What vegetables can be grown in an apartment in winter?

What vegetables can be grown in an apartment in winter?
What vegetables can be grown in an apartment in winter?

Not everyone knows what can be grown at home in winter. There are special varieties of some crops that are suitable for growing in an apartment.

What can be grown at home from vegetables in winter?

Onions indoors
Onions indoors

Of course, at this time of the year it is not so much sun and warmth even in the apartment, as it happens in summer. Therefore, not every vegetable will grow under these conditions.

Here's what you can grow at home in winter:

  • parsley;
  • sorrel;
  • salad;
  • onion;
  • tomatoes;
  • cucumbers.

At the end of autumn - at the beginning of winter, the daylight hours are very short. Therefore, at this time, it is preferable to plant parsley, sorrel, which you dig up along with the root on the site even before the snow cover is established.

To do this, carefully mark a circle in the ground near each plant with a spatula, then dig it up and plant it in a pot with light fertile soil, pouring a layer of drainage down. By the end of the season, such plants develop a good root system, so they grow well at home, even despite the short daylight hours.

If you have the opportunity to increase it with fluorescent or LED lamps, then it will not be difficult for you to grow greenery on the windowsill in winter. These artificial springs will need to be turned on in the morning and after sunset.

In late autumn, in winter, you can sow the salad with seeds. But it is better to buy its potted version in the store and transplant it into the substrate at home.

In winter, tomatoes can also be grown on the windowsill, but you need to use undersized super-early ripening varieties. There are also cucumber hybrids for growing at home.

How to grow tomatoes and cucumbers in an apartment in winter?

Potted tomatoes on the window
Potted tomatoes on the window

Nowadays, cascading tomatoes are gaining great popularity. They are stunted plants, in which, instead of stepchildren, falling brushes with tomatoes are formed.

To prevent the plant from cutting itself on the edge of the pot, this part of the container should not be sharp. Here are some ampelous tomato varieties that are suitable for winter cultivation:

  • Pink Garden Pearl;
  • "Waterfall";
  • "Ampelny F1".

You can grow at home in winter and ordinary indoor low-growing tomatoes, for example, "Balcony Miracle".

First, the tomatoes are sown for seedlings, then they dive twice. Grown plants are planted in a container with a volume of at least 5 liters.

As for cucumbers, in order not to disturb the root system, it is better to sow the seeds immediately in a permanent place. If this is not possible, then they are prepared and embedded first into light soil, pouring it into individual peat cups. Before planting in a permanent place, the containers are lowered into water for a few seconds, then the cucumbers are planted directly in them.

Indoor cucumbers
Indoor cucumbers

Here are some hybrids of cucumbers suitable for growing in winter on a windowsill, this is F1:

  • "Khutorok";
  • "Shchedryk";
  • "Khrustyk";
  • "Marinda";
  • "Moscow hothouse" and some others.

Of course, you only need to plant self-pollinated varieties and hybrids of cucumbers. To improve fruit setting, you need to spray the plants three times according to the instructions with the preparation "Bud" diluted in water. You can also use a solution of boric acid, the drug "Ovary".

How to grow onions in the winter in an apartment?

Onions on the windowsill
Onions on the windowsill

It is one of the most popular and affordable vegetables for home cultivation. First, you need to put each tuber in the water so that it gives roots. In this case, rotting of the root collar must not be allowed. Therefore, pour water into small jars or glasses, lower the bulbs in the container so that the root collar is 2 mm higher than the surface of the liquid.

When the roots have grown to 1 cm, transplant the bulbs into a box of damp soil. You can leave them in containers with water, you will still get vitamin greens.

If you want a Christmas tree from an onion to grow on your windowsill by the New Year, then make round holes in a plastic bottle, carefully pour earth into it, plant the onions in the recesses. Here's how to grow onions in winter, as well as other greens and vegetables. The lesson is very interesting, it requires little cost, but you can get vitamin products all year round.

Growing pepper in winter at home

Pepper on the windowsill
Pepper on the windowsill

If you have small varieties of sweet or hot peppers in your greenhouse, you can dig up several of each type at the end of the season and transplant them into spacious flower pots.

When growing peppers of two different types, it is important to place them away from each other so that there is no cross-pollination.

For a while, you will be able to harvest fruits that have formed in the greenhouse. Then the plants will go into a dormant stage, shedding their leaves. But don't throw these mini bushes away. In winter, water them sparingly, do not feed them. At the beginning of spring, the leaves on them will begin to grow again. Then start again enough to water and feed your plants, and in May, plant them again in the greenhouse. These specimens will harvest faster than the ones that you grow from seed in the coming year.

For breeding at home, you need to select clean seed, bushes that have not been infected with diseases and have not been attacked by pests.

How to grow carrots at home?

Carrots in a flowerpot
Carrots in a flowerpot

Not everyone knows that this culture grows well on the windowsill. But you need to sow carrots at the end of winter, then the daylight hours have already lengthened and the sun often peeps out. Not all varieties are suitable for such an experiment. Choose a mini, they will delight you with a homemade harvest.

Here are the varieties of round carrots suitable for growing in an apartment:

  • Sophie;
  • Parmex;
  • Granddaughter;
  • Round baby;
  • Amsterdam.

The roots of such carrots are small, they are considered round, because they generally grow not downward, but in breadth.

These varieties do not require a deep pot. The main thing is to pour light fertile soil into the container, moisten it, sow seeds to a depth of 5 mm. Cover the planting with cellophane. When shoots appear, place containers closer to the light.

We grow legumes in an apartment in winter

Legumes on the windowsill
Legumes on the windowsill

Also at the end of winter, you can plant beans and peas seeds. But buy undersized varieties that will have enough space on the windowsill. If the beans are bush, they do not need a high trellis, if curly, then light supports are needed.

If you decide to plant bush beans, then you need to place it on the south, southeast or southwest window, since this culture is light-requiring. Climbing beans can grow in shaded areas, but phosphate and potassium supplements should be given for better yields. In this case, it is not necessary to use chemistry. Banana peels are a good source of potassium. It needs to be cut, insisted in water for 3 days, then water the plants. In the same way, feeding is made from eggshells, from ash.

Here is how much you can grow houses in winter by turning a plot of an apartment into a mini cottage.

Listen to the tips from an experienced gardener. They will certainly be useful to you: