Find out which protein to use to prevent the catabolic phase and maximize the anabolic phase for muscle growth. Whey protein hydrolyzate is of the highest quality, but its cost also exceeds the price of isolate and concentrate. For this reason, it is used much less often by bodybuilding enthusiasts. Let's take a look at how useful whey protein hydrolyzate can be in bodybuilding and whether it is worth starting to actively use it instead of the isolate.
What is Whey Protein Hydrolyzate?

Milk contains two types of protein compounds: casein and whey. At the initial stage of lactation, mother's milk is 90 percent whey protein compounds, after which the concentration of this substance begins to decline and reaches a ratio of 50 to 50. In turn, cow's milk contains only 20 percent whey proteins, and the rest is casein.
Based on the composition of breast milk, a conclusion can be drawn about the importance of whey proteins and it is for this reason that the infant's immune system begins to develop rapidly. In turn, the high content of casein can cause allergic reactions, which are not uncommon when drinking milk.
When cow's milk is subjected to a pasteurization process and subsequent processing, various methods can be used to separate whey proteins from casein.
Whey contains only 30 or a maximum of 40 percent protein compounds, and the rest is fats and lactose. With the help of special filtration technologies, whey is purified from impurities, which leads to an increase in the content of protein structures and a simultaneous decrease in the concentration of fat and lactose. It is the resulting product that is called whey protein concentrate. If you then use a finer cleaning. Then an isolate will be obtained containing about 90 percent proteins.
Both of these types of whey protein contain large peptide structures that cannot be readily absorbed by the body. First, you need to split them into smaller ones and extract only those peptides that can be processed. To speed up the absorption of protein, manufacturers subject it to special processing, and the result is a whey protein hydrolyzate used in bodybuilding.
The hydrolyzate can be obtained at any stage of the isolate production. Note that the composition of the hydrolyzate and its quality directly depend on the enzymes used and the conditions under which these reactions were carried out. The less amines there are in the peptide molecule, the more bitter the taste of the final product will be. This may indicate that the characteristics of the hydrolyzate can vary over a much wider range in comparison with the whey protein concentrate or isolate.
The hydrolyzate can be a great product for all athletes looking for a quality protein source to boost muscle growth. It must also be said that the hydrolyzate actively affects the insulin secretion system, as well as saturation centers. All this made it possible to use it as part of pre-workout complexes.
How Whey Protein Hydrolyzate Works

Whey protein is the ideal product for gaining mass. In the course of numerous studies, it has been found that it is an excellent stimulator of the body's powerful anabolic response to exercise. When using whey protein compounds, the rate of protein production in muscles is accelerated by 125 and 31 percent more than casein and soy, respectively.
Whey contains more leucine, an amine in the BCAA group. You should be aware that leucine is a potent stimulant to the production of protein compounds in muscle tissue. Whey protein compounds have a high absorption rate, which allows you to quickly accelerate the production of proteins in the body. Whey proteins are by far the best protein product to date.
Also, scientists have proven that whey protein compounds help accelerate the regenerative processes in the body and improve the functioning of the immune system. In addition, they have a thermogenic effect, which leads to the burning of body fat. Today, more and more athletes use protein supplements during drying.
All these positive effects of whey proteins are even more pronounced in the hydrolyzate. There has not yet been a large number of studies on the effectiveness of using whey protein hydrolyzate in bodybuilding, but the results we have allow us to talk about the high effectiveness of its use.
How To Take Whey Protein Hydrolyzate Correctly?

The amount of hydrolyzate that athletes need to consume depends on body weight. For example, builders with a body weight of 90 kilos can take about 35 grams of this type of sports food daily.
Most often, the hydrolyzate is used before the start of the training and after its completion, but this can be done at any time. If you take the product before the start of the training, you can ensure that your amino acid pool is always full. After completing a training session, the use of a hydrolyzate will significantly speed up the processes of protein production in muscle tissues.
If we talk about choosing this sports supplement, then one should look for products that have a degree of hydrolysis of 30 percent. If this figure is less, then the supplement acquires a strong bitter taste, but at the same time it will be more effective.
Learn more about Protein Concentrate, Isolate and Protein Hydrolyzate in this video: