Colchis klekachka

Colchis klekachka
Colchis klekachka

Edemic of the Caucasus - Colchis klekachka, description, calorie content and chemical composition, useful properties. Can an allergic reaction occur with use? The possibility of preparing a delicacy and recipes with it. How the Colchis klekachka grows. When growing jonjoli, no chemical additives are used, so when using the product, you can be sure that healthy food enters the body.

Useful properties of the Colchis klekachka

Jonjoli plant
Jonjoli plant

Traditional healers of the Caucasus advise introducing jonjoli into the daily diet and use the buds of a rare plant in homemade recipes.

The benefits of the Colchis klekachka:

  • Strengthens memory and improves the ability to concentrate.
  • Restores bowel function in case of digestive disorders.
  • It dilutes phlegm and helps to cough up in case of complications in the lower respiratory tract after colds and viral diseases.
  • Normalizes the work of the reproductive system - in women and men.
  • It accelerates metabolic processes at the cellular level, thereby increasing the tone of muscle tissue and inhibiting degenerative-dystrophic organic changes - radiculitis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis.
  • Prevents the development of migraines and reduces the frequency of attacks.
  • It has an anesthetic effect, especially for toothache.
  • Helps the body get rid of the accumulation of toxins and free radicals circulating in the lymph and bloodstream.
  • Stimulates the regenerative function of the body: with the constant use of klekachka Colchis wounds and abrasions quickly heal, purulent-inflammatory processes occur in the rarest cases.

Harm and contraindications to the use of klekachka colchis

Allergic reaction to johnjoli
Allergic reaction to johnjoli

Contraindication to the use of klekachka Colchis is only individual intolerance. If, when the buds are introduced into the diet, allergic reactions begin, it is necessary to abandon the dish with delicate seasoning.

However, it is quite difficult to establish exactly what caused the adverse symptoms that coincide in time with the use of jonjoli. This is because the buds are pickled. Intestinal distress, nausea, redness of the throat, or soreness may be associated with over-pungency of the ingredients in the seasoning.

Recipes with Colchis Klekachka

Pickled johnjoli
Pickled johnjoli

Jars with canned klekachka klekachka can be purchased in the capital's stores in the seasoning department - it is salted, fermented, pickled. You can also prepare a delicacy at home - the cooking technology is not much different from white cabbage. It takes 2-3 months for the dish to "mature". To taste, the seasoning is combined with the first and second courses - fish and meat, vegetables, pasta and even fruit salads.

Recipes with Colchis claw:

  1. Fermented klekachka … Jonjoli buds are harvested before opening, washed, and allowed to drain. Lay in layers in deep earthenware or wooden dishes - a vat, tub or the like, sprinkling each layer with salt. When the dishes are almost filled to the top, a wooden circle is placed on it, on which oppression is installed. The vat with the preparation is removed to a cool place, the ideal option is a cellar. You can use it after 1, 5 months. Before serving, it is customary to sprinkle with dried dill and pour over with sunflower oil.
  2. Pickled johnjoli … First, the marinade is boiled - a pan of water is placed on the stove, spices are poured - salt, sugar, bay leaf, pepper. Boil the contents of the pan for up to 5 minutes, and then pour in the vinegar. The proportions of the marinade per 1 liter of water: salt - 2 tablespoons, sugar - 3 tablespoons, 6 allspice peas, 5 - black pepper, 4 tablespoons of vinegar, 2-3 bay leaves. While the brine cools down, clean buds are placed in an enamel pan, poured with marinade and pressed with oppression. Can be tasted after 3 hours - stored in the refrigerator. You can experiment with spices. If there are few buds, they can be marinated in their "own juice" without using a lot of hot spices.
  3. Pickled johnjoli for the winter … If you plan to prepare the buds for the winter in jars, then the marinade is made up according to the following calculation: 1 liter of water - 8 tablespoons of salt, 2 times less than salt, sugar, 3-4 tablespoons of hot pepper in ground form, 4 tablespoons of vinegar - 7% and the same amount of sunflower oil. The buds laid out in jars are poured with hot marinade and rolled up with lids.
  4. Jonjoli salad … Pickled buds are mixed with thinly sliced red onions, sprinkled with cilantro, seasoned with olive oil.
  5. Georgian salad … 150 grams of pickled buds are mixed with half of onion, thinly cut into rings, sprinkled with cilantro. Make a dressing - a teaspoon of wine vinegar and 2/3 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Pickled buds can be used.

Jonjoli can be a complete snack. The blanks can be seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise, vegetable oil, combined with herbs - parsley and dill, eggs, bell peppers, olives and celery.

Interesting facts about the Colchis klekachka

Inflorescence of klekachka colchis
Inflorescence of klekachka colchis

"Stephanie" - the Greek name for the Colchis klekachka - comes from the Greek "bunch" or "brush" ("staphyle"). Small flowers are arranged like berries on a bunch of grapes. From this we can conclude that the plant has been known in Greece for a long time.

But the Americans call the shrub "blodernut" - "Bladdernut" - "swollen nut". They paid attention to the structure of the fruit. They look like triangular boxes with a sharp top on one side. If you shake them, they ring like rattles. The fruits are not suitable for food.

Each rattle fruit is a fairly large box, in which the edges are inflorescence petals. When the fruits are fully ripe, the edges open, and round shiny brown seeds, the size of large beans - up to 2 cm, spill out on the ground. This is how the Colchis klekachka reproduces.

In Ukraine and the Baltic states, there is a more frost-resistant three-leafed klekachka - it can also be used for food, but local residents either admire the plant in the wild, or are planted for decorative purposes.

To decorate gardens and greenhouses, breeders bred several decorative forms of the Colchis klekachka: Colombiera - with large oblong leaves and pointed fruits, Koha - with a drooping brush of flowers and drooping stamens, Klekachka graceful - with feathery leaves and delicate flowers. The buds of decorative forms are not used for pickling.

Watch a video about the Colchis klekachka:

Colchis klekachka is not harvested on an industrial scale, like cabbage or cucumbers. This is a delicacy, served in small portions and only to the most dear guests.