Popular and delicious pastries that are prepared in an interesting way. A loose pie with plums from rusks without dough is the dream of every busy housewife. Read the step-by-step recipe with a photo of how to cook it. Video recipe.

I suggest making delicious baked goods from the category of reactive recipes. If you want something tasty, sweet, at the same time quick and easy to prepare, then this is exactly this recipe. Even a child can cope with the preparation of this pie - a loose pie with plums from rusks without dough. There is no need to knead, whip and combine anything here. Simply put the products in layers in a mold, alternating layers of dry mixture with juicy filling and send them to bake in the oven. In addition, you do not need flour, semolina, or eggs. Oddly enough, such a pie turns out to be surprisingly tasty, with a crispy crust on top, and soft and tender inside. I am sure that such a product will take its rightful place among the "fire" recipes. Just half an hour and the product is ready.
You can use fresh plums for the recipe, but the pie with canned fruits, plum jam, jam or homemade jam is delicious. The fruits can be used whole, but more often they are divided into halves or crumbled into smaller pieces. Plums can be added to the cake raw or pre-cooked. To make the plum filling tastier, you can sprinkle it with cinnamon, ground nuts, or pour in a few tablespoons of brandy or any liqueur.
- Caloric content per 100 g - 352 kcal.
- Servings - One Pie
- Cooking time - 35 minutes

- Crackers, ground or diced - 500 g
- Baking soda - 0.5 tsp
- Sour cream or cream - 150 g
- Plums - 200 g
- Butter - 200 g
- Sugar - 100 g
Step-by-step preparation of a bulk pie with plums from breadcrumbs without dough, recipe with photo:

1. If you use croutons in cubes, then grind them into crumbs beforehand. To do this, use a food processor or twist them through a meat grinder. By the way, you can make crackers yourself from yesterday's bread or loaf.

2. Pour the breadcrumbs into a bowl, add the baking soda and sugar and stir.

3. Grease a baking dish with a thin layer of butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs.

4. Pour 2/3 of a serving of ground breadcrumbs into the pan.

5. Cut the butter into pieces and? put part on crackers.

6. Wash the plums, dry them, remove the seeds, break the berries in half and put half of the serving on butter. If you use frozen berries, defrost them a little beforehand.

7. Sprinkle the plums with 2/3 more pieces of ground breadcrumbs, on which put the remaining butter in slices.

8. Spread the remaining plums in the next layer.

9. Sprinkle them with ground breadcrumbs, which cover with sour cream or cream. Send a loose pie with plums from breadcrumbs without dough to bake in a preheated oven to 180 degrees for 25 minutes.
See also a video recipe on how to make a loose plum pie without dough!