplements are natural products and plant or animal sources of protein are used for their production. Before you start choosing your supplement, it is worth knowing about the types of whey protein available today. We will also discuss other proteins that are used in the production of supplements. Each type of whey protein can be most effective in a specific situation.
Features of different types of protein

Whey Protein

Today, athletes are actively buying these particular protein supplements. For their production, milk whey is used, from which foreign impurities are removed. Due to their fast absorption rate, whey protein compounds are best consumed before / after a workout session. This will speed up metabolic processes, supply all the necessary amines to the body, and also slow down the process of assimilation of fats.
Now the following types of whey protein are used for the production of sports food:
- A concentrate of whey-type protein compounds - it contains a maximum of 89 percent of proteins and some amount of milk sugar and fat remains. The speed of assimilation of the concentrate is from 1.5 to 2 hours.
- Whey Protein Isolate - The amount of protein in this type of whey protein ranges from 90 to 95 percent with a minimum of fat and milk sugar. The isolate is absorbed for 60–90 minutes.
- Whey protein hydrolyzate is the most highly purified protein containing 99 percent protein. The assimilation rate is maximum 60 minutes.
The purity of all types of whey protein determines their cost. Concentrate and isolate are most commonly used by athletes as they are highly effective and inexpensive types of whey protein.
When choosing a supplement, you should know the following information about whey protein compounds:
- High absorption rate, which makes them indispensable for taking before / after training sessions.
- High biological value.
- Full amine profile (whey protein contains all amino acids).
- Possesses excellent solubility and pleasant taste.
- It is not advisable to use between meals and before bedtime.
- Effects on the body for a maximum of 120 minutes.

This type of protein compounds is the slowest and is absorbed by the body over a long period of time. That is why it does not make sense to take it before / after the completion of the training. Like all types of whey protein, casein is made from milk. Casein is best taken before bed.
The following information should be kept in mind about casein:
- It is slowly absorbed by the body, thereby providing it with amines for a long time.
- The best type of protein compound to consume before bed.
- Do not take casein before / after a workout session.
- Contains a large amount of calcium.
- When compared with other types of whey protein, casein dissolves much worse and its taste is not so ideal.
- The duration of exposure to the body is from 4 to 10 hours.
Dairy protein compounds

Less popular than previous whey proteins. Casein accounts for about 80 percent of its composition, with the remainder being whey. This makes it possible to consume this protein between meals or before bed.
You will need the following information about milk protein:
- Since it contains a large amount of casein, it can be used before bedtime.
- Do not use before / after training.
- Contains a lot of lactose and not every body will accept it.
- Low cost.
- The duration of exposure to the body is about 180 to 240 minutes.
Soy protein compounds

Since soy protein is a vegetable protein, its amine composition is incomplete. It is also not as effective on muscle growth as all types of whey protein. At the same time, soy proteins are suitable for people who preach a vegetarian diet or who are lactose intolerant. It should also be remembered that soy protein compounds contain phytoestrogens, and it is often used by girls, as it promotes the secretion of female sex hormones. Men should not get carried away with this type of protein.
It is important to remember the following information about soy proteins:
- Among all the popular protein compounds, it has the lowest biological value.
- The amine profile is incomplete.
- It contains phytoestrogens, which is beneficial for the female body, and men should not use it in large quantities, as the rate of testosterone production may drop.
- It has a positive effect on lipid balance.
- Possesses poor solubility in liquid and has not the most pleasant taste.
- Due to its plant nature, it can be used by vegans.
- The best time to take is immediately after class or between meals.
- Acts on the body from 3 to 5 hours.
Egg protein compounds

This type of protein compounds has a high biological value. Moreover, scientists compare all types of proteins with egg whites. It is also highly digestible, but due to its relatively high cost, it is not so popular in comparison with all types of whey protein. Often used by athletes who are lactose-free.
The following information about egg whites will come in handy:
- Great for use before / after class and after waking up from sleep.
- Possesses the highest biological value.
- It can be considered an ideal protein, since all amines are included in the molecules.
- Has a relatively high cost.
- Acts on the body from 3 to 5 hours.
Multicomponent additives

This is a fairly popular form of protein supplement that contains various types of protein compounds. Most often these are all types of whey protein, soy, egg, milk protein. As a result, the amine profiles of these additives are complete. At the same time, they are versatile supplements that can be taken after class and throughout the day. Note that manufacturers often add other beneficial substances to the composition of these products, for example, BCAA, healthy fats, creatine, glutamine, etc.
There are several things to keep in mind about multi-ingredient supplements:
- Can be used throughout the day, as well as after training.
- The best option for taking multicomponent supplements is to combine it with various types of whey protein and casein.
- The biological value is not the highest.
- Attractive cost.
- It affects the body from 3 to 6 hours.
Beef protein compounds

This type of protein is obtained from natural beef and thanks to the use of modern purification technologies, all fats and cholesterol are almost completely removed from the final product. This type of protein compound is considered by many professional bodybuilders to be the best source of protein. However, due to the rather high cost, amateurs use it relatively rarely.
In terms of the rate of assimilation, biological value, as well as the composition of amines, beef protein is comparable to whey protein. However, as we have said, the cost of these supplements is quite high and athletes whose bodies do not accept lactose most often use egg protein compounds.
Hemp Protein Compounds

Quite an exotic type of additives for our market. At the same time, you should know about its existence. Like soy protein compounds, hemp is plant-based. The seeds of the plant are used to produce the supplements. It should be noted that hemp contains a large amount of beneficial fatty acids. This suggests that hemp protein has a positive effect on the balance of lipoproteins, protects the heart muscle and the vascular system from a large number of diseases.
It is also worth remembering that hemp contains many micronutrients that are important for athletes, for example, zinc, phosphorus, sulfur, potassium, etc. Hemp protein is a source of rare substances such as meso-inositol (vitamin B8) and phytin. The first substance has a positive effect on the metabolism of carbohydrates and purines, takes an active part in the synthesis of various useful enzymes, and also normalizes the lipid balance.
Phytin is a vitamin-like substance that can prevent fatty liver disease in the absence of sufficient protein foods. It should be noted that hemp is the main and, in fact, the only source of phytin. In conclusion, let's say about the presence of pectins in the composition of hemp seeds, which normalize the microflora of the intestinal tract. Compared to soy protein, hemp protein is much better absorbed by the body.
Learn more about the types of protein in this video: