Parsley root: origin and composition of the product, its beneficial properties, negative effects on the body, place in cooking and what it is eaten with. Considering all of the above useful properties, we can conclude that, in general, parsley root has a positive effect on health, as well as systematize its effect on individual systems of the human body, highlighting those to which the beneficial effect extends to a greater extent.
So, the root portion of parsley is beneficial for the following systems:
- Gastrointestinal tract … The constant use of parsley root helps to improve digestion, increases appetite, speeds up metabolism, removes unwanted gas formation, and eliminates inflammation of the digestive tract. This product is recommended for use with diagnosed pancreatitis, gastritis, colitis.
- The cardiovascular system … The components included in the root help stabilize blood pressure, remove excess cholesterol, and normalize blood sugar. Strengthens blood vessels and stabilizes the work of the heart, thereby preventing the risk of heart attacks and diseases.
- Nervous system … Scientists have proven that eating parsley root significantly improves the overall condition of the nervous system. Normalizes sleep, removes irritability and frequent fatigue. Natural antioxidants, which are part of the root, have a tonic effect, give strength and energy.
- Reproductive system … Parsley root is recommended for use in diseases of the reproductive system of both women and men. For women, it is useful for menstrual irregularities, inflammatory processes in the reproductive organs. For men - with problems with potency and diagnosed prostatitis.
- urinary system … The special properties of parsley root allow it to be used for diseases of the liver, kidneys and urinary system in general. It removes excess moisture from the body, relieves inflammation, promotes the removal of kidney stones, and cleanses the liver. It is also useful for diagnosed cystitis and pyelonephritis.
- Skeletal system … The root will not have a particular effect in case of disorders in the skeletal system, but its use prevents a number of joint diseases, such as arthrosis, rheumatism, arthritis, etc.
Harm and contraindications to the use of parsley root

The use of this product will not bring much harm, therefore there are not so many contraindications. Use parsley root with caution in the following cases:
- Individual intolerance to the product … The rich composition of a vegetable in very rare cases can provoke food allergies.
- Pregnancy … Restrictions apply to the second and third trimesters. Eating parsley root increases the tone of the muscles in the walls of the uterus, which can lead to unwanted consequences or even a miscarriage.
- Children's age up to one year … At this age, the digestive system is very weak and not fully formed, therefore, in order to avoid negative consequences, the use of parsley root is directly prohibited. But in the diet of a nursing mother, a small amount is allowed.
- Diseases of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract … In the presence of diseases of these organs, a doctor's consultation is necessary before use, because pronounced diuretic properties can cause undesirable effects.
- Epilepsy … Parsley root is an active aphrodisiac, therefore, its use in diagnosed epilepsy must be carried out strictly after consulting a doctor or other qualified specialist.
Parsley root contraindications are few, but must be carefully followed.
Parsley Root Recipes

Anyone who has ever used the root in a dish will remember it forever. The incredible specific aroma and taste of this product has won fans all over the world. Parsley root is used fresh, dry, baked, fried, and also as a spice for almost any meat and fish dish, in the preparation of sauces, soups and dressings.
In a professional kitchen, it is simply irreplaceable. It is very easy to use, any housewife can handle it and even prepare it for the winter. This product can be bought at any time of the year, but its natural ripening time is autumn, therefore, it is the autumn preparations that are especially valuable. With all this, the parsley root does not lose its properties during heat treatment.
We bring to your attention recipes with parsley root:
- Sandwich "Perfect Snack" … For cooking, we need: 1 loaf of black bread (preferably Borodinsky), parsley root (1-2 pieces), onions (1-2 pieces), vegetable or olive oil (50 g), salt to taste. Method of preparation: rinse and peel the root, cut into thin rings, fry in vegetable oil. The same should be done with onions, only cut into small cubes. Cut the bread into portions, lightly sprinkle with oil and salt, spread the root and onion on top. This simple sandwich will quickly satisfy your hunger and saturate the necessary energy. Perfect as an addition to the first course.
- Baked carp … It is advisable to use small fish in this recipe, because carp contains not a small amount of small bones; when heat treated, they will become soft and will not cause inconvenience. Ingredients: carp (1-2 medium fish), parsley root (3 small tubers), onion (2-3 pcs.), Carrots (1 pc.), Lemon (a quarter of the fruit), butter (30-50 g), salt and spices to taste. Preparation: peel and grate the parsley root and carrots, chop the onion, pour all the vegetables into one container and mix thoroughly. Peel the fish, remove the entrails and gills, rinse well, sprinkle with salt and spices, put on a baking sheet. Place a small piece of butter and the prepared vegetable mixture in the middle. "Sew the belly" with toothpicks. On the outside, make cuts at a distance of 1-1.5 cm. Put thin slices of lemon in them, then coat the entire surface with melted butter and bake for 20-30 minutes at 180 degrees. Garnish with herbs before serving.
- Spicy meat … This recipe is suitable for cooking both on the stove and in a multicooker. For him, we need lean pork or beef (300-500 g), onions (2-3 pcs.), Carrots (2 pcs.), Parsley root (1 pc.), Tomatoes (2-3 pcs.), Pepper Bulgarian sweet (1 pc.), Ratunda pepper (1 pc.), garlic (2-3 cloves), olive oil for frying, bay leaf, salt and spices. Cooking must begin with processing the meat. First, it should be washed and cut into short strips of 1-1.5 cm. Place on the bottom of the container, pour with olive oil and fry for 15 minutes, if beef is used, then the frying should be increased to 30 minutes by adding a small amount of water. While the meat is stewing, peel the vegetables, cut the carrots and parsley root into slices 1 cm thick, onion, pepper and tomatoes in half rings. Chop the garlic, after crushing it, so it will be more aromatic and convenient for cooking. After the meat is fried, add all our vegetables and spices to the container, simmer for another 30-40 minutes.
- Dried parsley root … This form of the product is used as a preparation for the winter. To do this, the root must be peeled, grated and allowed to dry.
Interesting facts about parsley root

Interesting facts about the root part of parsley are related to its chemical composition and beneficial properties. Many years of experience in its application put this product in a place of honor among many famous people and in many countries. So:
- In Greece, it was believed that parsley appeared from drops of divine blood, therefore, gladiators and warriors were fed with roots before the battle in order to add strength, fearlessness and invulnerability.
- Shamans used the root as protection from evil spirits and evil spirits.
- The second name of the parsley root is "male root", because it was used in the treatment of sexual problems in men.
- Parsley root saved Maria de Medici from depression, and Elizabeth had this product as her favorite cosmetic.
- Parsley root contains more vitamin C than lemon.
- If you eat the fresh root, you can get rid of the smell of garlic in your mouth.
Watch the video about parsley root:

Without a doubt, the described product is unique, because has a rich chemical composition and a very wide range of applications. Due to its unpretentiousness and ease of use, as well as the benefits of parsley root, it can find its place in any family and in any kitchen.